Windows Live ID issues

  • Thread starter Moglet


United Kingdom
I've been using my Windows Live ID for years now for Hotmail, XBox Live and the like with no issues. Today I tried to log in to my MSN messenger account via Adium, but my password was still set to my old one. So I went to my account and changed it to the new one, but no luck. It wouldn't sign me in and said it was the wrong password.

So I tried to log in to Hotmail. I was already connected when the site loaded, so I went to My Account to change my password so it was definitely correct. It signed me out and wanted my password again. I entered it, but no luck. It's saying that every single password I try is wrong, and when I try 'Forgotten your password?' it just gives me an error telling me to try again later.

I've tried getting help on the Microsoft forums but to get help with signing in, you have to sign in. Good move, Microsoft. :rolleyes:

Is anyone else here having issues or does anyone have any suggestions as to how to fix it? Heck, even a way of contacting Microsoft about it would be useful. Their forums just keep telling me how to fix my browser which is all well and good but it makes the assumption that everyone uses Windows and IE. I use a Mac with Opera so it's kind of completely useless....

completely useless....

Sounds about right.

If MS won't reset your password that's pretty ridiculous to be honest. My only guess is that you've been phished somewhere along the line, but that doesn't account for the general uselessness on behalf of the Microsoft accounts dept. If it's still being a pain, create a new live ID and go pester them on the forums with that one.
Sounds about right.

If MS won't reset your password that's pretty ridiculous to be honest. My only guess is that you've been phished somewhere along the line, but that doesn't account for the general uselessness on behalf of the Microsoft accounts dept. If it's still being a pain, create a new live ID and go pester them on the forums with that one.

Opera has been brilliant, miles better than Firefox or IE. I've tried the same log in on Firefox just to be sure and it did the same thing to me.

If I'd been phished (very unlikely, it's only ever used for my XBox Live account) then I wouldn't be able to sign in to the Forza forums or log onto my 360 with the same password, surely?

I can access my Hotmail account as it remains logged in even if I log off, but as soon as I try and edit my account it asks for my password again (I'm guessing for security reasons) and it won't accept any I try. I know I changed it from the one I used to have some time last year but I never change it to a password I don't know...

EDIT: I've just tried again, and I get the same message wether I try and change my password or reset it;

There's a temporary problem

There's a temporary problem with the service. Please try again. If you continue to get this message, try again later.

I've tried logging in using my phone too, but that just gives me an error message similar to the one above and tells me to log in from a PC instead.

EDIT 2: I've created a new account to try and get log in help, but the help page is stuck on 0% loading forever until it times out.

EDIT 3: I finally changed my password! I had to do it through the actual MSN page instead of Windows Live, but it works fine now.
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