Wings or not Wings?

  • Thread starter daltonlm


Lazy Liquid
1 - Can a drifter live without wings on his car?
2 - What car in your oppinion doesn´t need it?
3 - What car can´t live without?
4 - Do you think they are ugly?
5 - Is there any downside of use it (like understering, weight gain...)? What is the best downforce to use while drifting?

Ill see your answers, then after sometime ill bring mine.
1.Yes, I live without one at least.
2.370Z? I really don't know/care.
3.Not sure.
4.Personal preference, I don't mind them as long as the wing style is kept "realistic"
5.I don't think so at least, more downforce is more contact with the rear wheels on the ground, maximum is best for drifting. May take a while to adjust but it should be worth it.
Doesn't matter whether a car needs one or not, if it doesn't look good, it's not going on. 👍
1 - Can a drifter live without wings on his car? Hmm, yes yo ucan.
2 - What car in your opinion doesn´t need it? The 350Z doesn't need one :)
3 - What car can´t live without? I think the IS F just handles waaay better with one.
4 - Do you think they are ugly? Depends on the car, and choice of which one. Some are, some aren't.
5 - Is there any downside of use it (like understering, weight gain...)? What is the best downforce to use while drifting? Hmm, The car just handles differently, just need to get used to it.
In my opinion a wing looks horrible on an S13 but cars like the FC and FD rx7 would look equally as good with or without. You dont really need a wing unless you are drifted at more than around 60mph.
With me, it depends on the car, but like Pwner said above, if it doesnt look good, it isnt going on. Downforce is only a bonus, and sometimes it can harm more than help, especially on the wheel. If it isnt implemented properly it can make your car a twitchy mess.
Personally the only cars I'm using with a GT wing are cars that came with it (RE Amemiya FD).
The only car I bought a wing for and that stays on it is my FC.
Ill take some hotwings anytime!
Doesn't matter whether a car needs one or not, if it doesn't look good, it's not going on. 👍

This. It has to look good first of all, added downforce is just a bonus. Sometimes that downforce can hurt more than help too,
if not implemented correctly it can turn your car into a twitchy mess.
Cars like the rx8 do look hideous with a wing but what my theory of what a wing does is:

It pushes the rear of the car down giving your rear wheels more grip= more speed when drifting. If you are in a car like the rx8 where all the hp is at the top of the revs the wing will help at high speeds matching the peak engine power/torque. 0.o
Do this car looks better with or without wings?
Remember that even without a huge spoiler, it still upping an annoying rear retractible wingy...

And yes, its more stable using one, but at higher speeds it tends to understers and cut my fun...

A wing is not necessary, tuning is the mother of all performance, if you have less downforce you counter it in other areas of tuning. Wings can look good but with a good kit it usually isn't needed and vice versa.

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