- 759
- Alabama
- Horobi-Scorpion
Announcement Trailer
13 Minute Featurette - gamespot
Developer - MachineGames
Published - Bethesda Softworks
Engine - id Tech 5
Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Next Generation Consoles
I'm very excited about this. I love works of this style and genre, be it movies, games, comics or whatever else out there. There's just something charming to me about alternative worlds where evil wins, etc..
With that said, just to spice things up, Warren Spector had nothing positive to say about this game upon the initial announcement (before any images were shown) via his FB;
I don't agree with him, but I understand what he's saying. I don't think Epic Mickey (while I'm sure was fun and different) wasn't exactly blazing any trails, though.
13 Minute Featurette - gamespot
Developer - MachineGames
Published - Bethesda Softworks
Engine - id Tech 5
Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Next Generation Consoles
I'm very excited about this. I love works of this style and genre, be it movies, games, comics or whatever else out there. There's just something charming to me about alternative worlds where evil wins, etc..
With that said, just to spice things up, Warren Spector had nothing positive to say about this game upon the initial announcement (before any images were shown) via his FB;
Did the world really need another Wolfenstein game? Did we need a generically dark, monochromatic, FPS, kill-the-Nazi-giant-robot game?
Uh. No. The world did not. I am so tired of stuff like this...
Oh, and could we all just agree we'll never use the generic gravelly-whisper trailer voice guy ever again?
And one more thing: Please stop using Jimi Hendrix to promote your adolescent male power fantasies.
Thank you. I'm done.
I don't agree with him, but I understand what he's saying. I don't think Epic Mickey (while I'm sure was fun and different) wasn't exactly blazing any trails, though.