Wondering about stripes on B-spec lvl bars

All of my B spec drivers accept for my newest one, has a portion of there status bar with stripes on it... I was wondering what that means? I have 1 driver my newest he is about level 33 I believe and he has no stripes, on his bars, they are just solid green. Are the stripes bad? or are they good? Help :nervous:

3 of my drivers are undefeated, I put them in cars that Ii know wont lose. The one driver without any stripes is undefeated also. I'm at a friends house cause my internet is out but I believe he is like only 30 to 40 wins no losses and he's like I said lvl 33. How I got him up so high is with the x1 redbull car, he's pretty much only raced endurance races like the 4 hr Nurburg and the 9hr race. So he goes up really fast as you can see.

Thanks for any input.
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Those stripes appear when you have not used a particular driver for a while. It indicates that his physical strength or whatever has now dropped below his peak.

If you start using that driver again he gets back up to peak pretty quickly, and then continues gaining at his normal pace.

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