Woot! C60 Hybride finally loaded in used lot!

And you're going to trade it....or what? It's a trading sub-forum, not a "car showed up" sub-forum.
Really? Show me where the "car showed up" sub-forum is and I will go there.

Otherwise, I suggest you follow your aptly given rank.

And I would trade it if the right offer was made. Would have to be crazy.
Well the main reason i for GTP's members to use it to trade with other GTP'er's. Your thread suggests you want a Pescarolo Sport C60 Hybride. My first guess is to wonder why it's in a trading sub-forum. It could go well in the regular GT5 forum. I'm not yelling. Just slightly confused.
Really? Show me where the "car showed up" sub-forum is and I will go there.

Otherwise, I suggest you follow your aptly given rank.

There's no need to be so snarky, especially considering he's right. There's probably an appropriate thread for which you could wax lyrical about whatever car tickles your fancy in the general GT5 forum. :)