Would a better Clean Race Bonus fix Sport Mode?

  • Thread starter benjoi84
I've been thinking about this for a while.

Three gripes about GT7's Sport Mode are

1) Low participation numbers
2) Lack of economic incentive and
3) Dirty Drivers


We know PD aren't going to boost the credits awarded for online races across the board, it would create an environment where people would really ramp up their win-at-all-costs mentality, and be prone to exploitation like sandbagging etc, which I totally understand.

Why not incentivise clean driving by making the CRB really impressive, like 10x bonus?

It would give offline players (many of whom are already talking about the quest for CRBs in their grind) a justification for dabbling in the online content. It would encourage online players to improve their craft to reap maximum rewards. It would limit crazy driving because you'd be risking a large incentive by doing so (even if you might gain more DR).

I just think it's a really simple solution, am I wrong?
Low participation numbers compared to what?

If you are comparing with iRacing or ACC sure, but for my experience, console only racing games wise, there isn't a huge crowd of people playing online consistently. At least at the numbers we would expect from the amount of users.
Also dirty drivers are everywhere online.
As for payout, most of the people don't even car by now, there are sufficient ways to earn the big bucks offline.

If they want to have better Sport Mode, just revamp the race system.
Some kind of pyramid structure, like iRacing, with some races only accessible to higher ranked players and so on, some different rotation between events, some should be real "Daily" races, with different tracks everyday, others could keep the same track a week or two. More variety on track selection wouldn't hurt either, as it usually revolves around the same handful of tracks.
The standard credit rewards for online races needs to be raised tons. Personally I don’t comprehend how beating AI which you can easily do while being half asleep, under the influence or whatever, crashing several times and still winning by an eternity pays you more than racing other people online matching your skills. It’s harder yet pays significantly less.

To have an even higher extra percentage for clean race can only be a good thing. I’m not sure how much it helps but the more significant, the better.
Yeah it's baffling how PD want sport to be the main feature of the game, while at the same making it completely incompatible with the other main part of the game which is earning credits and buying/collecting cars.

PD obviously know what the market for sport mode is after gt sport, but they also know most of their player base prefer single player, so you would think a major goal for them would be to make more people make the jump to online racing. But even lobbies don't work properly/have the features they should, and clearly they don't want to provide a career mode.

When the game launched you couldn't even rent cars, and you didn't have circuit experiences for cash to buy all the race cars at least, so at that point they forced the crowd that really loved sport mode to grind ****** races (freaking rally racing and oval racing with a tomahawk before the 3-4 grind races now available were added).

I can only assume this was all microtransaction motivated, but never has a game wasted it's potential more than this. Still play it though, but my hope for it becoming what it can become is almost gone.
Their motivation to race cleanly would have to exceed their motivation to use dirty tactics to "win". I don't think the primary reason sport-moders play it do it for the credits. Its the hardest racing you can do and single player grinding is way more consistent.

But it is an interesting idea.

If there is a correlation between the amount of credits earned each race & the likelihood of a driver of a driver completing a clean race, then I guess it would possible to create more clean races using the clean race bonus.

So I'll throw a dumb idea out:
Make everyone earn the same amount of credits regardless of position. Then tie the clean race bonus/credit output to the SR of the driver.

For Example:
Clean Race Bonus
Race A @ 6525 Cr. (5 min)
Race B @ 13050 Cr. (10 min)
Race C @ 26100 Cr. (20min)

Then you could actually grind the daily races if you have your SR high enough, and it would probably be more fun than doing the single player... But imagine for a second the toxicity that would come out when someone ruins your clean race bonus.
I think it would probably increase sports mode popularity, not substantialy.

I also think it boils down to people wanting better finishing places more than anything. I don't think many drivers would amend their style to becoming clean by offering higher payouts, I think the desire to get higher place at the moment in time overcomes benefits a few k extra credits would give them, particularly given how the game is currently structured.
But imagine for a second the toxicity that would come out when someone ruins your clean race bonus.

This was the main downside that occurred to me... Also, someone could easily get so salty about losing theirs early in a race that they go about ruining everyone else's rather than actually racing
When I was heavy into Sport mode, I could give a rat’s arse about how many credits I earned while racing. My hunch is 95% of Sport mode players could care less as well
When I was heavy into Sport mode, I could give a rat’s arse about how many credits I earned while racing. My hunch is 95% of Sport mode players could care less as well
Yeah that makes sense cause the people playing it now aren't doing it for the credits. But of the 95% of players who don't play sport mode it would probably motivate at least some of them to start.
The problem isn't the ideas people have about what would be good to add to or change about Sport mode, the problem is PD seems completely unwilling to make any major change to it and has seemingly left it to stagnate in exactly the same position that GT Sport was left in; bringing no new players in and turning off the longtime vets at the same time.

This past week or so would have been a great time to trial a couple of new features such as an extra race that rotates every day, perhaps one every couple of hours, or a different format for one or two etc. given people are at home and the game will be selling at the lower price but nope, nothing. And this is the latest in a number of opportune times to try things and make changes where nothing at all has happened.

We can say this or that will save Sport mode all we like, and debate the current set up in the daily race chat for days on end but until PD decides it needs changing it's all hot air I'm afraid.

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