Would this work?

  • Thread starter Torzilla
Would it work for tuning if you could apply settings to replays? You could use your best time for a track and replay it and adjust settings until you find one your happy with. Im asking this because I like to adjust the tuning of my cars but Im not as consistent as I would like in the driving department. If this would work would it also be possible for PD to send an update for it?

I meant AI could run your car for you in real time with your new settings and you could measure its performance with the changes you made.
No, how changes would affect a car that you drove, as I stated in the first place.

What you stated in the first place, boils down to "I wish Bob was 100% consistent every lap, so that I could see cause & effect of my tuning adjustments, without any human error to mask the true outcome."

Pretty much, it's taking a calculation of maximum speed obtainable at every point of the track, while maintaining traction. Is it possible? Yes, because if the game knows at what point traction is 'lost' is also knows what the last point it's 'obtained'. Will it be implemented? I doubt it. Will it be helpful? I doubt that as well.
What you stated in the first place, boils down to "I wish Bob was 100% consistent every lap, so that I could see cause & effect of my tuning adjustments, without any human error to mask the true outcome."

Pretty much, it's taking a calculation of maximum speed obtainable at every point of the track, while maintaining traction. Is it possible? Yes, because if the game knows at what point traction is 'lost' is also knows what the last point it's 'obtained'. Will it be implemented? I doubt it. Will it be helpful? I doubt that as well.

Once again, I never said anything about b spec bob. The point of using a replay is that you would know what mistakes were made and could use tuning adjustments to correct these mistakes. This would in turn improve the overall performance of the car. Please explain why this would not be helpful in tuning a car.
Are you asking about possibly using the data analyzer? Because if you were to do that, then you would just have to try and get a consistent time on a track you know very well, because if u run an un-familiar track, no doubt you will get better in a short time.

Or are you asking about saving a replay, then adjust the settings and watch again. I don't think that is possible, because it just a replay. Now you can get two replays and compare them, and just pause wherever u want to to look at the data and decide for yourself "did what i do to the suspension help any".

This is why i love drift... its easier to tell when a tune is working. But for circuit and stuff, its basically left up to the lap times and your personal style/technique of driving.

Hope this helps. :)

If you need settings help, you can find them pretty easy just by searching, or just ask me. lol
Once again, I never said anything about b spec bob. The point of using a replay is that you would know what mistakes were made and could use tuning adjustments to correct these mistakes. This would in turn improve the overall performance of the car. Please explain why this would not be helpful in tuning a car.

In the case of the BOB example, it'd be useless as it wouldn't apply to your driving.
In your hypothetical idea, of the game taking your replay and turning it into a robot that can consistently run laps that mimic your driving style, then yes it would be beneficial, but it would give every driver the 'best car for them' and the game would become nothing more than a 'who's driving style is best suited for this track.'

Another drawback, is it makes the people who understand tuning, faster than they are. Those who don't understand tuning, won't gain much. The faster get faster, the slower stay the same. The margin increases, which is the opposite effect of what you're looking for.
Would it work for tuning if you could apply settings to replays? You could use your best time for a track and replay it and adjust settings until you find one your happy with. Im asking this because I like to adjust the tuning of my cars but Im not as consistent as I would like in the driving department. If this would work would it also be possible for PD to send an update for it?


It wouldn't work, B-Spec is the only way to do anything remotely like what you are after.

Say you do a lap in the car with one set of settings. The replay information records you driving down a straight for 10 seconds, applying the brake for 2, the level of turning force you applied and you re-applying the throttle at a specific point out of the corner. If you change any settings on the car that all becomes meaningless as the car may now reach the corner in 9.9 seconds, and the brakes may be more effective and the cornering grip levels higher which means the car will place it self on the track differently with the new tune.

The replay data is still ticking on like a player piano but all the notes are wrong.

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