Would you like to take a shot at explaining this?

  • Thread starter jizzmirk
We'd probably be hard pressed to find someone that doesn't think that the TRIAL Celica SS-II Tuning Car handles very well.

But for the life of me, I still can't figure out the graphic on the side of the car:


Those are from TRIAL's Japanese website: http://www.trial.co.jp/osaka/turezure/celica/celica.htm

I'm not going to even try to argue the probable FnF origins of the design, all I want to know is what the heck it's supposed to be. Any Japanese readers out there care to paraphrase the site's content for us? Or any of you guys care to venture a guess as to what it is?
I think that the graphic is a lion or something. You can see those funny lines behind it. Well I can make out that they say ROAR.
Originally posted by DRIFT4EVA
I think that the graphic is a lion or something. You can see those funny lines behind it. Well I can make out that they say ROAR.

Actually, after I posted this - I could swear that you can make out the T-R-I-A-L in those "stripes."

Whatever the hell it is, it's damn ugly. It looks like some random graphic. Maybe some weird fist?

I'm not going to argue there. :) At least the car handles like a dream, especially for a FF.
From the pic on the left (first post), I'd say it looks like "TRIAL" to me, except for the "I" looking a bit like an "O" because of that faint shadow in the middle of the letter, and the "T" missing the top right line.

As for the fist looking thing, I have no idea.:confused:

They could've made it more readable, IMHO.
Ya I was shocked I liked this car as much as i did, a joy to drive and lots of bite on the track. Taking it around Fuji...even tsukuba is sweet! *gasp*, I even like how it looks.....
Now take a stab at figuring out the grey graphic in front of the words...I'm still at a loss about that one.
According to this site they are elaborate :banghead:

"Of course, the elaborate Trial graphics were added as the final touch to the exterior, ensuring that onlookers would know that this masterpiece is surely a Trial creation."

Babelfish to the rescue. I just remembered that they do Japanese translations now (I think they've been doing it for a while, but when I first used it, they were only doing Spanish, German, Portugese and a few other languages).

The translation is VERY rough and you still have to do some inferences to the text, but it's better than nothing.

There is mention of a tiger in the text. The next page says something about "cicely mosquito," but I don't know what that's referring to. I still can't see anything that resembles a tiger or a bug. :confused:

The only other thing of note from the translation is that the TRIAL Celica sports a supercharger (which was also listed in the Pasmag.com link) and 19 inch rims.
From the beginning it says...

that this is their supercharged celica, and while all their cars in japan are painted in the same plain red fashion they decided they had to go for a flashier look since this car was going to the usa. (don't get me started about how much the japanese trump up the usa. they just think everything is huge, bodacious, and showy in the usa.) They thought about it for a long time and they came up with the design concept of a tiger. (In Japanese a tiger is pronounced "toh-rah." In Japanese 'Trial' is pronounced "toh-rah-ee-roo" 'cuz the japanese don't usually have combined consonant sounds like "tr".) So they took the 'toh-rah' from their company name and applied the idea of a tiger design to their car.
then there's some stuff how the designer wanted to make the producers jaws drop with an awesome design paying homage to the tuning shops of the usa. (again, japanese stereotypes of the usa show here.)

on the next page it talks about how he got a present of 19inch wheels from Rays (engineering?). then my japanese gets a little fuzzy but he talks about how stoked he is on the final design and how they ran the car around town showing it off.

the page says nothing about what the graphics are exactly, but my guess is that... the gray blob is a tiger and the weird shaped stripes, do spell out 'trial'. who knows? hope this helped. -syn
I think its communist propoganda trying to rise the red fist in anger against capitalist societies everywhere!!

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