WRC series

  • Thread starter Alan2134

Who want to race on weekday or weekend?

  • Weekdays

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Weekends

    Votes: 3 75.0%

  • Total voters
United States
WRC series
Room open: 4:00pm
Qualifying time: 5:00pm
Race: 6:00pm

Track name/ laps
Race1: chamonix main/40 laps/Saturday July 20
Race2: cote d' azur /94 laps/ Saturday July 27
Race3: eiger nordwand W trail/85 laps/Saturday August 3
Race4: Tsukuba circuit/125 laps/Saturday August 10
Race5: special stage route 5 /96 laps/Saturday August 17
Race6: Toscana /93/Saturday August 24
Race7: chamonix west/72/Saturday August 31
Race8: Daytona speedway ??? /115 laps/Saturday September 7
Race9: eiger nordwand K trail /50 laps/Saturday September 14
4 drivers each cars
Citroen C4 WRC '08
Ford Focus RS WRC 07 '08
Impreza WRC 2008
Suzuki SX4 WRC '08
point standing
1st 25 point
2nd 24 point
3rd 23 point
4th 22 point
5th 21point
6th 20 point
7th 19 point
8th 18 point
9th 16 point
10th 14 point
11th 12 point
12th 10 point
13th 8 point
14th 6 point
15th 4 point
16th 2 point

1 point for leading a lap
2 point for most laps
1 point for pole winner

team point standing
For example:

Qualifying Procedure

Qualifying Procedure for snow and dirt track
Cars will be divided Qualifying group of 4 or 6 cars on track.
Each group get 1 warmup and 2 time laps.

Qualifying procedure for road/street and oval track
There will be one car on the track at a time. Driver get 1 warmup after leaving pit road and 2 time lap.

Cautions procedure

Caution Procedure for snow and dirt track
A Caution will be called if there is a wreck. In the event of a Caution, drivers will slow down to a safe speed in which there is no chance for them to wreck. When a Caution is thrown, do not slam on your brakes to slow down. If you slam on your brakes, and it causes an accident, you will be penalized.

There will be absolutely no passing during a Caution, from the moment that the Caution is called, unless otherwise directed by a Race Director. The field is frozen instantly. We DO NOT race back to the line. The field will remain under Caution until everything is set to resume racing under safe and fair conditions.

Sometimes the Race Director will call a Sectional Caution. A Sectional Caution may be called on Snow and dirt track when the wreck isn't deemed serious. (Usually, if it doesn't involve multiple cars.) All Caution rules will apply in between the two points of the course that the Race Director names.

Caution Procedure for road/street and oval
A Caution will be called if there is a wreck. In the event of a Caution, drivers will slow down to a safe speed in which there is no chance for them to wreck. When a Caution is thrown, do not slam on your brakes to slow down. If you slam on your brakes, and it causes an accident, you will be penalized.

There will be absolutely no passing during a Caution, from the moment that the Caution is called, unless otherwise directed by a Race Director. The field is frozen instantly. We DO NOT race back to the line. The field will remain under Caution until everything is set to resume racing under safe and fair conditions.

Pit Road will be closed until a Race Director announces that it is open. Drivers are allowed to pit even if Pit Road is closed if they have excessive damage that is making their car too difficult to drive. However, if any driver pits while Pit Road is closed, they will start at the back in the restart. (On the outside of or behind the car the caused the Caution.) In addition, they will be ineligible for a wave around that Caution.

During a Caution, drivers will be running single file and will form up double file for the restart at the call of Race Director.

Aggressive driving and retaliations under Caution will NOT be permitted and drivers will be penalized accordingly. Drivers who hit other cars and cause damage during a Caution will be penalized with a drive-thru penalty right before the restart. The Caution will be extended to allow the driver that was hit to pit again if pit stops have already occurred. That driver will be allowed to regain their position.

If a driver spins out during a Caution, racers will be allowed to pass that driver. (If drivers are already formed up behind the Pace Car, then racers will only be allowed to pass the driver that spun out as long as they do not exceed the pace speed.) Racers will not be allowed to pass the driver that spun out once that driver is back up to pace speed. If the driver that spun out is damaged as a result of their spin out, the Caution WILL NOT be extended. The driver that spun out WILL NOT get their position back.

During a Caution you may signal other drivers to pass you by moving off of the track and slowing your speed. If you do this, you will only be allowed to take your position back at the call of the Race Director if you were typing something important in the in-game chat.

Restart procedure

snow and dirt tracks Restart
Restarts will be Single File at snow and dirt track. full order of cars in a restart is as follows: lead lap cars, lapped car(s), penalized cars.

road/street and oval track Restart
Restarts will be Double File at road/street and oval. The leader will always start on the inside lane, with even positions being on the outside and odd positions being on the inside for all of the rows. The full order of cars in a restart is as follows: lead lap cars, lapped car(s), waved around cars, penalized cars.

second place not allowed to be ahead of the leader until after they have passed the Start/Finish line. If the car outside of the leader is ahead of the leader at the Start/Finish line they will be accused of jumping the start and will have to give the position back immediately or if they do not, go in for a drive-thru penalty. There is to be no changing lanes until after your car has passed the Start/Finish Line. If you're on the inside row and the outside row gets a better jump, you're stuck on the inside row until your car passes the Start/Finish Line and vice-versa.

Network Disconnect Cautions
When a driver has a network disconnect and is forced out from the lounge of an event race, a “Disconnect Caution” will be waved. NAT Type 1 or 2 are required to race, NAT Type 3 is prohibited. If you wish to retire from the race, enter Pit Road, do not click "OK", or if you do IMMEDIATELY hit Start. This will ensure that you car stays in it's pit stall for the remainder of the race. If you need to leave the room, make sure we know that you are leaving so we know that you haven't been disconnected. You still need to driver yourself to Pit Road before leaving the room.

A. Disconnect Cautions resemble mechanical issues/failures, this MUST be the said driver’s first network disconnect of the race.

B. The standing Race Director will call for the Caution when noted that the qualifying driver has left the room.

C. All drivers will gradually come to a STOP on the track so that the Official’s can take a tally and placement of current drivers for the restart. DO NOT LEAVE UNTIL TOLD.

D. All drivers will exit the lounge so the host can reset the room.

E. Once the room has been reset all drivers may re-enter the room for competition. (It helps if the host is on everyone's Friends List.)

F. The host will set laps to remaining amount plus one for a Pace Lap reset of the field. (Additional Pace Laps may be needed if there are lapped cars.)

G. The disconnected driver will restart at the rear of the field on the Pace Lap. The exception to this is if there are lapped cars.

H. If there are lapped cars, the lapped cars will pull over to the side of the track on the backstretch and will rejoin the lead lap cars when they are the correct amount of laps down. The field will remain under Caution until all cars are the laps down they should be before the disconnection occurred.

I. If a car was positioned to receive a wave around, they will not receive the wave around.

J. Standard restart procedure will be followed on the final Pace Lap.

K. Disconnect Cautions will not occur with 10 or less laps to go.

L. If a driver is disconnected a second time, a second Disconnect Caution WILL NOT be granted, the driver will record a DNF, and may remain in the lounge area.

M. Re-entry after 2nd disconnect drivers and lapped down drivers – Drivers will be able to re-enter a race if they are disconnected a second time. When the driver re-enters the room they will not be awarded a Disconnect Caution and the room will not be reset. However, if another Disconnect Caution is called later in the race, and the field is reset along with the room, that driver will be granted re-entry to the race. It is as if their car was taken behind the wall for repairs. 2nd re-entry drivers will restart the race 5 laps down in relation to the last place car. (Unless they were less than 5 laps down in relation to the last place car, in which case they will be the number of laps down that they actually were.) Lapped drivers will pull off to a designated spot and wait for lead lap drivers to pass them additional times until they are the correct number of laps down. Drivers who reenter the race in this way, and are more than 5 laps down, will not be eligible for a wave around until there have been enough times where they would have been waved around, where they would actually be 5 laps down. (Help from Officials will be available if necessary.)

penalty proceduce

penalty proceduce for road/street and oval track
To do a drive-thru penalty, enter Pit Road in while going backwards; this will force your car to reset and drive-thru Pit Road without pitting. Running a Pit Stop when you are required to do a Drive-thru Penalty will result in another Drive-thru penalty when you arrive at Pit Road after going around the track.

A driver will be penalized with a drive-thru penalty if they cause damage to another driver during a Caution, if they are excessively bumpdrafting, (Note: Bumpdrafting is allowed sparingly, pushing excessively is not.) if they change lanes on the restart before the Start/Finish line, if they take a wave around and then pit, if they make a dirty pass and don't give the position back, or if they cause damage to another driver during a Caution. If a driver is called to serve a drive-thru penalty on the restart, they will follow the Pace Car into pit road during the restart, but will turn around and enter Pit Road backwards to serve the penalty.

Failure to comply within 3 laps will result in a disqualification where the driver must go to Pit Road and wait there until the end of the race. Failure to do that will result in the Host leaving the race and kicking the offending driver from the room. At this point other racers will note the driver and probably won't want that driver in their events in the future. The Disconnection Caution procedure will then be followed so that the host may rejoin the race.

If a driver does not serve their penalty within 3 laps, but continues to finish the race and is not kicked from the room, the driver's last lap will be 3 laps after they received the order to go the pit road for the drive-thru penalty.

If a driver is the cause of a Caution they will start in the back on the restart.

If a driver is retaliating against other drivers they will be kicked from the room and then the Disconnection Caution procedure will then be followed so that the host may rejoin the race.

If there are not enough laps left in the race for a driver to serve a penalty, then they will be penalized after the race by being dropped to the last position for the current lap that are on. (Example: If a driver is on the lead lap and he doesn't have enough time to serve the penalty, they will finish as the last car on the lead lap, ahead of any lapped cars.)

These are the primary penalties, however there may be additional penalties to be determined during the race if it is deemed necessary. This statement reserves the right to add additional penalties if deemed necessarily.
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Name: GTP name/ PSN name/ WRC car

1. Alan2134/Alan_2134/Citroen C4 WRC '08
2.braunracing88/braunracing88/Subaru Impreza WRC 08
FORD FOCUS 08' TEAMworkPLEASE is my psn....give me details when it gets close to racing time.....