Wreckfest tournament time trials

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Is anyone else doing these? I want to accumulate fame, so I can get the Hammerhead RS and Super Venom, both of which seem to be very good cars, judging by the leaderboards.

I've got gold on both of the current TTs:

Weekly 38.174 top 4% 2895 players

Seasonal 5:42.155 top 5% 10k players

I find it very hard to be consistent in the weekly one, it's very technically demanding as you need to just miss the explosive barrels, and there's very little in the way of plain straights, you're almost always turning to some extent such that any mistake early on will ruin your line for a huge amount of the lap. I think my 2nd best time was at least 0.2 slower than my best time.

The seasonal one is mainly a memory test, and I generally don't regard myself as very good at memorising long tracks like that, but I'd had a couple of goes at it before, maybe spending 30 mins each time, and then just now I spent a solid 90 mins on it, determined to keep going till I got gold, and it was pretty satisfying to eventually get 5 seconds under the gold time.

I've been very impressed by the game's physics, it has a good blend of realism and enjoyability in how the cars handle.
@breeminator Take a look at the most recent posts in the Wreckfest thread, you'll see how people are getting on. I've scraped a gold on the weekly event; it was actually a high silver at the time, but the way the percentage leaderboard works has made it a gold as others have recorded slower times. I found navigating the barrels easier on the current weekly as the gaps are mostly on the racing line, whereas past events have been less kind in that regard.

The physics is the best thing about the game IMO. I keep banging on about it to my non-car racing friends, comparing it to games like GRID or WRC, but I'm not sure they get it.
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