Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
They're a great car. Their only problems are:
Deathly hunger for fuel. Expect 21mpg overall, 18 around town, 24-26 on open roads, 28-30 on motorways.
Believe it or not, that's what i get to a T.
Long journeys aren't that comfortable, but that's the price you pay for handling.
The seats are probably to blame, but it depends on the route you take. If you cruise by on i87 north of NYC, it's boring and you can't wait to get out of the car. If you use the Taconic Parkway on the other side of the Hudson, you could be 5 miles from Albany before you realize you've been driving for 2 hours.
Big servicing costs: mine was costing me about £500 per year in servicing.
Punishing insurance costs.
I actually don't have this problem. My insurance went up a bit, but I think that's because the U.S. hasn't caught on to the performance abilities of the WRX. They still see it as an economy subcompact with AWD and 4 airbags. *shrug*
As for those who prefer the "old one", I totally agree. I had a 2.5RS before (living in the U.S., a turbo Scooby is "new") and it was a blast. Slower, yes; a bit more mushy suspension, true; but you *felt* everything you did. Turns, bumps, skids...it wasn't like driving a Lotus Seven (practically barefoot), but you knew just how the tires were doing (wearing Converse All-Stars). The new WRX has some slop in the steering, and the feel is mostly gone. It's better than 99% of other new cars on the road, and can be remedied -- to pure 2000 form -- with 17" wheels and any decent tires.
Of course, if you don't really care how it handles the twisties, it's probably the best car you can by for US$24,000. That's why I got one.