• Thread starter gippone

For the official season starting september 27th what do you prefer?


    Votes: 2 18.2%

    Votes: 9 81.8%

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Is it possible to watch preseason races?

yes if the room will not be full after the beginning of the race you can join to watch :)

add me to PSN: gprili
Did a 1:37.9 best time in practice, but was the only time under 1:38 haha, I'll happily take consistent 1:39's though really :)

Anyone else find the hairpins super slippery? I've got the hang of them now (I think :P) but they're tricky!

Edit: Me and Calum are practicing atm so send me a FR or look for the room if you fancy joining us for a bit :) Just got a 1:37.241 as well! But I have no idea how lol, the lap after was over a second slower and it didn't feel bad at all, pretty erratic! :D
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Did a 1:37.9 best time in practice, but was the only time under 1:38 haha, I'll happily take consistent 1:39's though really :)

Anyone else find the hairpins super slippery? I've got the hang of them now (I think :P) but they're tricky!

Edit: Me and Calum are practicing atm so send me a FR or look for the room if you fancy joining us for a bit :) Just got a 1:37.241 as well! But I have no idea how lol, the lap after was over a second slower and it didn't feel bad at all, pretty erratic! :D

If it's still going on I'll join you, I'll look for the room online.

edit: my lap times have fell dramatically today, i'm not sure why haha. and by fell, I meant get slower D:
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i am very close to dropping out of this series due to the poor performance of the 908 this car is so slow compared to the GT1, and others that i can't see myself staying competitive. i will run this race and the first race of season and if it is still under performing i will be forced to retire from series
The race tonight will be in my private lobby but the first to come in will be RONSTA (PSN: RONSTAHESS) so he will be the server.
He has a better stable internet connection than me 👍
i am very close to dropping out of this series due to the poor performance of the 908 this car is so slow compared to the GT1, and others that i can't see myself staying competitive. i will run this race and the first race of season and if it is still under performing i will be forced to retire from series

I am skeptical about the 908 just like you, but meh I'll drive for fun :P
Maybe we could use some kind of success ballast system into the series depending on how well someone/a car does in a race? Could keep it closer if the cars are spread out like many people are thinking here. Wait and see how the first race goes first though :)
Maybe we could use some kind of success ballast system into the series depending on how well someone/a car does in a race? Could keep it closer if the cars are spread out like many people are thinking here. Wait and see how the first race goes first though :)

maybe, I'm not a big fan of them myself but it would make sense if there are huge performance gaps.
mods need to watch the start of this race and exclude a few drivers from your series as they can not drive and should not be on the track. if they are not removed you can give my spot to someone who don't care about getting wrecked three times on the pace lap and another couple punts on the first lap. there are many in this series alone that can tell you i drive clean and fast and will not race with noobs. good luck with your series and will await your answer
I resign because of what seems like a lack of skill. I crashed early on and could'nt catch up again. Gl and hf guys :)

I would like to try again on Monza though if you'll allow it.
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hi guys. Some of those hits were my fault. I'm no noob but also ain't that good driver. I play mostly for fun, as many here can prove I almost always finish my race (despite always finish last) and I do my best to keep my race clean. I resign from the series. I'll wait for my G27 get a lot of practice and maybe later I'll join again (if there are spots available) .See you all around and sorry for any inconvenience.
Sorry guys, my connection dropped, annoying really cause I wanted to pass gprili last lap again lol :)

Had a shocker first 6 laps, crashed about 3 times and hit posi as well, sorry bud! Then drove 20 nice consistent laps and then everyone disappeared from the track. FML. Better luck next race.

One thing though, could do with people spacing out a bit more on the pace lap, worse than white van drivers ;) lol jk. Oh and on the pace lap, does full speed start from the last corner or on the line?
I was thinking that people could do with spacing out more on the pace lap as I notice that people would break hard and then instantly have the person behind them, hit them in the back!

Good race all!
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The problem with the 908 is its tremondous torque, which is not an advantage when it's bhp are reduced a lot. It needs the bhp to shine through (and then it's actually a very good race car :P)
I guess we won't get to see if the 908 is any good at 700 PP as everyone who drives it has left! Haha

Grats tissimo! Wish my router didn't give up during that race, was having fun trying to catch back up :(

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