- 206
- None of your business
Something is going on with Bob. I'm doing the 24 hour race with him, and all of a sudden at the 6 hour mark, he's driving very erratically. He keeps speeding up and slowing down on the straight very dramatically. from 150 mph down to 50 mph, then back up to 100 mph, then back down again. He only goes through corners at speeds in between 50-110 mph, and that's it. he never goes any faster. a few minutes ago he was driving perfectly, having 7 minute laps, but now his lap times are 8:33. It doesn't matter what setting the pace is on. it doesn't matter whether I have Overtake on or not. I've took over control for a minute and there didn't seem to be anything wrong with the car. When I gave control back to bob, he started doing the same thing. I have ample fuel and good tires. So what's causing this? Could it be that my PS2 is recieving "dirty power" from some nearby storms? Help me out here.
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