WTF? What BS... Monument celebrating Pro Life

A superstar at Britney's young age having a child is rare in today's celebrity culture. This dedication honors Britney for the rarity of her choice and bravery of her decision...


This is the same woman who carelessly put her son on her lap while driving away.
And the world takes another step down.

In all honesty, do we really need a nude statue of Britney giving birth?

Why do I get the feeling the people that made this statue, are the same people that craved attention from their parents and never got it.
I was wondering what it was when I first saw it.

I think some crazed britney fanboys might try and break into its case for some "action". The sculptor didn't actually scult out the holes, did he? What a stupid statue.
This dedication honors Britney for the rarity of her choice and bravery of her decision...
That's right. Go Brittany! Way to get knocked up multiple times! It's nice to know, in this time of war and depression, that we are honoring our pop music footnotes.
So Sean Preston came into the world with his mother in the same position as he was concieved? :sly:

I love this line:
"Britney provides inspiration for those struggling with the 'right choice"

- having millions in the bank is going to help a little with the decision isn't it!
Delirious XVII
So whats up with her holding a bears head??
That's a bear rug...

Obviously symbolising that it's ok to kill a perfectly good well-functioning bear and use its exterior for a rug - But not something that's little more than a bowl of cells...

[Edit:] Obviously more rolleyes :rolleyes:
What a load of BS.

I guarantee you, when this poor Sean kid goes to school, everyone is going to mock him endlessly about this. As if he didn't need more things to discuss in future therapy sessions...
Actually, the article spells out the reasons for the positioning and the bear rug. If art needs to be explained, it is lost on the masses.

The side of the sculpture that has not been show is apprently Seans head breaching. :yuck:

Grandpa once told me "If you can nail together two things that nobodyu else ever has, someone will buy it."

In this case, if you can sculpt something that noone else ever has, someone will buy it.
Wow, two adults know how to have intercourse...that's a monumental occasion.

Does Heaven's Gate get any more applicants?
you know, no offense to those who like pop culture or even "star" culture, but im sick and tired of hearing about " THIS STAR PREGNANT" or "CUSTODY BATTLE BETWEEN SO AND SO"...who gives a flying ****??? seriously, im so sick of hearing about it...get your heads outta their lives and live you own...

sorry if i offended anyone
you know, no offense to those who like pop culture or even "star" culture, but im sick and tired of hearing about " THIS STAR PREGNANT" or "CUSTODY BATTLE BETWEEN SO AND SO"...who gives a flying ****??? seriously, im so sick of hearing about it...get your heads outta their lives and live you own...

Did you hear what happened to Jacques Villeneuve the other day?
This is so tragic it's funny...or is it the other way around? :boggled:
If only true pregnant women had bodies that actually looked like that statue. The real ones are all fat and goober.

MYGOD!! What am I saying!? Pregnant *****es disgust me and I think they should all be gotten rid of.
Wait a second...? We sort of need them, don't we?

Anyhow, I'm just glad they didn't show the business end of the statue. But if it wasn't pregnant I'd go for it. Like those manakins at the mall, oooo. If only they were real. Speaking of pointlessly sad...

But seriously, do you guys think this statue is tied into the C-5 crash? I bet when the pilots heard about it they both had a seizure.
If only true pregnant women had bodies that actually looked like that statue. The real ones are all fat and goober.
No, they arn't all fat and goober.

But seriously, do you guys think this statue is tied into the C-5 crash? I bet when the pilots heard about it they both had a seizure.
Funnily enough, no.
Good god, no wonder the World despises the US.

Espcially when we honor some stupid singer for getting knocked up.

What's next, The Art Museum of Pamela Anderson?
Sure thats her child birth position and not her child conceiving position? :P
Note to 'Pro-Lifers':- Non-'Pro-Lifers' have babies every day too...! The magical act of giving birth, much like the Stars and Stripes flag, is not the sole property of the 'right to life' campaign...

What a load of BS.
Well, it is Britney Spears...
Touring Mars
Note to 'Pro-Lifers':- Non-'Pro-Lifers' have babies every day too...! The magical act of giving birth, much like the Stars and Stripes flag, is not the sole property of the 'right to life' campaign...

Anyone that thinks it is is very misguided.