yellow/black flags and pace cars in GT5

coming soon
i know there was a "Forced Pit Entry" option in GT4's arcade mode but that was only for collisions and you wouldn't know you were penalized until the computer took your car over when your coming near the pits.

there's also the pace car in the license test but it never had a use in an actual race so yellow flags were never there.

if GT5 includes this, i hope it wont be a total hack-job like what EA did with nascar 08
For there to be yellow flags and pace cars, there would have to be the notion that you could retire from races. And retirements would require a damage model of some kind. Not simply external damage, but internal stuff as well, like dropping a valve or a bad clutch.
what your saying is true.

at the least, i hope the Forced Pit Entry makes it to the online mode and the option to qualify for pole position/rolling start order in any mode