Young kids and wheels/pedals

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Deadlights with Pennywise and the Balloons
Hi all,

I've just ordered tge fanatec premium race bundle and looking forward to getting it soon. My first wheel setup since a logitech one I had over 10 years ago.

My nearly 6 year old daughter sort of enjoys driving around on fh5 with the controller (and loads of assists of course).

I have gt7, and imagine races will be too much, but she could play around on things like time trials.

Do any of your kids use your wheel/peddles and if so what age, games etc?

May be to much for her, but will no doubt be demanding to try right away!!

Maybe there's an option to save different profiles, so I can make the wheel/pedals a lot lighter/easy for her to use.
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Arcade style like Need for Speed or maybe the new Grid game might be more accessible. My kids played NFS easier at a younger age than sim or pseudo sim games. On the other hand, GT7 with a slower car may be just fine. Just try and see.

As far as settings, you can setup a kids profile where you can still have control over permissions and such on the PS, and the in game settings will save to their profile while you race under your profile with your own settings.
Arcade style like Need for Speed or maybe the new Grid game might be more accessible. My kids played NFS easier at a younger age than sim or pseudo sim games. On the other hand, GT7 with a slower car may be just fine. Just try and see.

As far as settings, you can setup a kids profile where you can still have control over permissions and such on the PS, and the in game settings will save to their profile while you race under your profile with your own settings.

Yes she had a go in s3, m4 and tgink fiat 500 in fh5. Turned on all thr assists and gave them all pink paint jobs :D

Guess gt will be a step too far for now, although I have no bo doubt she'll want to try tge wheel once it's setup!

Also should probably durst of tge switch and Mario kart 8. Hasn't touched it for 2 years. Downloaded Ryan's racing on series x too recently which is probably better for her for now.