Your Game Wishlist

  • Thread starter Lain


United States
Pasadena, TX
Simple thread: Tell everyone what games are on your wishlist. They can be on any platform, and they can be upcoming titles or ones that have already been released.

I'm only gonna list off a few titles, since I don't wanna be here all day composing my complete list.

1. Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight

It's a gorgeous-looking Metroidvania-style game (More Castlevania than Metroid, if you couldn't tell from the name), and the art style I think looks more aesthetically appealing than the upcoming "official" Castlevania spiritual successor, Bloodstained. Overwhelmingly positive reviews and the fact that this isn't the dev's first rodeo with Metroidvania games (It's apparently the 4th game in the Momodora series... and they've clearly been progressively getting better and better if visuals and reviews are anything to go by)

2. VA-11 HALL-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action

Even though I'm total weeaboo trash, I tend to be completely disinterested in visual novels. But even though this game is basically a VN, it's certainly atypical. Gorgeous retro pixelart anime aesthetic, the fact it wears its influences on its sleeves and doesn't take itself too seriously (Hell, on the official website, they jokingly propose an alternate name for the game: "waifu bartending". is also the site's URL. :lol:), and the fact its accompanied by a rad soundtrack makes me hyped for this more than I've ever been hyped for any other bartending simulator.

3. Cyberpunk 2077

After falling in love with The Witcher 3, I'm eagerly anticipating this game. Not much is known, so there's not much to say. Presumably it will be something like a 3rd-person Deus Ex, with some Witcher-esque investigative segments. Whatever the case, I'm hype.

4. Detroit: Become Human

You could argue Quantic Dream's games aren't really games all you want, but that's just semantics. At the end of the day, they're fun rides (even if Heavy Rain's plotholes are more gaping than goatse and Beyond Two Soul's story is goofy sci-fi B-movie material)... and I'm very excited for the next one, which already seems to have much better writing (supposedly David Cage didn't write it this time) and has a more open-ended premise that lends itself much better to the Quantic Dream formula, which'll hopefully allow us to avoid a trainwreck ending this time around.

5. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age

As much as I'm dying for the likes of Final Fantasy XV, Final Fantasy VII Remake, World of Final Fantasy, Persona 5, Dragon Quest VII and VIII 3DS, and I am Setsuna... my love for XII and my desire for this upcoming remastered version trumps everything else JRPG-wise.

Hopefully more people give it a chance this time around... a lot of people overlooked it simply because it released so late in the PS2's lifespan and the previous mainline Final Fantasy (XI) was lackluster and made a lot of people lose interest in the series as a whole.

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  2. Pokémon Sun & Moon - Really enjoyed Gen VI, can't wait for what Gen VII holds for us.
  3. No Man's Sky - 18 quintillion planets, all fully explorable. Is that enough to make you hyped?!
  4. Steep - I'm not a sports games kind of guy, but I can't deny it looks appealing. I've signed up to the PS4 closed beta, hope it becomes a worthy spiritual successor to the kick-ass SSX 2012!
  5. Battlefield 1 - But of course! ;)
  6. ReCore - I really like the looks of this game, plus it looks incredibly fun.
  7. Tekken 7 - My favorite fighting game series is about to come back after the success of Tag Tournament 2. HYPE!!!
  8. WWE 2K17 - If the Story Editor returns, then I'll be getting it.
  9. Carmageddon Max Damage - It looks bloody fun, no pun intended, and a great return to one of gaming's most controversial names.
  10. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - Always been a (lowkey) fan of the Castlevania series, especially the Metroidvania games. Can't wait for this game to drop! (please don't end up like mighty no. 9 tho)
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Final Fantasy 15, Kingdom Hearts 2.8 (maybe) and Ace Combat 7. I would get GT Sport, but I just don't have the room for a proper wheel pedal setup.
Assetto Corsa
Battlefield 1
DiRT Rally
Far Cry 4
Gran Turismo Sport
Mafia III

Deadrising 3
Forza Horizon 3

American Truck Simulator
Assetto Corsa
Beam NG Drive
Cities: Skylines
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Game Stock Car 2012
Grand Theft Auto V
Next Car Game: Wreckfest
Space Engineers
The Sims 3
Train Simulator 2016