Your Hair (Partner's Hair Cont'd)

  • Thread starter Danoff


United States
Mile High City
So, how do you like your own hair to be?

Well Groomed?
Just let it grow until you can't see anything through it?


Personally I like my hair to be well groomed.

(Famine? Boom? They already flossed right? No need to make them do it again.)
I keep the hair on top of my head really short and I gel it forward, short sideburns too. As for the hair on my face, I'm starting to grow a gotee. Past that we ain't going there.
Shaved. The best, most practical haircut of them all. I do it myself every week. I need next to no shampoo, my hair dries instantly upon exiting the shower, I couldn't care less about wind, humidity, or rain and what it does to my hair, and to hell with styling gel, mousse, conditioner, and hairspray.
I usually have the sides and backs buzzed off to about 3/8" (#3 rake on the cutters) and I keep the top longer, like 1-1/2" to 2". There's a sharp cutoff line (a 'hi/lo' in early '90s parlance) around the crown part. I've also got a queue that used to reach down to the small of my back. I got the last foot or so cut off earlier in the spring because it was getting kind of threadbare.
I've also got a queue that used to reach down to the small of my back. I got the last foot or so cut off earlier in the spring because it was getting kind of threadbare.

Not at all the way I pictured you.
I've got relatively short hair, down a bit past my eyebrows. It's semi curly when it gets a bit longer. No real order to it, and it's a zero effort doo.
Well Dan, I think you already know how my hair is. ;)

FYI for everybody else: Sides combed down, top combed forward, with the front combed upwards. Somewhat typical Californian haircut, I suppose. (Most of the younger male teachers here seem to have that haircut.)
My hair is usually long and curly. I usually shave it all off every 9 months to a year, once I can't see past my hair anymore, then I start the process all over again.
So, how do you like your own hair to be?

Well Groomed?
Just let it grow until you can't see anything through it?


Personally I like my hair to be well groomed.

(Famine? Boom? They already flossed right? No need to make them do it again.)

This is a scary thread in terms of the TOS ...hehehe .
Dannaoff is the Devil ! :crazy:
Anderton Prime
Shaved. The best, most practical haircut of them all. I do it myself every week. I need next to no shampoo, my hair dries instantly upon exiting the shower, I couldn't care less about wind, humidity, or rain and what it does to my hair, and to hell with styling gel, mousse, conditioner, and hairspray.
But that is rather cold, isn't it? :)

Mine's a modest manga cut. Neat but casual/spontanious. Actually it's pretty much like FF8's Squall (the color too)
Mine's a modest manga cut. Neat but casual/spontanious. Actually it's pretty much like FF8's Squall (the color too)
What's a 'modest manga cut'? Most of the people I've seen in manga have hair that could be a seperate character all by itself...
Longish all over. Not too long to reach my cover my eyes by any means. Combed a few times a day (believe it or not) but just for hygiene reasons, not for any styling.
I let it grow then I get a hair cut about once every 3-4 weeks. One of my friends' hair cuts (named Nathan) is soooooo long that he was once called a she in school once. He still hasn't cut it.
i cut mine real short then let it grow disgustingly bushy and thick, i normally cut my hair once every few months if that.

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