Your hopes for the menu system in GT5?

  • Thread starter henban
So, GT5 is hopefully about to get released "soon". What are your expectations about the menu system. Do you fancy something similar to the one in GTP or would you rather prefer the old world map menu?

My opinion is that the menus in GTP are a disappointment and don't give us the usual overlook we are used to from previous PD releases.

Be glad to hear your opinions.
At first I wasn't too taken back by those in prologue, but at the end of they day they are means to race, so I couldn't care less really. Having said that, I'd like to see things go old-skool as things definitely went backwards in the menu stakes.
as I already posted on another thread
I LOVE GT5P and GTHD menus, a world map with this minimalist style would be even better




but I really don't like these icons
I'm not overly keen on the Prologue menus, but i guess GT5's will be not unsimilar. My greatest hopes are for a lack of pop-up boxes questioning if i really want the option i've just chosen :banghead:

It's probably the constant clicking of unnecessary menu options that winds me up the most with previous GT games.
Yeah the presentation version had this, but it used GT4 and TT assets, i still guess they just did it to have more content.
I hope they continue the tradition of the world map. The one I liked the most was GT3's (GT4's was not as slick). As for the icons on the GT5 gamescom demo they are horrid, they look like Windows XP icons... very childish. I would be very happy if the GT5P icons where used in the final game.

I would like to see a world map similar to Google Earth :sly: . It would be great to select a track in its proper location as the world turns 💡
My guess is that the game is going to have a Prologue-style menu for the Arcade mode and a traditional world map for the GT mode.
My guess is that the game is going to have a Prologue-style menu for the Arcade mode and a traditional world map for the GT mode.

That is what I'm expecting too. GT Mode needs to have world map just because of the scale of the game. It would be way too cumbersome and time consuming to sift through a thousand cars and hundreds of events with the GT5P menu system.

In the pre-race menus I really loved seeing my car getting worked on in the garage. I hope that they expand this to other parts of the game. For instance, it would be great to see my car in my garage when I'm "home," or see the car get serviced and tuned. It's not a must have feature or anything, the presentation is my favorite thing about Gran Turismo and this would just improve it.
as I already posted on another thread
I LOVE GT5P and GTHD menus, a world map with this minimalist style would be even better

but I really don't like these icons


I do want to see the world map again, with a few differences.

I suppose Polyphony has common sense and they are not wasting time, making a different main menu. The GamesCom one, with that Prologue style is more than enough, just adding the same online features (calendar, weather...).

And speaking about the GT mode submenu..., no idea. Surprise me, Kazunori :dopey:
it would be nice if you could change a car when you are in last menu before race. It takes a lot of time to back to garage if you want to change car.
The current GT5: Prologue menu/GamesCom menu would work great as the main menu in GT5, but for GT mode I hope to see the return of the world map, just for the sake of tradition. One thing I really want added to the menus is a "back to main menu" button, it's so frustrating having to flick back through multiple menus just to save, change your car or something along those lines. Also, no more of the "are you sure you want to...".

it would be nice if you could change a car when you are in last menu before race. It takes a lot of time to back to garage if you want to change car.
This too.
Really the menus need to be quick, easy & logical.Yeah GT1 had that map icon, that should be included.As mentioned by someone else on here, you can save the game during or after a race from the race menu, instead of going through the copious menus in GT mode or arcade mode to get to the first menu.
Really the menus need to be quick, easy & logical.Yeah GT1 had that map icon, that should be included.As mentioned by someone else on here, you can save the game during or after a race from the race menu, instead of going through the copious menus in GT mode or arcade mode to get to the first menu.
The ability to save more often would be nice. Just not the necessity, since it takes forever!

as I already posted on another thread
I LOVE GT5P and GTHD menus, a world map with this minimalist style would be even better

but I really don't like these icons
[Colorful GamesCon shyte goes here.]
👍 Couldn't put it better myself.
as I already posted on another thread
I LOVE GT5P and GTHD menus, a world map with this minimalist style would be even better




but I really don't like these icons

i may sound stupid here but where did you get the gran turismo pictures with the nurburing and the other one with bikes repeat that bikes in gran tursimo
GT HD interface looked slick as hell, I hope they're re-using that in one way or another :)
Those GTHD car choice menus looks really beautiful with the little spotlights on them. I hope they reappear.

And a world map would be fantastic for choosing courses, especially if the weather is live.
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I guess I really never minded the world map. I just hope this time around it doesn't take so goddamn long to navigate the menus.

Hopefully the hard disk will really ease this, but even in gt5p it still takes *WAY* too long.
guys on those pictures it has bikes. does that mean bikes might be in gt5

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