Your idea of cinematic hell


Be Fearless
Hammerhead Garage
Because I was bored, I went looking to rent a video today for a bit of cheap entertainment, only to find that all that was left was superhero franchises that were indistinguishable from one another, pointless sequels to pointless horror and splatter films, and worst of all, reboots and remkes of iconic films that are destined to be horrible. And it got me thinking - what could be the worst possible film that Hollywood could make?

This is my idea of cinematic hell:

JJ Abrams presents Shia LaBeouf as Harry Callahan in DIRTY HARRY. Directed by Brett Ratner.

Your turn - what would be the worst film Hollywood could make, the one movie that would turn you off films altogether?
Sci Fi channel does this on a regular basis on PURPOSE. if they'd combine two of the crapolas they're famous for, then i think you'd have it.
4kids dubbing anime movies meant for adults, e.g. the Cowboy Bebop movie or Rebuild of Evangelion. :ill:

Or: Legend of Zelda, the Movie - directed by Uwe Boll.

The Hobbit, as directed by M. Night Shyalalsaslm, (however the heck you spell it.)

Or, alternatively, the Halo Michael Bay. It'd take off, be amazing to the masses, but shatter all the good stuff that game has.
M. Night Shyamalan directs Bleach: The Live Action Movie, filled with just as much filler as the anime that it's based on.
I see M. Night Shamalamadingdong is fairly disliked here.

So is Uwe Boll. Alone in the Dark is, as far as I can recall, the only film that I've switched off before the end. I've put up with loads of crap films enough to actually make it to the end, but I just couldn't with that one.

Okay, how about Uwe Boll presents Danny Dyer in a remake of The Matrix.
My idea of cinematic hell would be a romantic comedy directed by M.Night Shymalan, from a script co-penned by Seth Rogen, MuhNight and Michael Bay, starring Hayden Christensen and Eva Mendez who meet on vacation in Cuba and become instant secret agents, recruited by Will Smith, a CIA agent who they discover dying in a grimy hotel room. He recounts, in flashback, how he penetrated the Cuban government (with gratuitous promo shots of his brand new Audi S5) and became a confidant to Castro (gratuitous shot of brand new iPhone 4S) until he was discovered to be a spy (shootout, explosions, etcetera) His last request is that they kill Fidel Castro. As he takes his last breath, cutaway to a shot showing his signature brand shoes.

Mendez is a spunky TV reporter. Christiansen is a stand-up comic. They couldn't be any more different. They work together to infiltrate the Palace and start to (not awkwardly) fall in love.

Castro is played by Rob Schneider. Adam Sandler is his mentally-challenged half-American son who he hides away from the world. He agrees to help the two lovers kill his Dad.

The ending scene will be a grand shootout at Cuba's newest shopping mall, Castropolis, which ends with a giant underground propane tank exploding as Sandler and Paulie Shore (Eva's cameraman) decide to smoke weed in the basement right next to these big, rusty tanks. And they all live happily ever after.
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It doesn't get much worse than that to be honest.
Also starring Taylor Lautner as Harry's partner, Sam Worthington as the villain, Lindsay Lohan as a Romanian prostitute (and Harry's love interest) and Adam Sandler as Harry's precinct captain. Written by Eli Roth and Paul Haggis.

Okay, that's a pretty extreme take on it (except maybe Paul Haggis), and it probably wouldn't happen because while Hollywood is very good at shooting itself in the foot, studios don't do it intentionally.

The reason why I listed an Abrams-Ratner-LaBeouf collaboration is simple: it's the kind of move Hollywood would actually make. Abrams would produce, because he makes "good" films like SUPER 8 (but he basically tried too hard to be Steven Spielberg, and it showed), was "responsible" for Lost (though he only wrote two episodes) and has successfully rebooted the STAR TREK franchise (it was pretty boring, but I'll give him that one). Ratner would direct, because he's handled franchises before, like THE LAST STAND and RUSH HOUR (but they're all rubbish), and he's also firmly established in the crime/thriller genre with films like TOWER HEIST and RED DRAGON (which are also rubbish). And Shia LaBeouf would be cast because the studios would no doubt want someone young, who could stay with the franchise for a while (but he's just a terrible actor). Paul Haggis would probably write the script because he deals with political issues - but he's at the opposite end of the spectrum to Harry's character, so it would be a bit like QUANTUM OF SOLACE when he had James Bond accuse the Americans of being imperialists when Bond himself represents England's interests, which were often imperial in nature, since he is a defender of the realm.

So while this film would look good on paper, it would ultimately suffer because the entire thing was geared towards making a "good" movie rather than a DIRTY HARRY movie. No doubt the focus groups and test audiences would respond positively to te individual elements, but as a whole it would just falter horribly.

For a DIRTY HARRY reboot to work, you would need a studio who understands what the character is all about. First of all, you would need an R-rating. If there is no R-rating, there is no film. If fifteen year-olds can't get into see it, that's too bad. DIRTY HARRY hasn't been on-screen in nearly twenty-five years, so there is a whole host of mature-age audiences who can make the film a success without needing the teenage male demographic. Secondly, you would need a screenwriter who understood the character and the films - they would need to idenfity them and retain the common elements. The basic storyline would be pretty easy; say, for example, an extortionist poisons toothpaste (or something that everyone needs and uses) and holds San Francisco to ransom. While Harry's superiors treat it as a conventional blackmail case, Harry becomes convinced that the killings are not as random as first thought (half of them could be witnesses to a string of drive-by shootings and the other half random victims to muddy the waters), and the film goes from there. But the script would need to be true to the character. Then you would need a director, someone who understands the conventions of the crime thriller. I'd suggest Ben Affleck (hopeless actor, incredible director) or Nicolas Windig Refn (who made the excellent DRIVE). Then comes the actor best-suited to the role (though no-one immediately springs to mind), and finally, you would need Clint Eastwood's blessing. Once you got all of that right, then you would have a Hollywood reboot/remake that would not suck.
I have thought of true cinematic hell.

A new Indiana Jones film. Indiana Jones along with his new companion (Shia lapuke) go in search of Indy's friend (why did John Hurt agree to this?).

Along the way, Indy bumps into Marion, who lets face it, hasn't aged well. Shia la puke is her son... But wait, there's more. Shia is Indy's son. (who didn't see that one coming?)

So anyway, the film is just dreadful. At one point, Marion tries to be cute by shouting "iiiinnnnndyyyyyy" the way she did in the first one, but it just comes across as a lump of stilton.

The ending is dreadful.

Oh wait, that already happened.

Next time, Star Wars episode 3.5. Witness Hayden Christiansen crushing even more memories, as he comes to terms with killing "younglings" and all the buttons on his nice new suit.
I couldn't believe I was tricked by my friends into thinking it was going to be a good film.

It was such a facepalm for me that I read a comic while they watched it instead.