S'alright. Fell asleep last night with a beautiful woman in my arms - can't be too bad (:
Ok, so I did what I could to max out my connection. I have about 100 simultaneous Kazaa downloads going, and probably 10 game demos from download.com. This scale is in KiloBytes per second, so multiply times 8 to get kilobits per second.
Ha ha, just got a call "All of a sudden, man, the web is crawling. Is there anything you can check into on that?" Wow, that's funny (:
Anyway, back to speed checking ...
We have 6MB/s, or 6144kbit download. That comes to 768KB/s maximum internet file transfer. I was getting an average of 590KB/s on about 100 file transfers combined. Not too bad. Though I have broken our max speed before. It was like 3AM and I was just hanging out at work playing with this phat connection.