Your opinion on authorities

  • Thread starter eiriksmil
All authorities in a position to exercise power and control people, everything from cops to moderators on here and in between..
Nazis, fascists and communists are authoritarian.

Socialists, liberals and conservatives are quasi-authoritarian.

Libertarians and anarchists are anti-authoritarian.

Respectfully submitted,
Well, if the kids and the naysayers on here behave it may go far :)

I'm guessing this

Oh, no no, hasn't got anything to do with that..! :)

I'm just wondering where people here stand when it comes to laws, authorities, the state, etc.. Any anarchists here for instance?

I don't have a problem with laws, but I have a problem with authorities for several reasons. I don't have a problem with cops doing their job, pulling me over if they find my car suspicious for instance.. I do have a problem with the fact that they treat me differently when I'm a white guy from a respectable part of town, to if I was black or middle eastern for instance, from the wrong neck of the woods, dressed the wrong way or something else they don't approve of in general. Where you are on the social class doesn't make you more or less guilty, something they haven't understood.. It just makes you more vulnerable if you're low down on it..

Talking to cops is another thing; I never start arguing with them, I let them run the show. Why I do it? Because I know many of them are power hungry people who at the slightest hint of attitude will show them that they're in charge. I do like to speak hard to other authorities who just think they have power, like moderators for instance, they're the police around here.. :) But it makes me angry when I do, simply because I then remember why I dislike authorities. Tell em how you feel and you're done...

That sums up a little on how I view it.. Your turn :)
K, well, this is too vague for me to really formulate an opinion on.

Something as general as "authorities" is going to encapsulate anyone who's more revered than another in any way; that type of authority exists within every level of social organisation.
Well, if the kids and the naysayers on here behave it may go far :)

Oh, no no, hasn't got anything to do with that..! :)

I'm just wondering where people here stand when it comes to laws, authorities, the state, etc.. Any anarchists here for instance?

I don't have a problem with laws, but I have a problem with authorities for several reasons. I don't have a problem with cops doing their job, pulling me over if they find my car suspicious for instance.. I do have a problem with the fact that they treat me differently when I'm a white guy from a respectable part of town, to if I was black or middle eastern for instance, from the wrong neck of the woods, dressed the wrong way or something else they don't approve of in general. Where you are on the social class doesn't make you more or less guilty, something they haven't understood.. It just makes you more vulnerable if you're low down on it..

Talking to cops is another thing; I never start arguing with them, I let them run the show. Why I do it? Because I know many of them are power hungry people who at the slightest hint of attitude will show them that they're in charge. I do like to speak hard to other authorities who just think they have power, like moderators for instance, they're the police around here.. :) But it makes me angry when I do, simply because I then remember why I dislike authorities. Tell em how you feel and you're done...

That sums up a little on how I view it.. Your turn :)

Most police officers that I know are good guys who put their lives on the line every day for my protection. Out of the police that I Know, I'd say about 1 of the 20 is a power hungry tool, that's not a bad ratio, and I think it's about the same in every profession.
From my experiences most people that don't like the police are the ones that are in trouble with them. Kind of like my Mom who thinks the cops are out to get her because they pulled her over because she had a suspended license and no insurance.
With cops? Well it's a bit hit or miss. I've met some real level headed ones that understand that mistakes happen and are willing to let things slide because no one got hurt. I have also met some hardcore d-bag cops that will harass you and just all around annoy you. Case in point, when I had the Blazer I was pulled over for being too low (it wasn't) and for having AM, news radio too loud in the middle of the day (it wasn't loud, I had the windows down and the subs did something weird with AM). I think more of them are understand than not though, at least in this area.

With political figures? I'm under the impression most of them are on a power trip. I try to avoid them like the plague.

With moderators? I think on any forum you get the power hungry idiot that thinks their job is more important than it actually is. However on most forums I've been on most of them haven't been that bad. The same really goes for head volunteers on most organisations, you always have someone that takes their position way to far and way to seriously.

Past that the only other authority figures I know are my parents, whom I respect but then again they've never been that strict with me. Even when I was younger they pretty much let me do anything I want as long as I didn't screw up, if I did then it would have turned bad. I respected them and they returned the favour to me. Worked pretty well.
Cops can be either way in my opinion. I respect what they do, but there are a good portion where I live that use the power to their advantage or are just dicks in general.

A good example would be the guy in my town with the only undercover Charger (although everyone knows it's him because it's the only red SRT-8 with decals in the county). I met him once at a gas station where we talked about my cuda when I was still driving it and he seemed like a really nice guy. On the other hand when he pulled one of my friends over he told my friend right to his face "I live to pull kids like you over." I've also seen him cross a dirt median on a busy stretch of road and get the tires going transitioning from the dirt to the street. Was it cool to see, hell yeah, but is that really what he should have done, definitely not.

It's also very common to have cops fly by you going well over the speed limit without their lights or sirens on. I couldn't count the number of times I've seen this, one time in particular I had a cop fly by me going at least 90 in a 50 weaving in and out of traffic.

What changed my opinion of the police the most though was both times I was pulled over. The first time I was in my apartment complex and a police car was going through (they check around from time to time). I still had my permit at the time so my older cousin came along with me to go for a drive. The cop was leaving as we were walking to my car, but as I drove up to the gate the cop was still there. He and I turn out of the complex and start going then he pulls off to the side of the road then turns back on as I pass him. I come to a stoplight intersection and stop at the red light. Not one second after the light turns green he turns his lights on, my heart explodes (this was one of the first times I drove the cuda), and I pull over down the road where it was safe. Apparently my plate wasn't coming up as registered, which after a second check it obviously was. It's an understandable reason to pull me over, but still the fact that young kid + old car = something's wrong left a bad taste in my mouth. I learned that equation plenty well another time when a cop came flying up behind me and started alternating riding my ass and getting along side of me trying to provoke a reaction for at least a mile or two.

The second time I was driving the Barracuda and came to a four way intersection where I had a stop sign. A police car was on the other street and passed me going the same way I needed to go so I turned and was behind her. The street I was on mostly everyone takes a certian street off of to get to the main road. The cop turned off a street before that and intercepted me on the common one. Lights and sirens, heart explosion (I had no idea what I could have done wrong), I pull over. Tag light was out, not a big deal. She gave me a written warning and even had a few good comments about the car, but it was still the fact that she went out of her way to see if there was something wrong with my car that I didn't like.

Maybe I'm overreacting but I don't like being profiled just because I like older cars. I have no problem with cops, but like I said before they can go both ways... that didn't come out right.
Police aren't the only authority one should be worrying—or complaining—about. Being unfairly pulled over is a pretty inconsequential thing to complain about.

Canada, for instance, has just had Parliament prorogued.
The thread is very vague, if I only want to share my opinion of the police that's my choice.

The only authorities that really effect my life on a day to day basis are the police and my parents, so I think it's perfectly fine to share my opinion of the police and no one else. Being unfairly pulled over is part of the reasoning behind my opinion of the police, no matter how inconsequential it may be.

My opinion of the government, it's rotten all the way down to the core, but I could care less. Yes the government definitely effects everyone's lives, but there's really nothing you or I can do about it unless you're part of the government itself. I can vote now, and I plan to, but would my one vote have changed anything if I had been able to vote during the 2008 election, not at all. I may not like the current administration but whats the point of getting all worked up about it when there's literally nothing I can do but wait and vote.
Police aren't the only authority one should be worrying—or complaining—about. Being unfairly pulled over is a pretty inconsequential thing to complain about.

Canada, for instance, has just had Parliament prorogued.

Parliament has been prorogued before. It is not an uncommon occurrence.

It, for example, happened in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008, and 2009.

It happened frequently in the 1800's - To the tune of every couple years.
This continued until the 1950's, when the frequency dropped to a couple times per decade.

I don't necessarily support it - Not this time 'round - but people appear to be misinformed on the topic, courtesy of the media.
To prorogue parliament is not a new thing.

As for the topic on hand, I summed up my view on police neatly on another forum a few weeks back.
Allow me to quote.

____ _____
I agree they are mostly douches that we get to deal with. I'm sure there are lots of good cops, but how long do you think they last pulling people over for traffic infractions? If you're not useless you're gonna move outta that position pretty quick.

Some people are just the type who are always going to side with the government/police/authority of any kind. We have a specific 2 word name for people like that at work.

The police have made quite the mockery of themselves the past few years. There is already change in the hugely corrupt system, we just need more public pressure to get ahold of the runaway public funded gang. We are after all, their bosses.

Spot on.
Every officer I've ever dealt with (And I'm a good boy, aside from a couple speeding tickets) has left a sour taste in my mouth.

The only exception would be from high school - The local detachment had a local liaison who was a cool guy.

My first reaction when I see an officer is often that of fear. Whether I'm doing something wrong or not, it's 'oh crap oh crap...'. Why? Probably because I know that if I so much as look at an officer wrong nowadays, it's like a license for them to do a search-and-destroy until they find something... It only takes five minutes of their time, one alleged infraction or crime, and your life can become a mess until you're cleared.

Our government is slow and weak, often doing more harm than good (despite what can occasionally be described as good intentions). I do what I can - Vote - But even that can backfire when every politician running for a position is lying through their teeth for votes.
An excellent example of this would be our provincial government - Our premier, when questioned on the subject, mentioned nothing of new taxes before an election in May 2009. Months later, he introduced - And is forcing through - a 'harmonization' of our two sales taxes (Goods and Services Tax and Provincial Sales Tax). Many items are currently exempt from the 7% PST (Groceries and all food including restaurants, real estate, hydro, and many others) will now be subject to a full 13.5% sales tax.
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Parliament has been prorogued before. It is not an uncommon occurrence.

It, for example, happened in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008, and 2009.

Proroguing happens about every 6 months—under traditional, ceremonial circumstances.

Rarely has it ever been used for such obvious gain.

Months later, he introduced - And is forcing through - a 'harmonization' of our two sales taxes (Goods and Services Tax and Provincial Sales Tax). Many items are currently exempt from the 7% PST (Groceries and all food including restaurants, real estate, hydro, and many others) will now be subject to a full 13.5% sales tax.

Yes, the same thing is happening here, too.
All authorities in a position to exercise power and control people, everything from cops to moderators on here and in between..

I think that there should be healthy skepticism towards authority.

That being said, I also think that the vast majority of people who have a huge problem with authority are just trying to get away with crap that they know they shouldn't do anyway, and use the resentment of authority as camouflage.
Most police officers that I know are good guys who put their lives on the line every day for my protection. Out of the police that I Know, I'd say about 1 of the 20 is a power hungry tool, that's not a bad ratio, and I think it's about the same in every profession.

...I also think that the vast majority of people who have a huge problem with authority are just trying to get away with crap that they know they shouldn't do anyway, and use the resentment of authority as camouflage.

That pretty much sums up my feelings.

I think what most people do not understand is that most police officers (for example) to not create the law, but must work within and along its framework to help enforce laws. For most of our free society that is of adult age, the ultimate authority should be oneself.