your own music

i was thinking on every GT i'v played i just turn off the music coz its not my taste. cant u make so u can inport your own music. dont think it will b hard to make or take up any real space just an idea
Would be great to have that, also turn music off asap. But i read microsoft has a patent on own music in games or something like that :(
Would be great to have that, also turn music off asap. But i read microsoft has a patent on own music in games or something like that :(

Are you effing kidding me? How can they copyright playing your own personal music in a video game?? Rediculous. Guess i'll just have to play my own music on my stereo with the TV up :(
If its not an April fool, which it certainly smells like, there are plenty of ways round patents.
I very much doubt MS could enforce this.