Forza Horizon 5 “Let’s Go” Stream to Reveal EventLab 2.0 This Week

The next Series of Forza Horizon 5 will be revealed in a special stream this week as the Playground Games crew is set to lift the lid on the evolution of the EventLab creation tool.

Officially called “Horizon Creatives”, the next Series will be the 25th in the game’s life and will take us through its second anniversary since its launch in November 2021.

While it’s not entirely clear what that will bring just yet, we have had a couple of teasers regarding what to expect — aside from just the title and thumbnail suggestions of creativity at the fore.

Following last month’s stream, the presenters stated that an update would be coming to EventLab and this is reflected in the upcoming stream’s description, with the name “EventLab 2.0” suggesting a significant evolution of the tool.

For those not familiar with EventLab, it’s both a blanket term and a specific one that deals with user-created environments, events, challenges, and races.

The current EventLab allows you to build routes anywhere you want — from specific start points — by driving a set path which any AI cars will then follow (somewhat slavishly), and create environments using any one of thousands of items to totally transform the game world.

Additionally there’s a set of custom race tools which allow you to muck about with certain physical parameters, including engine power/torque and world physics, or create special scoring mechanisms — in essence, anything that PG can do for a special event, players can too.

However this potentially powerful tool has always been chronically under-explained, preventing much of the playerbase from exploiting it. We’re not sure quite what the changes will be to make the new iteration worthy of a “2.0” appellation, although we hope that a relatively simple players’ guide will be part of it!

The description for the video also notes that the stream will reveal eight new cars for FH5, although their identities are still under wraps. Although the vehicle in the cover image is usually one of the new ones, this month it’s the Saleen S1 that’s already in the game.

While there’s currently no information on a sibling show from Turn 10 for the upcoming Forza Motorsport, we’re still expecting some more information on the title soon as it will be only a month until it launches.

You can tune into the Forza Horizon Let’s Go stream from 1600UTC on Friday September 8.

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