Forza Motorsport 6 players were greeted with an unexpected update earlier this week. In light of the upcoming ForzaRC Season 2 Grand Finale, the game has received some tweaks to make watching races more broadcast-friendly.
Weighing in at 105 MB, the update significantly improves the Spectate Mode in online lobbies. A news ticker takes up residence at the top of the screen, cycling through the racers and showing a variety of pertinent info, which the viewer can choose:
- Time Behind Leader – Does what it says on the tin. Updates once per second.
- Split Times – Updates based on the track’s sectors.
- Distance From Leader – Measured in either feet or metres. Updates rapidly.
- Time Intervals – Time behind car directly ahead. Updates once per second.
- Distance Gaps – Same as above, in distance. Updates rapidly.
- Lap Times – Self-explanatory.
- Grid Changes – +/- amount based on race start position.
A floating display above the cars showing driver name, badge, and current position — the same as shown when taking part in a race — can also be toggled on and off. GTPlanet community member Cowboy is the star of the video up top, where you can see us run through most of the display options. And watch a Corvette show complete disregard for track limits…

The update should bring some much-welcome improvements to the ForzaRC broadcasts, which have been plagued with a lack of information (though there were some slight improvements made by ESL this season). No longer will viewers only have info on the car directly in front of them: what’s happening around the track is now easily accessible.
This also shows a commitment to the eSports movement from Turn 10, something which should hopefully translate into even more broadcast-friendly features with the next title in the franchise (likely Forza Motorsport 7). With GT Sport also scheduled for 2017, next year is shaping up to be an even bigger year for eSports than 2016 was.
See more articles on Forza Motorsport 6 Game Updates and Forza Racing Championship.