Gran Turismo 5 Finally Released in Brazil

Brazil loves motorsport, but they’ve had to wait just a little bit longer to finally get their hands on Gran Turismo 5. It’s finally out today (December 7, 2010), but there probably won’t be a big rush on stores for the game, considering PlayStation 3 consoles cost nearly $1,200 in the South American country due to local taxes and fees. Regardless, thousands of you visit GTPlanet from Brazil every day, so there is definitely a strong fan base in the country looking forward to GT5. Enjoy!

Sony is also making an effort to build up hype in the country, announcing GT5 sponsorship for Popo Bueno and his car in the Brazilian Stock Car series. Thanks to Rodrigo (in Brazil, of course) for the tip!

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Comments (92)

  1. Magic Ayrton

    Well… I live in the far reaches of the Amazon and although we don’t have the internet yet, I play GT5 in my tree house lol GT5 oh aye oh aye GT5 oh aye aye :D

  2. Vulcao

    Hey Jordan, thanks for writing this article. You could have just ignored the Brazilian date, but no, you gave attention to this often forgotten country. I really appreciated that.

    Nobody buys $1,200 PS3 consoles here. The “official” price may be that, but if you go to the stores, I doubt you’ll find that price somewhere. Brazilians are saying the alternative way to get the PS3 and GT5 is illegal. I don’t think it’s illegal, it’s just alternative lol. Seriously, stores import the console by themselves, I see nothing wrong with that, unless the product comes through smuggling (usually from Paraguay).

  3. GT5_delayHATER!


    Me and some friend got our copies the illegal way.
    LISTEN SONY: The Illegal way.

    Just because you don´t care. I would write a bunch of bad words here, but, Never mind… I´m already playing the game nonstop since november 25th =)

  4. calango31

    I paid R$220,00 in my copy of GT5 one week ago (it came from a informaç salesman. It’s tha regular price for new games, and it’s U$130.00. I saved this amount the whole year, and there will be no more games for me until next year. At least I’m playing GT5.

  5. Hernan

    @occasionalracer Im from Chile and here the prices are much better, the problem with Brazil is that the console are wrongly clasified as gambling machines (old law) and they have to pay those same high taxes.

    In Chile the xbox 360 slim arcade model cost 333 dollars, the slim arcade + kinect cost 451 USD, a Ps3 with 250gb cost 480 USD, all with tax included (19% is our tax for almost everything).
    The best price for new games are around 72 USD and we get them the same day that are released in USA.

    So overall our situation is much better than Brazil but gaming is still something expensive since the earning person are lower than developed countries (but one of the best for the region).

    Also the piracy has been going down in this generation since the xbox live banning and the overall importance of online features.

  6. RodVSQ

    Oh, I’m brazilian and finnaly have GT5 in my hands (actually right now B-Spec Bob is racing for me). It was difficult to wait to Sony announce a release date (for US and Europe) and have to wait 2 more weeks…

  7. Cocomoto

    I would love to see some Stock Cars from Brazil and Interlagos in GT5 or maybe 6.
    I’m brazilian and yes, i paid around $1.200 for my Metal Gear Solid 4 Bundle PS3. But at the time the dollar was higher than it is today if compared to real.

    1. Marcelo (MARcFuLLa)

      Yep, Brazil has one of the best circuits “old school” of the Formula One nowadays, okay that interlagos have its padddocks outdated and in need of an overhaul, as well security issues, but it is one of the few circuits that promote genuine emotion in an F1 race today … as well as SPA, Monza, Hockenheim etc.
      We (and the world in the reality) had Ayrton as an idol and reference.

      I’ve got my copy of GT5 two days after the international release, would never wait for the release here in Brazil for this masterpiece!

      Thanks a lot Kaz!

  8. Lyvan

    Here in Colombia a new PS3 is around USD 650-700, and GT5 will be officially released by Sony on December 10 at a MSRP of USD 105.
    Oooo and by the way @jonny boy, once you get to travel around the world and know other cultures, you will stop making that kind of ignorant comments.

  9. JJ

    I just hope I do not hear gasolina blaring on my headset or the whole familia decides to have a scream contest in the living room. Happens always 2 or so weeks after release.


      I don’t mind people making stereotypical jokes, as a matter of fact they all posses some truth in it which makes it even funnier, but they have to be some what accurate. So I can guarantee you (JJ) won’t be hearing Gasolina blasting from a Brazilian since Daddy Yankee is Puerto Rican (territory owned by the USA)and we speak portuguese not spanish.

  10. No46_TheDoctor

    To everyone taking cheap shots at Brazil, just remember one thing, Brazil produced the greatest driver the world has ever seen. Ayrton Senna.


      I watched his new documentary a couple of weeks ago, this guy was out of this world, i like the part where he says something like “when a professional racing driver doesn’t attempt to go through a gap he knows exists, he is no longer a professional racing driver”, something like that…

  11. Dener Nogueira


    Have my pre-ordered since October 2nd at the brazilian walmart web site.. rs

    Should be arriving today or tomorrow, at the most.. CAN NOT WAIT… ^^

  12. Flash3001

    I was going to get my copy when the Brazilian release took place but it was going to take a long time after US release so I decided to cancel my pre-order and get a US version early (i couldn’t wait, I’m playing in B-spec as I type kkkk).
    Here there are people struggling trying to make prizes more fair for all of us (brasilians) it’s name is JogoJusto.
    I paid R$ 200,00 (200 reais) in my GT5 and our basic salary is R$ 510,00 so we pay 40% of what most people get monthly in a game “/ it’s sad.

    1. diegorborges

      Hell yeah! Good for my brazillian fellas that were waiting. But a lot of us got the US version on nov-25 (my case :) ) and nov-26… I’ve paid 50 bucks more just to have the game as early as possible. Thanks to friends BMWorld and GT5_delay_HATER.

    2. occasionalracer

      Geez… how much is the average apartment rent monthly? If it’s as much as a game, that is truly a shame. How are the other SA countries dealing with the video game industry like Chile and Argentina?

    3. JeanR


      Actually, the other countrys on SA does not get so much expensive products, as Brazil, because their taxes over import products are not so agressive as the brazilians are… Our politicians are very greedy!!! Too much corruption…

    1. Napoleon_Ist

      Yep, that’s what I was considering. Hopefully there should “Spec” updates for GT5! :)

      BTW what Chevrolet model is this? At first sight I thought it was a Japanese SuperGT (looks like a Subaru Impreza).

      Also are the GT4 Korea edition’s extra cars included in GT5??

    2. brunol

      Well, it’s a mess of a car.
      It has got nascar light engines, the V8s, but in a “Chevrolet Vectra” body kit. The Vectra isn’t the actual vectra, once sold in Europe under Opel badge, no. It’s an old Astra underneath, with bits (like the headlamps, for example) from a newer Astra, but not the newest. Is it understandable? Chevrolet, in Brazil, makes only rubbish and old cars, disguised as new ones. Shame on them.


    We had a nice pre-order online on Mercado Livre (Brazilian eBay). Got the game a couple of days after the US release. Haven’t even played online yet, but hope to see you guys soon, my psn is GTBRASIL. Hopefully someday we get a shot at GT Academy, i’m pretty sure there are some insane drivers done here.

    1. JeanR

      Im glad we have no brazilian cars in the game. It would be shameful!!! Brazilian cars sucks…

      On the other hand, they could use the Chamonix brand to include classic Porsches to the game (356 e 550).

      THAT would be awesome!

  14. BR_Octane

    We are the 8th largest economy worldwide.
    We are the largest producer and largest exporter of most green commodities by far worldwide such as soybeans, sugar, orange juice etc.
    We are among the largest markets in segments like cellphones, cars,energy and BROADBAND INTERNET SERVICES.

    Sony should take a second thought regarding its marketing strategies for Brazil.


      Yes we are, but unfortunately what most people outside see is soccer, nice asses, jungles and carnaval (nice asses). And to be truly honest, that’s really everything we care about, except the jungle of course, we’re burning that down pretty quick. lol.

  15. ESP_Brazil

    I’m a “jungle boy” from brazil. I pay in my ps3 US$ 864,00 and GT5 US$ 111,00 on standart version region 1.

    1. Yui-San

      864 thousand dollars for a PS3?!?!?!?!?! O_o I think you meant 864.00 right? A “.” and a “,” makes a big difference XD

    2. Trial_Echidna

      Haha, he meant US$864.00 and US$111.00, it’s because here we use “.” and “,” differently XD

      I live in Brazil, and it’s sad to hear that Sony brought the PS3 for around $1,200.

      I got my PS3 80GB fat model last year (through importing) for around $560 and now GT5 for $110.

      It’s possible to find brazillians using USA PSN Accounts racing online, because there’s nothing more than the account itself (no PS Store, etc.) on a brazillian account. Then we make a fake US account (or EU) to enjoy the contents of PlayStation Store.

  16. Tharkk

    I am from brazil and the ps3 in brazil costs + – $700,00 (illegal import). And we got the game about 1 week after the release (illegal import) and theres a huge fanbase and ps3s down here, an yes, we have, internet, we have 50′ full hd tvs, g25 and g27 wheels, there’s no wild monkeys runnig down the streets.

  17. Greyum

    It must be a nightmare knowing that the game they waited 6 years for, and then a couple of extra weeks, is a bitter disappointment.

    1. Yui-San

      @Baleb26 He didn’t mean that. He meant it was a dissapointment for the game to be DELAYED for so long in Brazil.

    2. Greyum

      No, Baleb26 read it right, but he, like most GT5 fanboys, assumed that my statement means I think the game “is that bad”. Things in life are relative and typically in context with something else, learn that and move on.

  18. Stune

    Good grief! Brazilians deserve a much better deal than that! Had no idea the complications of getting a PS3 over there. Glad its finally released for them.

  19. j8mie


    I have no idea you guys had to wait so long for GT5 to be released. That must really suck when you see everyone else enjoying the game on here and it’s not available yet :(

    Welcome to the party!

    1. Brunol

      Because it isn’t real, it’s just painting.
      And those cars are rubbish, kind of like nascar, but a bit less powerfull and limited by engine rpm.

    2. MacgtBrasil

      Lol, that headlight isn’t real, due to safety questions. And I’m from Brazil, can say that the price of PS3 it’s really a shame, and the price of the games too. A copy of GT5 costs around $120… It’s really hard to mantain a PS3 with few games without spending a big lot of money here… So,my hot brazilian girlfriend can comfort me when I think about all of these high costs problems.

  20. Josue

    @ Fast

    I’m pretty sure we are even more that you’ve seen brazilian flags… But since our PSN aren’t as good as the US one, we have to create a fake account and then our flag doesn’t display online… =/ I’m one of those brazilians who would love to carry on our brazilian flag, but once I like DLC, I have to accept resigning my flag…

    In a nutshell, there’s a lot of brazilians playing the game right now, but you can’t figure it out due to my explanation up above.

    1. Caio

      You are right, Josue. I am Brazilian and until 2 weeks ago I used to play with an American flag. I did not know that there was the possibility to play with my flag, so I created another profile just to play online.
      And the PS3 is not US$1200 but R$1200 here. What in dollars is equivalent to US$650. Not cheap at all.

    2. Trial_Echidna


      The PS3 which is sold at the brazillian Sony Style is R$1999, which is around US$1200, which is definitely not cheap :P

  21. Josue

    @ Cyrus…

    I’d really appreciate your comments about Capoeira… But for most of brazilian, Capoeira is not considered a fighting style, instead we consider it as a Dancing style… But I’m glad for your comments… ;)

    1. Cyrus

      As a martial artist myself I do like to give credit where it is due, and believe it or not I’ve met a few Capoeira practitioners who were able to effectively use their style in self defense, however for the average person it definitely isn’t an option for true self defense….but it’s damned cool to look at! :)

  22. Josue

    @ jonny boy

    If you think that only countries above the equator line are nice places to live, you should reconsider yourself as a human being…. even a monkey can think better than you.

  23. Josue

    We have our ways to get our GT5 earlier and maybe you guys from U.S (UK and some other nice places) don’t know what’s about… But I’m a Brazilian, living in Brazil… And I have had my GT5 two days after you guys from these “nices places” did (November 26th).. This is the “popular” release, dedicated for those who might not be fond of GT5… The ones who really wanted GT5 have already get their copies… just like I did =)

  24. Cyrus

    Brazil is an awesome place, they deserve better!

    Of course I’ve never been…but think about all the racing talent…and they have made many contributions to the world. Of course the UFC was started in part by the family that founded Brazilian Jiu Jutsu, which happens to be one of the most effective martial arts styles in the world. On the other end of the same spectrum Capoeira, one of the least effective, but definitely prettiest martial arts. It definitely helped influence martial arts tricking and some would argue that it was the basis for Breakdancing. And as of now only 8 comments?! Even WE aren’t supporting Brazil enough!

    1. diegorborges

      Thanks a lot for your comment. It really means a lot for us, brazillians :) We are bigger and more interesting that some people may know. 4th biggest car market in the world. And people say that they are surprised that we have internet? lol

    2. Lsasqwach

      I have a buddy who teaches English down in sao Paulo. He also lived in rio for awhile. He always says that Brasil is the the best place in the world. I can’t wait to get there. But yeah the reais is out of control. Man, I can’t wait to get down there

  25. Alfredo

    In Mexico the game was out in December 30 (standard game), still no Collectors Edition. I got mine purchasing it at Gamestop. A shame for my country.

    1. researchALLwars

      ^ Woeful ignorance on display! Only in America- where we are all fat and happy!

      The Roman Empire part dos. What happened to the romans’ anyway?

    2. Ben Dover

      You calling Americans fat and lazy does not help when you are trying to dis someone for being the same thing you are.

    3. Zmann42087

      Yeah, umm.. how do you know we was trying to “dis” someone? I think he was just stating a fact that by and large Americans do tend to be obese and often are ignorant of anything outside their little bubble. And yes, this comment is coming from a fellow American (me).

    4. Yui-San

      @Alfredo “Was” out? I thought December 30th hadn’t arrived yet *Checks calender* Uh… yeah,seems like you used the wrong tence ;)(“will be out”)

    5. Rios

      Speaking of “fat”. $1,200.00 for a PS3 due to local taxes and fees? Nice to see the Brazilian government not trying to get fat off the backs of their people (Sarcasm). Got to love Capitalism! (Sarcasm x2)

    1. James

      @KKK,What is up with your name?I’m really interested to know,i hope it does not represent what it reminds me of.

    2. kekke2000

      Abbreviations dot com

      Ku Klux Klan (Law)
      Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanligi (Turkish)
      Kristian Kids Korner (Religion)
      Krazy Kooks Klan (Funnies)
      Krispy Kreme Kakes (Funnies)
      Ku Klux Klown (Funnies)
      Kadayam Kasthuri Kalyani (Community)
      Korner Kar Klub (Hobbies)
      Kataastaasan Kagalang-galang na Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan (Politics)

      probably stands for someting completely different in his nickname though. But it’s not right to jump to the conclusion that KKK must be Ku Klux Klan.

    3. TNA996

      @Detroitbb – I love your assuming narrow mindedness. Thank kekke2000 for enlightning you on the many abbreviations used with KKK.

    4. Detroitbb

      TNA996 – You’re in Jersey… you know EXACTLY what KKK means in America (and the only thing it references in our country). Your bigotry slip is showing and it’s quite unbecoming.

    5. TNA996

      Detroit – Go grow a sense of humor man! Get off your bigoted porch and grow an imagination. Again open your narrow mindedness to see not everyone is seeing what you do. Or is that all you can see???

    6. JeanR

      Common, guys! As this is a racing game, I prefer to assume KKK is a fan of the turbocharger brand. Lets use this space to talk abou the game and not of something so ugly as racism.

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