Gran Turismo 7: High Speed Ring Reworked & More Returning Tracks

Alongside many other details from last night’s Gran Turismo 7 info blast — the March 4 2022 release date, a fleet of new cars, and all the features heading to the game — was information on what tracks we’ll be able to play when the game lands.

One that no Gran Turismo fan can possibly have missed is the return of High Speed Ring. Like Trial Mountain, which also returns for GT7, it’s a circuit that has been in the game since the start but which GT Sport skipped out. That was due to scaling issues converting the PS2-era tracks, with PD preferring instead to work on new fictional circuits like Dragon Trail and Lago Maggiore.

High Speed Ring has been through a couple of layout revisions since its debut in 1997, and it looks like that’s the case again for GT7, 25 years on.

Given that the circuit only has six corners, you might not think there’s all that much to change. However there’s a major alteration to the profile of turn two which actually creates quite an impact.

Turn two has always been the first braking point on the circuit, following on from the fast, banked turn one, but it looks like you’ll have to do quite a bit more braking in GT7.

The corner entry runs at least 50m deeper than before, but the corner exit is only a few meters further over. That results in a far tighter turn with what looks like half the corner radius of before. In fact it’s now the tightest turn on the circuit.

With a slightly wider exit, the centerpiece cantilever spar cable-stayed bridge has moved a few meters — a much easier task virtually than in the real world — resulting in a slightly tighter entry to the first part of the turn three/four chicane, and a smaller radius on exit.

Thereafter, the track resumes its original course, but with one fairly major change that will show up in longer races. For GT5 and GT6, the pitlane entry shifted well in advance of the final corner, but in GT7 it will resume a more original position after the corner exit and on the main straight.

High Speed Ring was one of several circuits revealed in gameplay in the trailer, but all of the remaining tracks shown carry over from GT Sport. Notably that includes the Circuit de la Sarthe which had been rumored to be subject to an exclusivity deal with another developer. This either means the deal hasn’t come to pass, or the track is sub-licensed, or, with its March 2022 launch date, PD has beaten a deadline to get the track into GT7.

The trailer also showed off, more explicitly, a list of circuits in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region which would be coming to GT7. As expected from the previous trailer, this covers every circuit already in GT Sport, with the addition of High Speed Ring as a fictional circuit located in Japan.

In addition, the game’s official sites were updated to include a circuit count, stating that GT7 would launch with 90+ “track routes” — previously known as “variations”.

For those keeping count, GT Sport has 83 such variations, plus the Northern Isle Speedway Infield that’s only available in certain missions and players cannot select for any other purpose. This would mean that, with Trial Mountain (forward and reverse), High Speed Ring (forward and reverse), and the Daytona oval and road course, we know of 89 variations and there’s still at least one circuit yet to be revealed.

There was one hint as to what circuit that might be in the trailer, with a decal for Adria International Raceway appearing in the livery editor section — but not the map of Europe you see above.

We’ll likely hear more about the game’s circuits over the coming months, so stay tuned to GTPlanet for more!

Comments (67)

  1. DonZonda

    I honestly like the old High Speed Ring more. The lanes gave a better sense of speed. Unfortunately they've changed it since Prolougue.

      1. matrix_gt1

        It’s an odd way of helping. Facts and empathy help. Telling some random people they shouldn’t be able to play a certain racing game if not vaccinated isn’t helpful in the slightest.

  2. tomitammm

    I actually agree. The unvaccinated are the world’s problem. This is why GT7 was not available at PS5 launch. They don’t deserve this game.

  3. GingerBredMan

    This game is set up to be another GT Sport experience where there’s a minimal amount of content at launch, and then release little breadcrumb updates every month for the following 3 years.

    1. matrix_gt1

      If PD didn’t give GT Sport these “bread crumbs” after launch, then yes they would of surprised us with all that content for GT7 but they decided to add to and improve GTSport after it’s mixed/negative launch reaction.

      It’s understandable considering that. But I guess you can’t please everyone.

    2. w_a_i_n


      Not quite sure I understand why you are pointing out possible scenarios for something you have no clue about.
      Most modern AAA titles now, with longer shelf lives (compared to yearly official licences) have many updates to features, gameplay, and content over months/years. This is also similar to GT5/6. WRC10 just released its yearly iteration and despite the game being replaced again next year – it will be 2 more months before its track content is even ready. Even features are missing from it day one.

      In a move to futureproof the GT series with 4K assets for those that have 4K displays, tracks and cars now take much longer to build than ever before. The tracks are even more detailed in GT7 on PS5, to take advantage of its extra power. So, this takes more resources. Covid hasn’t helped the development situation either, but PD has taken on more staff to help with creating content for now/the future.

      You have no clue what speed PD is now capable of releasing content at. Specifically with regards to the increase in staff. But it seems clear your “crumb” comment assumes you think it will be a very tiny amount. While I see the flawed logic you’ve used here, I’ll repeat myself – you do not know how much the extra staff will speed things up over GT7’s life cycle.

      Plus – GT7 will arrive with more content than GTS, which can only be a positive? As a racing “experience” – it will offer much more that GTS currently does. If you only take the expanded livery editor and dynamic weather on all the increased circuit routes, the game will be much deeper and enjoyable than the experience contained in GTS today.

      Positives for the franchise.

    3. Andreasmoller

      There might not be that much more cars in gt7 around 80-90 new cars, but the their is still a lot more to do with all those cars,
      Gt7 seems to have a much better career mode, and in gt7 you have
      Gt auto
      Used cars and more those are not featured in gt sport, and it seem that you can add body kits and other aero parts as well, that will make every car so much more special

  4. Muller_cj

    On circuit de la sarthe The deal between Motorsport games and LMS promoters is for the rights to hold the Le Mans 24Hr E Sports Events The deal between the Promotors and MSG, and does not involve the circuit owners. (Automobile Club de l’Ouest Ville du Mans), To get exclusivity for a track would cost alot of Money the Circuit would expect as minimum the money it currently gets from all the other Devs, plus the cost of a Non exclusive License. of the top of my head the circuit is in Iracing, AMS2, and GT7, so that a minimum of 4 (3 income losses plus the cost of a non Exc License) times the cost. Just not finically feasible.

    On these type of deal you have to separate the deal between Promotors, Circuits and Manufacturers. Kunos have the rights to SRO, but the circuits, cars, are in other games because SRO does not own them, and Circuits and Manufacturers will not relinquish control of their IP, which is why a couple of Cars and Circuits are not in ACC.

  5. w_a_i_n

    Dear Kaz…

    Please bring back Rally stages from GT4, 5/6. Rally stage have almost been abandoned in GTS…


    1. NekoPufferPPP

      Good spot, I didn’t notice that. The thumbs look a little bit unnaturally bent though…something feels off…or is it just me?

    1. Normalaatsra

      City circuits might not be a thing anymore? When PD did tech presentations regarding automated technology, they’ve stressed how difficult it was to develop a city circuit when it comes to detail and time taken scaping the area. There was no new city circuit in GT6 and all of the Tokyo Expressway maps are original creations with a hint of procedurally generated buildings scattered in the area, which the latter was confirmed in the Houdini technology presentation.

  6. NosOsH

    They’re definately deliberately holding back info, cars and tracks, there’s no way that the little info the twitterverse has gleaned from the two trailers and a vague description from their website is the extent of all the new content coming.
    Im sure we’ve but only had a taste.

  7. JTB10000

    Only 3 new tracks huh. Maybe applying their complex dynamic weather and time system to all the tracks took time away from making new ones? Or they’re stockpiling tracks for consistent DLC releases?

    1. SnakeOfBacon

      Both; weather and other tech development is taking a long time, AND there’s probably a stockpile, similar to how Sport took 26 months to get all of its tracks.

    1. RACECAR

      From the Sport Races I’ve seen and participated in at Blue Moon Bay, the driving witnessed would seem to suggest the opposite.

  8. Schalkehelmi

    I love to the beautiful Nurburgring images. Favourite track still be back and a Ford GT Race Car would be much fun in the first weeks. I will sign with Ford again.

  9. snowgt

    Adria Raceway has only just been reworked this year, so work on the track’s representation in the game is probably just not finished yet.

    1. devonuto

      I don’t expect the track to be much different to GT Sport, just with some perhaps better textures lighting and weather

  10. JPVSPAndrade1

    I hope Autumn Ring, Deep Forest, Midfield Raceway and Apricot Hill comeback..
    Also, WTF is going on with Twin Ring Montegi and Silverstone??

  11. Mr. Apex

    I have to rewatch the trailer but I remember seeing something that looked like Deep Forest’s tunnels. Anyone saw that too?

    1. RickyBFC92

      There’s quite a few tracks I would drop in a heartbeat for more original tracks. I think Spa is hugely overrated, Nurburgring is no fun at all, Brands Hatch too.

      1. QTheRacer_31

        The Nürburgring is no fun? Maybe online if you don’t set a lap time before the race… Otherwise it’s probably the best circuit in the game.

      2. Plew

        For me, they can remove every track and just keep Nurburgring. No game is a true racing game if it doesnt have that beauty. I agree brands hatch is utter trash.

      3. Alfapintalaga

        Opinions for Minions. Personally I reckon BH is one of the most technically demanding circuits on the game, not a single free corner, each one a different challenge. Entry and exit key to each corner means so many places to make massive gains or losses on the lap-time. One of my fav tracks. Would like to see more of the British circuits on there in addition to BH and Goodwood…Silverstone obviously, Knockhill, Donnington or even Cadwell Park would be a stunning addition in the future.

  12. RickyBFC92

    I’m going to be somewhat disappointed if High Speed Ring and Trial Mountain are the only original Gran Turismo tracks returning, I really hoped to see Grand Valley, Deep Forest, Autumn Ring and Midfield Raceway return.

      1. NekoPufferPPP

        They added circuit experience events for new tracks and even added extra events through GT Sport’s lifetime. They’ll definitely be a part of the career when they come. I wouldn’t worry about it.

    1. HERE4BEER3

      Are you new? For about the first 2 years of GTS we saw near monthly FREE updates adding cars and tracks. Half the layouts currently in GTS were added with the FREE updates. GT7 will no doubt do the same to keep the game fresh and keep people logging in.

      1. aguia

        Yes, for a new game, everyone expects much more than two or three new circuits. If we haven’t seen Pikes Peak, it’s because the game isn’t ready, and until that happens, I really hope that have rendered such as Tokyo R243 and Seattle circuits, a 400/1000 mt test or a mini Route X (track with more traffic rooms), anything a circuit maker can do. ALL new tracks are welcome, Rally GT the most, same to cars, the Willys
        Mk1 sounds good, more electric,s, more Porsche, (959 can make the best N400, the Charade Gtti the funny N100). March 22 it,s WOW, I expect May to buy a boundle GT7 y PS5.

    2. Stoop Solo

      I’d like to see Apricot Hill Raceway make a return. And, probably more controversially, Cape Ring. Vastly underrated, IMO.

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