Following the disappointing delay news last week, Sony has now confirmed Gran Turismo Sport will be showcased at the Tokyo Game Show later this month. In a list posted on the official Japanese Playstation website, GT Sport appears alongside other upcoming first-party exclusives and third-party titles set to take place in the ‘stage event’ at the show:
Stage Event Showcase Titles:
- Rez Infinite (Enhance Games)
- Resident Evil 7: biohazard (Capcom)
- Nioh (Koei Tecmo)
- Overwatch (Square Enix)
- Final Fantasy XV (Square ENix)
- Gravity Rush 2 (SIE)
- Horizon: Zero Dawn (SIE)
- New Hot Shots Golf (SIE)
- RIGS: Mechanized Combat League (SIE)
- Gran Turismo Sport (SIE)
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (Bandai Namco)
In addition, Sony is due to have a conference at the Tokyo Game Show on the 13th of September just before the show officially begins on the 15th. This ‘2016 Playstation Press Conference in Japan’ will focus on new upcoming titles for the Playstation 4 system. Given that GT Sport is due to take up some time on the stages during the TGS weekend, perhaps the title will show up on the 13th as well.
In previous years, Gran Turismo has featured prominently at the event, with playable builds of GT5 and GT6 showcased in recent times for eager gamers who attend the days when TGS is open to the public.

Given that there has been a shortage of new substantial updates in the development of GT Sport, we are hoping Polyphony Digital can provide us with some new details in relation to Gran Turismo’s latest entry. Since the big information blow-out at the Copper Box and then a new trailer at E3, news has been few and far between.
With off-screen captures of a new car and a few images/off-screen videos of a new rally track being the most-notable reveals of late, fans will be hoping for some explanation regarding the delay. A closer look at features like the livery editor or single-player campaign, which have been only briefly touched on to date, would be welcome as well.
Tokyo Game Show will take place September 15–18 at the Makuhari Messe convention center. GTPlanet will be sure to report on any news that arises from the event.
See more articles on Tokyo Game Show 2016.
Is it me or does the dirt on the dirt track look like ps2 dirt, blurry and poorly textured!? Why showcase this picture??
I think it’s blurry from the motion blur!
You’re right didn’t notice that yet.
From what I can tell is that they use some PS2 and PS3 assets, obviously they use that for testing such things as the physics to get them more detailed. It looks 50% complete to me, but as many GT fans want more content than what they ever had. In today’s gaming industry we could be wanting more than we bargained for, which in return is a half-baked game with lack luster content.
If that rally track is shown, it is bound to be in the beta process still, and not really complete yet. Maybe it is just me, but don’t you think that Polyphony taking time to develop the game with added content would boost sales up a number than what most games get. I think of this game as a prologue to the next line of GT in a sense. Looking at the history of the games, and I think they actually would care to produce the game with this. Even if the textures are still bad, it is not announced about the new date, so they should have tons of time to render the textures properly.
For me, i already made the decision to skip PS4. I hope in 2021 we will see a release of GT8 (working title) in just 3 years into the PS5 life :)
As video games in this genre become more and more complex it’s no wonder they take such a long time to produce. You can’t just “throw more programmers” into the mix because coding just doesn’t work like that unless the software is totally modular…
Anyway, my point is, it seems like we are left with two choices these days.
1) Endure delays as they get things sorted out.
2) Accept the software at the release date but also accept the bugs/flaws on release and deal with patches over the next several weeks? months?
We all saw how things turned out for Kunos with their Assetto Corsa console launch. Personally, give me the game as long as I know you are working your butts off to fix the broken pieces or working your butts off to include the features you couldn’t complete by the time you froze the code for distribution.
Things shouldn’t be this way…
This is where employing a good PR person can work wonders. It’s all about perception.
Both of those scenarios could be much more acceptable if there was constant feedback to the community and a lot of game devs don’t quite understand this yet.
PD, sadly, are a bit crap at this. Evolution were quite good.
Ain’t even eager for what’s coming. Well, maybe the new comers. In the mean time, how’s about some new cockpitless Vision cars? It’s not like you don’t have time. You just gave yourselves 3-12months.
OMT, at this rate it looks like Sport will be a ligitimate ‘full’ game with SportEvolution being the final GT released on the PS4. Yeah, right, l dare you to say it ain’t so.
And don’t try that symantic crap either ;)
Symantic? Is that Symantec the AV software or semantic, the word? ;)
Who knows if there will be time for a second game this generation – who even knows if there will be another generation, what with the new approach being aimed more at upgrades – if that’s the case then there may well be several more.
It’s all conjecture until it happens.
Sorry, couldn’t resist that one :)
Semantic. Thanks Elf ;)
A single full GT for a PS console? Now that’s just plain synfull…. chuckles
True, that wouldn’t be ideal – I suppose we’ll have to wait and see.
I don’t care about teasers or delays; gives me more time to get a PS4 < $
Kinda like dangling a raw steak in front of a pack of hungry wolves at this point…
“The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Sometimes the giveth seems a little disproportionate to the taketh. There seems to be a lot more takething going on, but there it is.”
Wait a minute. “Overwatch (Square Enix)” That seems…very off.
So does this mean the Tokyo game show is also delayed?
Hold the Phone a new Hot Shots Golf
Come on, NASCAR…
Why would they show it in Japan, the popularity isnt too great outside of the USA.
Even if it was popular I don’t think that game would be my choice to showcase my system.
“Here is our cutting edge system, with graphics that look like a PS3 game!”
With the current information we have of GT SPORT (amount of cars,tracks and features) it already shows that it is a fully fledge game if you compare it to its long time predessor GT1. I think Kazunori stated that it could have been called GT7, but due to the new SPORTS mode feature added they called it Gran Turismo Sport instead “a new era of GT”.
@SDSPOWER01, so you are trying to compare a 2017 game to a 1997 game to justify the content? Really….
How about comparing it to Forza 6, Project Cars and others instead?
That’s the problem with GT, it’s still 1997 over there while everyone else has moved on.
@pascalf1 What I have been trying to show is that they use the same method they used in Gran Turismo 1. The same (140 cars and 15/19 locations) in GT SPORT and called it the new generation of GT. While the variants of track in Project CARS was huge, the car count was near 100 + cars and it sold pretty well as a fully fledge game. Driveclub and Forza Motorsport 5 is another example of the car and track count being small, so no I am not using GT1 as a comparison but just trying to clarify what I meant. A game does not need to have 400+ cars and 25+ locations to be a fully fledge game (Forza Motorsport 6).
I still have Faith in this game, Just need PD to Add the P1 and the FXX K and i’ll be all over this game,
Good on ya – though I’m a bit concerned about your P1 and FXX K fetish ;)
I know all the games you play because I play them too…
Not sure who your comment was mean for there…
If you have faith you’ll figure it out eventually.
That one word made it a lot clearer: there, didn’t take too long, did it, eh?
Shoot. I got faith they just made time to add a number of whips to 6.
What’s that cat doin’ nappin under his desk. Git back to work, Caviezel san!
@MeanElf….Chikane used “Faith” in his response…I thought the connection was obvious…lol.
That’s why I said “that one word made it a lot clearer…” never mind, you must have missed that…somehow.
Wow! Upon closer inspection of the Nurb pic, I’m very impressed with the overall quality.
Lovin that H as well!
Already lost hope
The fact that you’re placing hope in video games…
It’s probably going to be the same demo as E3.
Why? I’m sure it will be Seattle at sunset with muscle cars :)
Yo do realized we had a new gamescom build, right??
THAT was supposed to be “new”…girabyt3? The same old boring rally stage with the same old unbreakable plastic walls (and invisible walls, you can count on that)
@queleuleu – ah, the mythical Seattle Short…!
If we saw that, I may forgive them the delay :)
That would be really depressing :D
I knew it. Just saying it out loud here. I just knew it.
What!? You knew that a Japanese game will be at Tokyo game show. haha :)
Seems like an elaborate “First!/ Inb4” comment…