GT Sport E3 2016 Direct-Capture Video Shows Off Group 3 at Brands Hatch

The latest build of GT Sport is being shown off on the floor at E3, but for those not in attendance eager to see what’s in store, a new direct-feed gameplay video has begun making its way online.

Bookeneded by Sony branding, this certainly appears to be an official video, even if it has yet to show up on either the Gran Turismo or PlayStation channels. In it, we get to watch two laps of the familiar Brands Hatch circuit, from both the driver’s perspective and GT’s cinematic replay mode. Strangely, the laps are from two different races, though going by the engine note, the first race is completed in the same Audi R8 LMS as the second.

The replay lap in particular shows off the realistic lighting Polyphony is known for, helped by the TV-style replay angles. As a race against the AI of the game, both laps highlight what players can expect in terms of competition when they’re not racing against other humans online. Notably, there are a few instances where cars go two-wide through a turn without contact.

Also of note is the Mustang GT Group 3, a new addition to the game spotted in the E3 2016 trailer released last week. Another car joins the Group 3 ranks in this video too, in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment during the replay. We’ll give you a hint: it’s from a company that has a Vision Gran Turismo car that isn’t in GT6.

There’s more GT Sport news coming later today, so stay tuned as E3 2016 continues.

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Comments (51)

  1. Johnnypenso

    “The bots are about as fast as the player”….because the player is very, very slow. Bots doing laps in those cars in 1:36 at that track isn’t going to be challenging for anyone but the very, very slowest of players. Street cars on street rubber can lap Brands GP faster than that. For comparison, in GT6, during camber testing, the Yellowbird, a notoriously slippery car that has no downforce, on race hards, was 10 seconds a lap faster than that.

    “I have never said people don’t have a right to be critical. But the over-the-top bashing of Gran Turismo that takes place here routinely is usually left up to us fans to correct the record.” Laughable coming from the GTP king of making outlandish statements about other games and routinely failing to provide any sources or proof of his claims and falling back on “I’m tired” or “I’m not going to search the whole internet you do it” as excuses.

  2. Tenacious D

    So… the usual complain fest. How GT Planet. ;D

    But if you give the video an honest assessment, there are some goodies.

    – The bots are about as fast as the player, and they’re spread out fairly realistically.
    – In the course of a lap, he advances not 7 or 9 places, but all of one!
    – Sounds are definitely improved. No ear gouging tranny, tire squeals are more like it. Environmental sounds like the race announcer.
    – Hyundau GR3! And it looks great.
    – Everything looks great. The trees, the non-faceted objects, the lighting… fantastic and quite true to life. I like the HUD.
    – Car behavior looks very good.

    1. Kyle Patrick


      The implication being that anybody that’s critical is being dishonest? Seems you still haven’t learned that people can – and do – have different opinions to your own.

    2. Tenacious D

      Mr Kyle, I suppose you join a board to look forward to how a good number of people complain and argue over the subject of the board. If so, you are a unique chap.

    3. Tenacious D

      Well, one more thing. I have never said people don’t have a right to be critical. But the over-the-top bashing of Gran Turismo that takes place here routinely is usually left up to us fans to correct the record. While I have often been hounded for the smallest “you don’t know what you’re taking about” things by certain mods, it’s evidently well within the AUP with some of the staff to say routinely things which are demonstrably untrue, such as the cars all sound like vacuum cleaners, sounds haven’t improved, the bots won’t try to win, etc. I suppose all for the greater good of an improved Gran Turismo or something.

      So then there’s one thing. Another is ascribing things to me like the above which are completely untrue. This is behavior unbecoming of a mod and is akin to harassment.

    4. Tenacious D

      “well within the AUP with some of the staff to say routinely things which are demonstrably untrue”

      Er… for the members here to say routinely things which are untrue. Sorry, I need more cooffee. And some AC…

  3. JackC8

    Watching this after playing other racing game just makes me laugh. They sound like electric cars, except for the one with the totally different exhaust note – it sounds like an electric shaver being switched from one speed to another; there’s no sensation of the engine being connected to the drivetrain which is connected to the wheels which are connected to the track, and all the slack in that system which makes real cars NOT sound like electric shavers being switched from one speed to another. And of course the track is smooth as glass and there’s no sensation of the suspension working. A four cylinder Honda Civic you’d buy off the dealer’s lot would sound positively ferocious in comparison to these “race” cars if driven around that same track.

    1. Tenacious D

      And of course the game is set for release next week. ;)

      Well, you listen to your cars, I’m going to race mine. And take pics. And livery them up. And take more pics…

  4. black300zx

    I’m not sure I’m digging the “TV style” replays, it’s pretty much the same angle over and over as the car goes thru the corner. Replays is one of the things I enjoy most in GT, you got a perspective
    and exciting view you can’t get in real life. I hope they are all not that boring.

    1. Tenacious D

      TV style replays are also from various heights, and definitely not from roof level to ground for the most part. I watched a CART race at Indianapolis a few weeks ago, and the replay cameras were three low views, four above the roof to maybe 15 feet, then three high views from 20 feet or so to perhaps 40′.

      Kaz, PLEEEEASE let us actually SEE the race. Get the replay cams out of the grass and above the roof much more. Please? You have such pretty tracks and cars, I want to enjoy looking at them.

  5. breyzipp

    Sound volume is weird, do they lower the volume to better hear car sounds near you? Sounded that way when passing the GT-R, felt so wrong. Also the VW car sound is louder than the own car sound.

    Not impressed with car sound itself at all tbh, sure it’s a step up from GT6 but it’s still an entire ladder behind Project CARS. Graphics are so-so, the lighting is about the only thing I like.

  6. Blood*Specter

    The sounds are definitely headed in the right direction. Until I hear some heavy hitting V8 and V10 and V12 noise I still put GT Sport well below PCars and Assetto Corsa in the sound department.

    The car detail looks as though it will continue GT franchise high standard. But damage must be integrated into that environment. And it must be convincing and of course performance limiting.

    Track detail looks promising. And the environment outside the track has to be woven into the total package in order to enhance emersion. The 1D images littering previous GT releases have to be a thing of the past. Same with trees and hedges. They have to seem alive.

    Based on their still being in development phase, I give PD an C+ for what they are showing in the current mods. Very interested to see how they progress right up to a month prior to release day. Which we should all agree will not be on schedule.

  7. CarreraGT

    Looks great, although perhaps a little sterile (no exhaust fumes, marbles, leaves etc.). Sounds is still very “clean” too…

  8. Isho

    Same old instantaneous gear change sounds from GT5/6… Though the transmission whine is getting better.

  9. mr_pepps

    Hmmm. Those engine sounds are pretty bad. I hate to be a moaner but, well, there’s no rasp from anything in that pack of race cars!
    Also, looks like the lap was driven in auto. No short shifting at all.
    And finally it seems the pilot observes the GT tradition of not just braking before a bend but braking, dropping anchor and stopping the world. The vid shows the AI to be quite uncompetitive in the late braking department.

    This one doesn’t impress me much. Here’s hoping for improvements in the next vid.

  10. ribloGT

    The VGT cars look so fake compared to the real cars…
    Pity… this ruins so much the immersion IMHO…

  11. MrWaflz55

    Still sounds real bad after coming off of PCars (used the zonda cinque) No real improvement being made at all, still using the same old Crappy sound engine. Minor improvements here and there but not enough.

    1. moxlox

      Now I know you don’t say this directly but it is implied. The cars do not sound like GT6, there is a distinct improvement. Is it good enough; not yet but I don’t hear the same sound engine as the last two games.

    2. Magic Ayrton

      I agree, it sounds a bit better but that’s it. (from what you can tell in a video) It just sounds flat, boring and unexciting.

    3. Johnnypenso

      Having listened to the most recent direct downloads at home on my good quality surround system I can’t agree more, still a ton of work to be done. To my ears, the sounds are so poor that they actually sound disconnected from the beautiful images on the screen, as if someone cruelly dubbed out the good sounds and dubbed in old sounds from previous GT games.

  12. BLADErunner80

    In Replay you can hear the trackside announcer over the speaker system, listen when the cars are around the pit buildings. Nice addition to give some race meet atmosphere.

    1. Naveek Darkroom

      Nope. There’s a Group 3 version of the Hyundai Genesis Coupe. But the Peugeot Vision GT Group 3 is new, though it was already listed on the GT site.

    2. infamousphil

      Ok then. It must be the yellow one that looked like an Apollo, but it had an emblem up front that looked like Renault’s diamond. Definately not something from GT’s past.

  13. ScotteDawg

    @Kyle Patrick – That “blink and you’ll miss it car”… was it orange with a black roof?

  14. jm79

    I think it was the same race. We caught the last lap of the gameplay, then the replay started from the beginning of said race.

    Anyway, looks incredible imho. Will we get any videos from GTP staffers at the event too? Or have we been scared off by that weird takedown of the copper box stuff? ;)

    1. ScotteDawg

      No, it was two separate races! Look at the car in front of the Audi during gameplay then at the car in front of it in the replay – two different cars!

      Also, why would the first lap of a two lap race end with a checkered flag? WATCH CAREFULLY!!!

    2. Kyle Patrick

      Nope, two different races: the replay lap ends near a Renault, which isn’t how the first lap starts. That, and the checkered is waving both times. :p

      Still unsure about new videos for the time being!

    3. acedition333

      I think it’s the same race. Just in the replay, it’s showing a car a few cars ahead. (In a different car)

  15. Double-T

    The AI seems much much improved. Two cars enter a corner side-by-side and the AI doesn’t back off! It actually comes out ahead of the driver’s car in many cases. That’s almost unheard of in previous GTs.

    1. mr_pepps

      If it was you driving against that AI car I’m sure you would’ve been faster into the corner anyway. The AI don’t really get into the turns very confidently imo.

  16. Obelisk

    I can’t find the VGT being mentioned. I see the VW GTi and the Peugot VGT. Is it the car in front of the McLaren at 2:15?

    1. Naveek Darkroom

      It’s a car from a company that has a Vision GT that’s not in GT6. The Group 3 car just isn’t their Vision GT. And I think it is the one in front of the 650S there.

  17. aguia

    It seems to me that in relation to GT6, there is one thing that has not changed … when the two cars are together, the engine noise decreases

    1. Gyro1780

      I really hate that. When your in a group of cars like on the first lap you can barely hear your own engine sound.

    2. TeamCZRRacing

      It’s realistic though. Trust me, I’ve been in that sort of situation in real life: you get too close to someone, and sometimes the engine sounds blend together so that it’s hard to hear your own. Annoying? Yes. But again, realistic.

    3. Johnnypenso

      The way it’s working in game in this video is nowhere near realistic. Your own car doesn’t decrease in volume as it does in the video. It sounds like someone is turning the volume knob down on your own car sound.

    4. aguia

      It would differ from the GT6, would not reduce so much the sound of our engine and slightly increase the car sound at our side,,, (say I, that never race unless in karting),,, however is a minor detail that will not take me the pleasure of playing, as well in GT6

      Johnnypenso- Yes that

      TeamCZRRacing- you say “sometimes”, ok, depends on the wind, the exhaust and speed e etc,,, but still strange in a new game, it is also a reality.

  18. SimTourist

    The UI is garbage. Triple speedometer readings, double of tachometer and gear indicators, just why?

    1. MrWaflz55

      It will most likely be customizable like other GT games, they probably just have everything turned on right now.

    2. KiroKai

      In GT5 it took many patches until we could properly pick parts of the HUD to show/hide, in GT6 all options were removed again, it was literally HUD on or off. I wouldn’t rely on options in GT.

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