Following on from the Nismo mention of the program last week, GT Academy held a press event yesterday in Egypt. Taking place at the Autovrooom track in Cairo (Facebook link if you have a particularly strong interest in the Sunny and/or Juke), few details were released, though GTPlanet member (and 2015 GTA North African champion) sems4arsenal was present. Much as the case was last year, expect some changes to the format…
While PS3 wheels and controllers are visible at the event, Sems is keen to point out that they were only present for the press event, and that details on the exact platform have yet to be revealed. GT Academy will be launching in April, just as it did in 2015, which of course lines up nicely with the original “early 2016” promise of the GT Sport public beta. Unless it’s delayed…
The qualifiers are said to be taking place exclusively at live events. If confirmed, this represents the biggest break from tradition, as each previous GT Academy has been available to players at home, either as a free, downloadable standalone, or from within a current Gran Turismo title.
We’re anxious to hear more details from not only Egypt’s GT Academy, but from other territories that will be taking part this year. With only a month before the program gets under way, it shouldn’t be long! Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.
Thanks to Moe Raafat for the tip!
See more articles on GT Academy, GT Academy 2016, Nismo, and Nissan.
Nissan Sunny confirmed as title car for GTSport I’ll tell ya.
Moe Raafat here, no problem at all guys, me and sems will keep an eye out for more details
it’s worth noting that the only reason egypt will hold live events is because we are not listed as a country on PSN. it was the same thing last year. other countries may still get their regular online events
Thanks for keeping us up to date, Moe. Much appreciated!
“The qualifiers are said to be taking place exclusively at live events” – Well this is might be not the case with some more major regions since Egypt doesn’t have PSN support from what i remember so last year, qualifying from countries like Egypt had to be done at live events only.
I hope you’re right, I really enjoy the academy tests, even though I have no chance of winning, as I’m too old. It would be a real shame if it ended here.
Agree with Leggacy, I too am an old dude and even if I did have the skill set to set the kind of times necessary couldn’t compete for the Academy, but I do enjoy the online trials.