This week has seen some incredible imagery – much like forum member Abraxas‘ very interesting real life versus GT5 comparison photos, our tournament has brought out some of the best images you’re likely to see from the game. No point wasting time, then – let’s get right to it!
A quick reminder – while our weekly competitions are, as always, open to any registered member of GTPlanet, the Tournament started with a qualifying stage, and only the people who survive that and each subsequent voting round continue in it. For all the details of each specific competition, just click the theme titles in each overview!
Alright, there’s slightly less than two hours left for votes in this first round, so we’ll need your help with some votes, post-haste. How the rounds work is as follows – you will see a lot of images in the poll, with banners separating them all, informing you of the match contestants and their theme. In each set of two images, you must vote for the one you like most. It’s multiple choice, so pick your favourite from each match-up before hitting Submit. There are thirty two matches, sixteen for the PMC division, and sixteen allowing for 2.0-style editing. Now that that’s explained – go here to vote for the PMC matches, and here for the 2.0 ones. Quick!
(Click to view full-size of mazda787’s winning shot)
Mazda787 hopes your suspension can cope with this week’s Hard Landings. You’re not limited to what sort of cars you’ve got to include in your picture, nor the location (though obviously, Photo Travel still shots are out). Highlight that brutal feeling of your car just sticking the landing!
This Week’s Poll: Ah, we’re transported back to the 1970’s (and in a way, GT4), with last week’s, er, 1970’s Styling. Only Standard cars were allowed last week, which meant a lot of welcome rare cars popped into the competitions. Which one deserves the win though? You’ve got 25 images to choose from, so get your vote on!
(Click to view full-size of zambuca’s winning shot)
Two simpler approaches to sports cars are the highlight of this week’s Head2Head theme: Lotus Elise vs Honda S2000. Do you side with the British minimalist, paired down to only the essentials needed for driving enjoyment, or the equally single-minded Honda, a size up, but in the classic front engine convertible mold, with the craziest four cylinder ever unleashed on public roads? You can only pick one…
This Week’s Poll: Last week’s theme of Extraordinary Car Choices brought a lot of rarely-seen metal into focus, much like the PMC theme did. How often do you see a Dodge Ram sharing poll space with a Citroen 2CV, Mazda AZ-1, or Saleen S7? Those and 11 others are sitting in the poll right now, waiting for your votes to determine the most extraordinary. Don’t deny them that!
(Click to view full-size of Tangled Web’s winning shot)
Boabdulrahman couldn’t win another week here – he can’t enter his own themes – which opened up the chance for one of our GT4 veterans to snatch up a close win last week. For this week, Tangled Web has given us Small Car, Big Smile, taking the BMW 135i around the Nurburgring GP course. You may shoot any sort of image, as long as it’s those two main ingredients!
This Week’s Poll: Last week, a bunch of old British saloons were spotted Storming The Countryside. Our Certain Car, Certain Location pairing? The Lotus Carlton and Mt. Aso, of course! The old girl’s still quite the entertainer, as the poll shows, but as always – there can be only one winner. You know what to do!
(Click to view full-size of Raphaele’s winning shot)
Unfortunately, this week’s Photoshop theme isn’t up online yet – we do however, have the poll below!
This Week’s Poll: The Next Interceptor was the name of the game, bringing with it Mad Max’ian modifications to the mobile monsters of GT5 (phew). Inspired by the rumoured upcoming movie, our users were asked to create the next star for said motion picture, the only real limitation being it must be black. Vote for your favourite now!
(Click to view full-size of ShaolinMasta’s winning shot)
It’s sequel week in Secret Santa, with Godzilla 2 now showing in browsers! ShaolinMasta wants to see Nissan GT-R’s, at least two in any image, though they cannot be SuperGT/JGTC models, and also no more than 1 of them can be the TC model. Other than that, you’re free to be on any track you’d like. Once you’re set, make sure to submit your entry to ShaolinMasta – do not post it publicly!
This Week’s Poll: Last week, bmxmitch wanted us all to know that Black Is Beautiful – most of his garage is painted in some form of it, and he wanted everybody to do the same with their anonymous entries. There’s now 15 black beauties waiting for your decision, so let them know which one deserves the win with your vote!
All sound a bit complicated? Read this thread for an explanation on how to get your images off your PS3 and onto a computer, and read over the individual rules in each competition’s thread. If you’re further stuck, feel free to Private Message me (click here). Start snapping those digital shutters!
how do you upload pics from you PS3
Raphaele’s shot took me a second to figure out what he was on about…looked at the picture on the side and i got it!!!
LOL nice work man!
how can I vote for last week’s “low aperture vs high aperture” contest? please answer
The competition’s closed, so you can’t vote on it.
The photoshopped one has a spelling error xD… pre-school not pre-scool
I.. I don’t know what to say. O.O These photos are super stunning. :) I love the photomode competitions, so many beautiful photos to check out from everyone all over the world. :D Talented I say. Talented.
Right who voted for the banners LOL
You know, the banners deserve some love as well. ;)
Epic photoshop?
Pretty good pics there, wish I had this talent
Me to. I would love to know how they got the flames in that pic.
^ you simply need to turn on fuel/tire wear.
So your telling me you get flames on the track from tires that have worn down just from turning on fuel/tire wear??? Your kidding right??? Cos I have played this game since its launch and this is the first time I have herd that one…
Lol he’s talkin about the photoshoped pic of the delorean with flames from tires
Yes thats the one.
I think he used adobe photoshop. It’s a great program but sadly there is a big cost on it. But u can allways find a hacked 1 on google :D