Does math have a place in track design? Obviously a whole pile of the stuff is needed to sort out the construction of a new circuit, but what about the layout itself? On one hand, it’s hard to believe someone looked at the landscape of Monterey and took out their geometry tools to precisely layout the Corkscrew. On the other, we have the sterile modern Tiilkedromes like modern Hockenheimring and Yas Marina littering the current F1 season.
This week’s track takes a high-concept approach to circuit design, using only a limited number of pre-determined pieces to construct a track, much like a box of regular Lego pieces can create a masterpiece. Welcome then, to Case Study Raceway no. 8.
Download Case Study Raceway no. 8 from our GT6 Track Database
GTPlanet member eran0004 is no stranger to TOTW, already featured a record-setting three times (Week 9, Week 10, and Week 25). For this creation, he took inspiration from the modern design power couple of Charles and Ray Eames. Known for their considerable contributions to furniture and architecture design, the Eames’ Case Study House no. 8 is arguably the most successful of the experiments commissioned by Arts & Architecture magazine for two decades after WWII. Crafted from pre-fabricated pieces, the house would serve as the Eames’ home from the time they moved in until their deaths.
It’s this focus on pre-fab that eran0004 has used to guide track creation. The parts list:
- 66 meter radius corners
- 67.5 and 112.5 degree corners
- 22.5 degree kinks
- 100 and 200 meter straights
From those basic ingredients, Eran has crafted a quick, challenging circuit. For the sighting lap, it seemed appropriate to take a designer vehicle for a swing, with the Bertone-designed B.A.T. 1 proving just what was needed. Unlike modern tracks, Eran’s creation doesn’t feel cold or sterile at all, with the gentle undulations of Eifel adding character to the turns. Another fantastic feature, that we can’t show with a single car on track: there’s plenty of passing opportunities!
What does the creator have to say about the track himself? “Using pre-determined parts may sound like a limitation, but it’s actually a good way to create a framework for your creativity to build from and it’s a method that I can recommend everyone to try.” It’s an excellent point that bears repeating: a blank page is daunting enough, but working within limits arguably breeds even more creativity. Look at motorsports for examples of just that!

We hope that this week’s Track of the Week’s appeal is two-fold: Case Study Raceway no. 8 should be downloaded, driven, and enjoyed, but it should also help those budding creators out there to find inspiration in unlikely places. Even math!
Submissions For Week 31 Now Open
Have you created the next great race track? Add your track to the GTPlanet Track Database now, and submit it to the Week 31 Submission Thread for your chance to have it featured next week. The deadline for submissions is 20:00 GMT May 20, but expect a slight delay before you see our usual video up on the blog: there’s a little GT-related event that day that you might have heard about…
See more articles on GT6 Course Maker and GT6 Track of the Week.
Been driving the BAT lately, love that car.
Definitely going to download this and all tracks of the week. I’ll have to create a new user because I have 3 PS3 users with 30 tracks each that I want to keep!!!
They should allow us to download at least 50 tracks.