If you’re a regular in the forums, you probably know about GTPlanet’s Weekly Race Series – our most popular and longest-running online competition. Thanks to help from JoostBaksteen, the WRS has a new, automated Leaderboard system which makes keeping track of your progress easier than ever before! Here’s how to get started:
- Create a forum account, if you haven’t already.
- Run the GTP_Registry Qualifier, to determine what division you’ll be competing in. We’ve got well over 500 users in the in the registry, so placing yourself in the appropriate group makes for the closest racing.
- Post your split times in the current round of the WRS: Week 61 “How Would You R8 Your New Years?” and watch as the Leaderboards update automatically.
Keep checking our WRS Forum every week to see the latest event. If you’ve ever enjoyed shaving a few hundredths of a second off your lap times, get ready for a really fun and highly competitive time trial challenge right here each week. Good luck, and thanks once again to JoostBaksteen for developing the software that will enable the WRS to keep growing!
I registered and used my GTP name for Prologue but probably wont do it for GT5 because I want all my gamesaves and trophies on 1 account. Only if I can copy my gamesave to another account on my PS3 (some games can and some can’t), will I play with a GTP tag online.
@tyl0r maybe it’s because the last one i set up was a japanese account…that’s why it took so long.
There’s no new hot news about GT5…
For me it’s not a matter of time. But i want everything on my main account. Maybe in GT5 we could choose a user name different from the psn name.
Till then i’m happy like it is.
Gt5 lobbys will rock: Clutch900 club
Setting up a new PSN took me five minutes. Literally. You must be a tremendously busy man, vitz.
Awesome news, I’ve been planning to get into the competitions for a couple weeks. This is more incentive : P.
no offense to any of you guys, but i can’t be bothered to set up another PSN, it take far too long.
maybe when the gt5 launches, you can stage these without the need for people to set a second account
I’d be pretty intrested in this, need to get the G25 tho I reckon, anybody know where I can pick one up?
hear lads look at the cover of PlayStation: The Official Magazine(the February issue) it looks like it will have a big gt 5 feature and is going to talk about the damage
hey my comment disappeared again! Well I’ll post it again here is a added in sound for the GT5 trailer on Christmas someone put in the sound for us from the GT PSP opening.
Do you need that GTP-account on the ps3 as user name??
Clever pun
Come up with a better way to keep times. Not every one will give their true time and BS on sending in the replay. You need a better way to keep times true. Not all of you are true to your word.