High Speed Ring Video

IGN has just posted the very first video of the new High Speed Ring in Gran Turismo 5 Prologue.  Despite some terrible driving (typically associated with IGN editors), it still provides a great look at the track, along with the first sign of a previously unmentioned new feature.  Watch closely as a “recommended” speed is placed directly over the apex of the corner ahead.


Comments (6)

  1. LiLGTO

    true but this is still damn clever though and maybe the temp and fuel gauge will work in the same way.

  2. Jordan

    Oh, yes, I see what you’re talking about. However, notice that this is a right-hand drive Mazda RX-8, and this particular car’s dashboard would in fact always indicate the speed in KM/H. The game indicates the speed according to your settings, the car indicates the speed according to the way it was built in the real world.

  3. LiLGTO

    yes the speedo/rev counter of the car on the dash itself. if you look closely when it indicates 100 M/PH on the HUD it also indicates 160kph on the speedo/rev counter.

  4. Jordan

    LiLGTO, the speedometer looks like it says “mph” below the indicated speed throughout the duration of the video. Are you looking somewhere else?

  5. un_peacekeeper

    “Despite some terrible driving (typically associated with IGN editors)” HAHA, YES – absolutely horrible. And they so need the aids.

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