With a little under two months to go until Assetto Corsa begins to make a name for itself on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, 505 Games and Kunos Simulazioni have released the latest trailer showcasing the game.
The video immediately draws attention to some of the key features of the game, such as the team’s painstaking and meticulous attention-to-detail, the realistic driving feel, and the game’s usage of genuine manufacturer data and telemetry. It all lends to Assetto Corsa providing the sensation of pure driving in every aspect of the simulation, down to the bespoke handling and precision physics.

The video also showcases a number of the game’s roster of competent racing metal, including those from the second Bonus Pack that was introduced to the game last Friday, as well as Dream Pack 2 which was added to the game late last year. The Ferrari FXX-K shown at the 1:02 mark will debut simultaneously on the console and PC versions of the game in June.
With the 1.5 update making way last week, console-goers have plenty to look forward to when the game releases in June, the likes of which include the all-new picturesque “Black Cat County”, allowing players to experience the game in a new way, overhauled racing venues, an improved sound environment, as well as improved physics and tire model.
If you’re expecting the game to be compromised when it transitions to console, you can rest easy knowing that Marco Massarutto, Licensing Project Manager at Kunos Simulazioni, assures the physics of the game were given first priority and wouldn’t be ‘watered down’.

The wait is almost over for one of the more anticipated racing titles of the year, but in the meantime remember to stop by our dedicated Assetto Corsa section to have a look at what awaits you!
See more articles on Assetto Corsa and Assetto Corsa Videos.
I’ve been playing PCars since release and I think it’s the best racing experience available on console. I wish AC had more track locations but I’m still looking forward to playing it on my PS4. The way I see it PCars & AC sort of complete each other in terms of car & track selection, so I’ll be enjoying both of them.
That talk about replacing one game with the other is just silly imo.
That’s what I’m saying. At the end of the day one game has the advantages on some things and other one has the advantages in another area. People debate the hell between pcars and Assetto corsa. Like can you just appreciate both of the games the way they are…..
Bugs aside, PCars has been an excellent addition to the console sim racing lineup and AC will prove the same I’m sure. Neither game has the broad reach and easy approachability for casual players like GT has and that’s ok. Any true fan of sim racing that has the economic ability to own both games really should own both games.
The ironic thing is that even with the bugs I find the racing experience in PCars much more enjoyable than anything Forza & Gran Turismo have to offer.
Finally, someone who really knows how to make trailers… This game reminds me gran turismo so much.. Hope it will deliver more than project cars…. Need something to race while PD are letting us wait and find new stars….. Hope Pd now understand how big of a mistake was to release gt6 on older console, what a waste of time and resources….. Still a great and playable game,but damn that bad decision, after gt sport there is no place for gt 7 on ps4, hope they understand that this time around…. Ps4k already coming.. And we know how much work and time Pd needs to create game….
GT6 wasn’t a waste of time, I consider it as a “refund” for the long waiting of GT5. I know some issues, PD mentality etc, but still the best PS3 driving game. Yes PD is slow and they will not change any sooner. That’s why Assetto Corsa can find a decent market on consoles and Kunos the resources to employ new staff and grow as a company.
That is a fantastic trailer.
Kudos to Kunos.
Best trailer ever.
Now for the intro, would be cool if they license “Moon over the Castle”. :)
Think I’ll get it on PC just for the ability to use mods and support for my G25. I’ve got a backlog of racing games at the moment though as I’ve only recently built a PC that’ll run things well.
It’s odd that they left a graphical glitch in a trailer (couple of black flickers at 0:51 on the bonnet)
You can use your G27 on PS4 and other consoles with a little DIY adapter callend GIMX. Check with google. I have built it and it works perfectly.
Are you sure you’re getting FFB? Or just rumble and wheel centring? I don’t think you can get the G25/27’s to actually have FFB with PS4 you’d need some sort of processing not just a converter plug.
If this game is optimized with a controller, I’ll buy it.
Do yourself a favour for this “game” buy a steering wheel. You won’t regret it.
Looking forward to understand if on the console versions will be possible to import skins from usb or an online portal. They don’t need to create new templates since all cars are UV mapped already and will be ported from Pc.
And no, we don’t need a livery editor either, we can just paint with original templates on gimp or photoshop. If Kunos do this will be the first time a Play Station will have an AAA racing sim with custom liveries.
doubt it, would be nice to have but it would be hellish to organise the compatibility
Odds are between slim and none and Slim has left town. Tiny developer isn’t going to have a niche feature like that, that kind of stuff is reserved for the big boys.
Johnnypenso you know new content are not required. What I’m asking is the possibilty to use what’s already there on Pc. I’m not asking modding support on PS4 just dds file import via Usb or upload to a server.
It’s not new content it’s programming time and leaping through whatever hurdles both Sony and Microsoft might throw up. With a core team of 12 guys risking everything they have on this one release, I don’t think you’re going to see much beyond the basics of sim racing in this title. If all goes well and the funding is there for AC2 and the team is willing to move forward with it, you might see much more fine tuning in the next release, or even as an added feature later on during the AC1 life cycle.
Looks like that I will be buying this game to my ps4. So sick of waiting for GTS and “playing” Pcars each is not really playable on a std controller. I have this game for PC and I advice everyone that likes realism to get this game.
I will have to buy it for PS4 because the stupid PC can’t past the 30 fps mark.
I just pre-ordered it and a g29 like an hour ago.
I haven’t played a racing sim since gt6 with my g27 on ps3. Sold it when they said ps4 wouldn’t support. Big mistake cause I was anticipating a decent racing game for ps4 and the wheels were way over priced on release.
Yeah I didn’t follow the PS4 hype without a serious racing sim ready for it. No way I’m going to sell it my PS3 and my wheel until AC is out on consoles. GT6 can still be fun afterall, and neither PCars or Driveclub hyped me enough to make me consider the switch that early. But Assetto Corsa is another story. I’m also considering a gaming pc, but laptop market is still a bit pricey for the hardware you get. So if 60fps and 1080p are confirmed on the PS4 for the next 2 years of sim racing we are done.
With AC the wait fir GTS will be much less stressful believe me. We will actually drive and race instead of wating for news like pre GT5 era.
I am very excited for this game!
The only question, does countersteer actually affect steering on the controller, that will be answered soon… I may trade PCars in if it does.
First Project Cars has a “Perfect Edition”, now Assetto Corsa is “engineered to perfection”. Today is really a day of hyperbole.
Well if you look at how AC physics work, it’s almost about right. No sim out there can match AC suspension, tire, aero, and weight transfer physics besides Rfactor 2 (which is it’s main rival as the best pc driving sim, but I use both so it’s a win-win for me).
A game, putting out a trailer to promote itself? What utter madness!
I’m on the fence about this game; what makes it stand apart from Project CARS?
Let’s see…
– Physics and driving feel
– Force Feedback
– Popular mods have often been used when the car has been officially licensed. Where do you think the Miata, 787B and Dream Pack 2’s Miura originated?
– The environmental feeling is superior
– The vehicle list is just a bit more varied
– The developers are incredible
That’s just off the top of my head.
I support everything Michael says and will add to it:
The mods really are INCREDIBLE Michael didn’t stress it enough. It adds so much extra replayability to the game.
It’s a true sim, the physics are fantastic. They will certainly take getting used to from PCars. I found PCars to be really really strange physics wise, extremely unpredictable and somewhat unrealistic.
The sounds are amazing. Sometimes I just drive to listen.
In addition to all the readily available mods you can easily make the game your own. Make custom skins with photoshop. Recolor your car precisely the way you want it.
Hope this helps.
Xplodium, is that really the case?
I’ve found DC to be the best, overall, sound wise, but not played AC. I’m going to anyway, but I’d buy it just on a ‘good sound’ recommendation.
The sound engine doesn’t have the fidelity of Driveclub’s, but they are good all things considered.
Ok, I’m definitely considering it. How does it do when playing with a DS4 controller?
I haven’t spent much time using a controller, but the time I have spent… it’s really natural-feeling, almost to no fault.
There’s learning curve but it isn’t steep, and it feels about as responsive as anything else, perhaps even more so depending on sensitivity/deadzone tweaks.
The thing I think you’ll find that a lot of AC fans agree on is that AC really makes you feel connected to the car, moreso than any other sim. You can really feel and sense the transition points between grip and slip and you really know what’s happening with the car at all times. The syncronicity between sound, FFB, visual and your inputs is the best I’ve come across in a sim. Everything that you really need to tune is tunable in sound and FFB for the sim to sound and feel right for each individual driver.
You’ve totally sold it to me, Johnnypenso – do you work for them? haha
Also, with regards to controllers, I vaguely remember Eurogamer saying it worked great with DS4.
AC is my favorite because it’s about racing and only racing. Don’t like the phony E-mails telling you how great you are in Pcars. Never had a bug problem with AC, but I am constantly having to remap my control buttons and shifter in Pcars (PC).
I do not agree aobut ac being better than pc. I like them both but i actully starting to lean more on pc than ac.
Physics and driving feel
– Force Feedback : I can not get proper feeling of the car in ac with my g27 and I am on my second one. the wheel must have dampning for(car weight) on because if not then the wheel feel limp when no ffb effect is in affect. when the rear of the car steps out i do not feel it at all, the feel of the car is bad in ac. But sure the “canned road/slip/curbs effect does make the drive lively.
physics, well the actually if you have been racing a car you know that it is not possible for a race car/hyper car to slip out of the corner in under 80km/h. Does the ac simulate dried out tires form like 80s?
As a mechanical designer I think that the cars in ac are just a modelled car shells with wheel not fixed to the car. The engine bay is a flat 2d surface, bleh. It seems the physics is based on a invisible box with the car shell in it with the wheels of the car not “physically” connected to the car. Look for example on how the wheels reacts/interact to curbs and curbstones in Nordschleife parking lot. Only on the open wheelers do you see the rods/shocks but they seems not to react to the road as they should, seems just animated. And the f40 have a simple/not accurate representation of the wheel suspension.
I want a properly modelled 3d car model with wheels connected to the body with real suspension and rods and the physics is based on that. It seems ac is not like that at all.
I still like AC and all but we must be real here, it is a game.
– The environmental feeling is superior
– The vehicle list is just a bit more varied
– The developers are incredible
@pillo either something is wrong with your wheel or your setup or both. I also use a G27 and I feel perfectly connected to the car and the road at all times regardless of the vehicle/tire combination.
it does not seem to be any problem with any other title, only in ac. have you even played other games than ac? I feel that AC is overhyped for what it really is so to speak.
I have played most sims except for RFactor and RaceRoom. I have played Stock Car Extreme however which uses the same game engine as RFactor. I have no issues on any sim, once I get everything dialed in. They all feel different, some are better than others at different aspects of FFB. For me AC was the easiest to dial in and the easiest to get accustomed to. I’m away on vacation so I haven’t tried the latest update but by all accounts it sounds terrific. Also looking forward to giving Automobilista a good run as I just got SCE dialed in before the launch of Automobilista.
good to know that it works good for you.. but as you can see it is not that great for me(ffb).
now i have to upp the ffb to 120% for a bit of feeling. but it is playable only that i have to use my eyes to see if the rear is stepping out.
If you have the ffb at 120% on a G27 you are likely clipping massively and losing all the small details while cornering. You need to use the FFB Clipping app and Wheelcheck to set up your wheel properly to avoid clipping and losing all the small detail. The G27 is a very weak wheel and very easy to overload it with wheel weight by turning the FFB up too high.