Just as things are beginning to heat up on Sony’s front, new rumors have emerged suggesting Microsoft won’t sit idly by and allow Sony to continue holding the performance crown unchallenged.
Of course this isn’t the first time we’ve heard of a refreshed Xbox One, just over a month ago it was reported that Microsoft had filed two new patents pointing toward a slimmer model and a more powerful updated model. Keeping up the momentum of the rumor mill, another story has surfaced and it places the would-be newer model as being 4-times as powerful as the current Xbox One.
The original story reported by Kotaku and later corroborated by Polygon suggests the new Xbox console, codenamed Project Scorpio, is expected to release sometime in 2017 and will feature a more powerful GPU. Power is one of the primary concerns for the refreshed console as Sony’s PlayStation 4 has remained a constant leader in relation to the Xbox One in this regard, and this has been evidenced by games running at both a higher frame rate and resolution more often than not.
With Scorpio, the intention is to end this narrative and perhaps outperform the heavily-rumored NEO before it’s even launched. Rumors point at the targeted performance peak of the new Xbox being between 5 and 6 teraflops. This is in contrast to the expected performance peak of NEO at 4.14 teraflops, which will be 2.25-times more powerful than today’s PS4.

The second of the rumored consoles, a cheaper, more compact model is expected to release by year’s end and is scheduled to be revealed at E3 later this month. The slimmer model is reportedly going to be “40 percent smaller than the current model and will likely include 4K support,” according to sources at Polygon’s sister site, The Verge.
In addition to 4K support, which will extend no further than video content, the smaller Xbox is believed to feature a 2TB internal hard drive, doubling the capacity of the latest model currently available. The rumored consoles are the focal point of a wider strategy on the part of Microsoft, codenamed “Project Helix,” with the intention of converging the Xbox and Windows ecosystems.
Project Helix is already well in-effect with the recent release of the free-to-play Forza Motorsport 6: Apex beta, as well as the announcement that every Forza Motorsport title will be released on both platforms simultaneously.
With E3 quickly approaching, one or both of these rumors will soon be put to rest and GTPlanet will be present at this year’s gaming mecca, bringing you news from the show floor as it happens!
See more articles on 4K Resolution, Project Scorpio, and Xbox One.
I keep forgetting what a flop is in computing…Is it the processing speed of the GPU?
Sony renew PS4 for it’s PSVR. And what a surprise It would be if refreshed XB1 will support Oculus Rift, ha? B-)
No XBVR rumores.. I don’t believe that they ignor VR. MS has put it’s gamepad to Oculus Rift already ;-)
What I dont get is, what are the people who have an xbox one/PS4 already suppose to do? If it’s true that these systems will be 4times as powerful, where does that leave these people? 4times as powerful is ALOT…ill Forza 7 take advantage of all that, making it possible to play it on the weaker systems? Or will Microsoft and Sony have a “upgrade” options to bring old xboxs/PS4s up to date? Alot to figure out…luckily E3 is in 2 weeks and should answer ALL our questions. I CAN’T WAIT! Should be one of the best E3s ever.
*making it IMPOSSIBLE to play on current systems…
sorry for the typos…praying u guys read between the lines….
That would basically be a generation jump, I don’t see T10 doing one FM for the current hardware. There could be a option to play at 4K on the newer box that I wouldn’t have with my current one.
I’m okay with that and will stick with what I have long as game play is the same, graphics aren’t the end all be all for me. Others will always want the latest and greatest, and that’s cool to.
You either upgrade or you don’t. Just like phones and PC parts. A new phone comes out every year and most people keep what they have while the enthusiasts buy it at launch. The new phone and the old phone play the same games but the new one probably has better performance. Eventually the older models get phased out…
At least that’s how I see this going. It’s rumored that there will be no Neo exclusive games so I’m guessing Microsoft will do the same with Scorpio?
@johnnyman123 This is the same question that’s been on my mind as well. I don’t own a PS4 yet, but I can’t imagine the frustration of owners once they made the announcement of the NEO.
In my view, there’s only two things that can happen that would keep people from going suicidal and alleviate some of the pain, is if. 1) They mark up the price of the NEO very high, or. 2) The NEO is available as an addition to existing PS4 users. Some sort of an attatchment to the PS4, as well as an option of getting a PS4/NEO complete for consumers that don’t own the PS4 of any kind yet.
@potvinsuks, neither of those are likely to happen. So I guess that it’s time to ready counseling centers around the world. ;-)
But seriously, I can’t see you guys getting upset over slightly less pop in and some higher grade textures in the distance, maybe slightly more stable framerates. If you do, I highly recommend you guys NEVER enter the world of PC gaming, where performance is ENTIRELY based on how much you spend on your gaming rig.
4 times more powerful means a lot more than, “slightly less pop in and some higher grade textures in the distance, maybe slightly more stable framerates”. 5-6 teraflops puts it into GTX 1070 territory, a massive, massive leap in performance.
Long as my Xbox One can still play upcoming Forzas, I’ll wait for the next gen or build another computer.
Most of this is vaporware until we actually see something, considering AMD powered every console the past few generations, what are the odds of the next system updates will be wildly different, not very likely in the least.
My money is on some sort of base setup that all games programmed will work on regardless, let the consumer choose to upgrade the RAM, GPU and APU all AMD sourced that would render consoles to it’s hybrid PC life and still have dedicated avenues for publishers to back, face it publishers will not back PC games with huge amounts of cash like they would on a console. There is more than enough evidence that the arena that is created by consoles foster competition, PC not so much if at all. Although I see MS is trying to do an Xbox interface on PC, problem is Windows 10 is a bit too far reaching and MS is hell bent on shoving it into gamers faces by any means necessary. The fact that Quantum Break requires a PC roughly 3 times the output as an Xbox One is absurd in itself, same with Apex and GoW the recommended specs are magnitude greater than the Xbox One, I heard of overhead but that is stratospheric.
Who will create the best PC/console hybrid remains to be seen. So far Sony has been riding on a wave of public adoration worldwide, if the PS Neo is real anyone should guess why they aren’t talking it up at all. Consumers will obviously freak out, so if it appears it will be a silent release without much fanfare for core audience and when that takes off they’ll market the mess out of it. Trying to tell the public 3 years in that you have an optional PS4 at a higher price point is almost suicide, assuming they are releasing late 2016 or early 2017.
MS is an a weird area as they have a good selling console but for almost a year now they have not released numbers so who knows how healthy their sales actually are but shareholders, stakeholders(consumers and all others associated) be damned. Them outing a more powerful Xbox One will cause them more identity problems than anything else as well as public disdain. Same with Sony but based of rumors Sony system is fully compatible with what’s out now, nothing of the sort has been stated about the upcoming ‘Scorpio’ and on top of that we’ve got people well into their whole 360 on Xbox One so that would go out the window along with that. Creating more problems for MS and making a mess of their own market.
Not even sure that R&D of either of these systems have been recouped yet, Xbox One that is a definite since it has dropped in price far too soon and selling with bundles out the rear, PS4 on the other hand has been selling almost twice as fast so it could already have started bringing in revenue. Main issue is how will they bring these devices to market at such an early stage into this generation and not seriously anger consumers, it will happen consumers are not the brightest of people, not even a put down. People don’t have the time to think about extras and yet another damn device that has a shelf life of less than a couple of years.
After MS push into gaming on PC again, I have my reservations about this schizophrenic direction from these guys, it just seems like being outsold has triggered damage control mode and they are not focusing on getting the public to view the Xbox One as an excellent machine to play on, they are behind in their main stomping grounds the US and everywhere it’s just not even sensible to even measure. Let’s just hope they don’t resurrect that inane idea about all digital nonsense and non-ownership thing, Windows 10 is already following suit of MS other software products and this renting idea…guaranteed they will attempt to apply it to gaming sooner rather than later. Smart idea since renting software creates a perpetual revenue stream that folks will have to subscribe to, it’s smart but I think it’s pretty underhanded, unethical, not certain but it could be.
Console war, maybe but this might just be a war on consumer rights, Sony and their digital PS2 to PS4, how long before we end up with it being permanently tied to a sub? IGC is literally a digital rental store at a $49.99 yearly rate, it’s not bad now but potentially later on down the road this can turn unfriendly to the consumer. Companies aren’t our friends no matter what they say in commercials, they are here to make a profit and those who look long term are always looking for a way to increase earnings even if it’s to the detriment of the consumer. Time will tell, so while things are still good, let’s enjoy the hell out of everything.
Can I get the sparknotes for this?
Is this a novel? I only read short storys.
Cliff notes version releasing *soon*.
That’s what I call a console war! A shot over the bow by Sony followed by a torpedo right into the starboard stern by MS. Exciting news for gamers.
Microsoft Xbox P.S.
Sony PS4K.
Nintendo NX.
I’ll laugh really hard IF SEGA would suddenly shows up with a new console called Dreamcast 2 or something X)
now would be a great time for Atari to come, it’s name alone will steal the show, and perhaps, all the developers, or create new ones from scratch.
new. simulator . developers.
I’m going to buy one and name it Hank!
I would not care for the PS4, XBone & NX if a Dreamcast 2 comes out!!!
And if “Le Mans 24 Hours” came back to life with it I’d have them both again.
BoneSawTX, thats a hell of an idea! Le Mans 24H for Dreamcast still is one of my favorite racing games!
Everybody missed the Simpsons reference??!!
(nice one, Northstar :)
p.s. Do you like shirt?
Keep your pants on people. The upgraded consoles are purely to bring (fairly) affordable VR to the console crowd, nothing more. Just my opinion.
R.I.P. Console cycles.
I suspect after this small ripple of enhanced consoles hit the market, the next full generation will be much more stable, and what we’re used to. Both PS4 and XBone were short sheeted a bit to make them more affordable, and then VR became entirely viable. The new boxes couldn’t run 4K stuff comfortably or at all, so… new boxes. But graphics are on the way to more or less plateauing, so I see the next gen having one essential build for each company, the main difference being storage.
A XB1 Slim is something I can probably deal with. The rumored more powerful model is what I’m annoyed with, like the rumored PS4K/Neo.
I really don’t like that consoles are heading towards an upgradable future. That kind of multi-tiered gaming structure should just be left to PCs.
Xbox is going to force PS to bring out their PS to bring out their PS4K..