The rumors of a more capable and better-equipped PS4 console, once referred to as the PlayStation 4K and PlayStation 4.5, has been a storied journey. Earlier this year, Sony’s Andrew House confirmed the development of this then mystery machine, putting an end to the longstanding rumors just days before E3.
While the console wasn’t presented at the gaming extravaganza, House assured inquiring minds that the reasoning behind that decision was to ensure there were enough experiences to showcase the new system in its entirety, when speaking with The Financial Times.
Today marked such an occasion as Sony’s Interactive Entertainment CEO took to the stage at this afternoon’s PlayStation Meeting to discuss the future of the brand, revealing the name for the NEO-codenamed console: PlayStation 4 Pro.
As reaffirmed by House, PS4 Pro will not supersede the existing PS4 currently available. Instead, the two will co-exist alongside one another, offering a viable alternative to those wanting the bleeding edge of technology readily available in a gaming console, or an option to those that haven’t yet made the jump to the platform.

Featuring an upgraded GPU, boosted CPU clock, and a 1TB HDD, the PS4 Pro will support 4K resolution, and with the added benefit of HDR this is more than a refresh. As expressed by House, it’s offering the gamer a breadth of options in playing today, tomorrow, and in the future.
The two models won’t divide the player base, with both capable of playing the same games, making use of the same PSN store, connecting to the same communities, and offering the same user experiences. Additionally, both will support PlayStation VR when it releases next month.
While not until the holiday season of 2017, the PS4 Pro will go head-to-head with the refreshed Xbox One console, currently known as Project Scorpio. It will be an interesting topic to keep tabs on moving forward, with the current specifications of Scorpio it stands to reason there will be a price premium between the two.
PlayStation 4 Pro releases on November 10th for $399.
See more articles on PlayStation 4 Pro and Sony.
It looks like they plopped a PS4 on top of another PS4.
Meh, I’ll still get it later down the line.
You can use only 4K tv, not triple/four screens?! Stupid, very stupid, because 4K and 2560*1440 different is very, VERY small, if you dont look tv less than 1,5 meter.
This “4K” is only sellers sales scam! Try google.
I hated the idea of this when it was leaked, but now, I can see the logic.
Can’t afford one really, and it would be good to see exactly how GTS runs on this, but I’m intrigued.
Also, releasing so soon is pretty damn impressive.
So this is like Sega 32X?
So let me get this straight: Sony developed, promoted and owns Blu-ray, yet it’s the new Xbox One S that plays 4K Blu-ray discs and not the much more powerful PS4 or even the PS4 Pro?! Now that’s not very “Pro”-fessional!
The PS4 has a different focus since launch, it’s not aiming to be a home entertainment media centre like the XB1. Sony also are focusing on streaming which the current PS4 will do in 4K after the coming update – it’s just that the Pro will do it a lot better and better still if you have a 4K TV.
How will the Pro do 4k “a lot better”? And what do you mean by “better still if you have a 4k tv”? You can’t do 4k without a 4k tv no matter which console you have.
4K bluray missing doesn’t bother me in the slightest, this is a games machine, after all.
But I do feel for the guys with crap internet speeds, as this massively limits their streaming abilities.
Come on though – $400? That’s a bloody bargain for a fairly decent PC that you don’t have to build yourself! I’m (half) convinced ;)
True that a 4K TV isn’t strictly necessary as the Pro will work with what it has but as a racer a 4K TV and a good one at that will be needed to make the most use of this – ergo: better – same for the Scorpio. A regular TV will have difficulty processing the signal as quickly as a 4K TV meaning lag.
Why would a regular tv have difficulty processing the signal as quickly as a 4k tv? It’ll be receiving a 1080p signal and, quite possibly, at 60 fps while at least some 4k games might be running at 30 fps.
Sorry if I’m being a bit slow and behind the times here, but did I read that the standard (as in current model) PS4’s will support the VR headset?
I thought I remembered reading/seeing that it would need extra bits and bobs for it to work.
Sony always said that PS VR works on both. However, PS4 Pro will likely provide better frame rate and graphics.
I think the frame rate is a pre-requisite, it’s just the visual quality that will suffer.
Certainly in Driveclub’s case, that’s what’s happening: locked 60fps, upscaled to 120fps via the breakout box, but no weather anymore, reduced trackside detail, no dynamic clouds, etc… I would guess that the Pro just pops all that nice eye-candy back in again.
The breakout box doesn’t change the framerates at all and in no way assists with VR rendering. It’s the PS4 itself that does the upscaling.
Ah fair enough.
I do know that if I had a spare $400, I would get VR, not Pro.
Unfortunately there’s no substitute for horsepower. VR on the “standard” PS4 will look nowhere near as good as it does on the PS4 Pro. Acceptable tradeoff for some I supposed but I have a feeling a lot of people are going to be a little disappointed at how VR looks on the standard console.
Do you have like an Oculus or Vive JP?
No, not yet. I’m still on the fence about it and I’ll likely skip the first generation in favour of the inevitable improvements to come in the next year or two.
Already bought a standard one for the same price as the new slim (with a coupon.) Pretty cool, though.
P4P, the sucessor of the P2P, lol.
Far from convincing. Actually pretty useless as well. Sony is currently saving me a lot of money. Thanks Sony ?
It’s really only useful if you want absurd res or VR, if you don’t need than then yeah it’s pretty useless to get over the regular one.
It’s all a part of the PS4 generation family, not really a newer generation machine – so it’s about choices – ie: what do you want the focus of your PS4 for. For me the higher definition and broader colour range, plus higher processing speeds and extra USB ports are pretty important.
Just a shame that I can’t afford one just yet.
What is high Dynamic Range? HDR?
Yes. Basically, better and more colorful lighting.
When GTS comes out the PS4 Pro will be cheaper and let’s see if my DFGT will be supported there (didnt they told something in this direction?) :D
HDR option will be in all the PS4’s with an update next week.
PS4 pro don’t will have blue ray 4K..only streamings, Netflix and youtube in 4K.
I tought it would be way more impressive..
Seriously considering buying this.
I’m already planning on what needs to be sold in what order… Lol
Cause of Gran Turismo Sport delay revealed!!!
What’s worrying is that there wasn’t a GT Sport demonstration at the event…
Likely because it wasn’t ready? Thus the delay?
GT will be at TGS next week on the 13th. You know it’s going to look dope considering how good it looks already. DriveClub must look spectacular…
It is fair to assume PD has been working on a Pro variant of GT Sport for a while now. It’s not like first party developers were informed just before the conference – they’ve been provided with the specs well in advance. As for DriveClub, that needs a Pro patch otherwise it will look just like it does on the regular PS4.
Because it wasn’t ready, but 1 week later they can make an appearance? Likely not the case, lol.
I’m going to go with no on this one.