Red Bull Invites Fans to Design RB19’s Livery for Three 2023 Grands Prix

As Red Bull was unveiling its Formula One contender for the 2023 championship season, the RB19, the team also revealed a highly unusual competition that will see the car run in three different fan-designed liveries this season.

During the three grands prix in the USA — at Miami in May, Circuit of the Americas in October, and the new Las Vegas Grand Prix in November — the RB19 will wear unique design created by fans as part of the “Make Your Mark” competition.

There’ll be three separate competitions running across the year, with the Miami contest open right now. The creator of each winning design will not only get to see it running on the RB19 during the race weekend, they’ll get to do it in person as a VIP attendee at the race along with a plus one.

Naturally you’ll need to be 16 years of age or older, but also a member of Red Bull’s Paddock. It’s free to join this rewards program, and you’ll need to accumulate 500 “Paddock Points” — from completing “activities” like creating a profile or reading articles — to be able to enter.

To enter a design you’ll need to download a template from the Red Bull website. From there you can create whatever livery you wish, digitally or by hand, and upload it to the Paddock as your entry. Bear in mind that you’ll be designing the front and rear wing endplates, the sidepod, and the chassis sides; the car’s upper surfaces will remain as the standard livery.

A special panel, including Red Bull team principal Christian Horner along with representatives from team partners Oracle, Bybit, and Mobil 1, will then judge the entries on various criteria. These include how well you incorporate the team’s colors (pantones are provided), the flow and “spirit” of the design, and a backstory in no more than 300 words.

Of course you won’t be allowed to use intellectual property that you and the Red Bull team don’t own or license, and liveries that make reference to other teams, drivers, and brands or have “inappropriate, offensive, or derogatory” messaging or designs.

The deadline for the Miami round of Make Your Mark is February 17 at 1201 UTC, and winners will be contacted by March 31.

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