5-time World Rally Champion Sébastien Loeb couldn’t match the digital driving skills of GTPlanet commenter Thanos, who bested Loeb by over a second in the GTbyCitroen competition last weekend. The Citroen WRC drivers and co-drivers went up against 20 gamers who had stopped by Citroen’s C42 Showcase in Paris and set the fastest laps around High Speed Ring in the company’s radical new concept car. Ultimately, the winner stepped away with an 80GB PlayStation 3, DFP steering wheel, a copy of GT5 Prologue, a Citroen WRC model car, and a GTbyCitroen t-shirt. Even the second, third, and fourth place finishers won a PSP, game, and other goodies. Check out these pictures from the event, or visit PlayScope for more.
Sebastian Loeb Falls to Gran Turismo Gamer
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I’ve read before that Loeb is a pretty solid Gran Turismo player, so that makes it even more impressive. A HUGE congrats to Thanos for pulling out the win.