Sony Confident Gran Turismo 6 Will Meet 2013 Release Date

Over the last 15 years, Gran Turismo games have become somewhat notorious for delays, but Sony is apparently hopeful that Gran Turismo 6 will not follow that tradition.

In a statement to MVC UK, PlayStation product manager Josh Walker commented on the issue and the game’s release on the PlayStation 3:

“There is no reason to think the proposed release window for GT6 will not be achieved. We feel it is important to continue to support our loyal PS3 users, and those from many parts of the world who are new to PS3, with a new title, and [series producer] Kazuori Yamauchi was keen to develop the Gran Turismo platform further on PS3.

“Gran Turismo has a huge following among current PS3 gamers. The release also follows a pattern for Gran Turismo – GT and GT2 for PS, GT3  and GT4 for PS2, and now GT5 and GT6 on PS3.”

As many GTPlanet readers will likely recall, GT5 saw two official release delays. The last was especially painful for eager fans, as it came only a few weeks before the game’s expected date.

The current official release window provided for Gran Turismo 6 is “Holiday 2013”.

Comments (222)

  1. gt5box

    I liked how in GT4 how they separated the car dealers by country. Hope they have an option for that. This is gonna be a better release for Polphony I feel it

  2. AXEofGOD

    The new one should be called GT5:Epilogue.
    I think that it is ready and they are just fixing glitches and trying to add cars. I would also think that they now have the best of the best working on GT for PS4.

  3. JackC8

    I guess when GT5 came out they did NOT feel it was “important to continue to support our loyal PS3 users.”

  4. PS3GamerSyKe

    I remember watching an interview where Kaz was asked about dlc. I think his answer went like, ‘well, These things takes time’ lol. I wont doubt GT6 will have some kind of delay. Lets hope not though. cause these things takes time.

    1. sangdude82

      Kaz said that PD will try to release car DLCs for GT5 every 2 months but it didn’t happen. So I was having a doubt regarding the PD’s ability to keep their promises when he said that PD will release monthly car DLCs for GT6.

  5. BlindZenDriver

    Keeping the schedule should not be to hard. After all it is more an upgrade than a complete new game so there is not nearly as many unknowns this time round.

    I gotta say while I’m wanting a new GT game I am not sure that GT6 is gonna feel new enough to be it. I really hope to be blown away by it, but so far I am underwhelmed by the limited amount of new cars and especially the few new tracks .

    1. tpark103

      I get the feeling we will all be pleasantly surprised with this as you say upgrade, There was lots of room for improvement after all.

    1. biftizmo

      I’m wondering this to.multi platform is talked about a lot at Sony I wouldn’t be su prized if the announce something next year….

    2. tpark103

      To my knowledge it hasn’t been confirmed or denied. At this point the only definite thing we know is PS3 this holiday season.

    3. Quakebass

      It would make sense to do a PS4 version, but the timeframe they listed – a year or more later – doesn’t make much sense to me if it’s the same game… I’d bet the first thing we see on the PS4 will be a new game. Either GT7, or GT7: Prologue, with a full title launch a year or two after that. If Prologue, I could see that maybe Holiday 2014, as it shouldn’t be THAT big of a game. And it would likely show off new graphical detail and a brief glimpse of the physics and lighting capabilities, all of which would be expanded in the full game. Somewhat like GT5P and GT5, just without the screw-ups from over ambition and complex/unfamiliar code environments.

  6. blackjack

    “There is no reason to think the proposed release window for GT6 will not be achieved”
    Lest we forget.

  7. N_zane

    I beg the producers of GT6 for adding the Touge Track of Best Motoring!!! Kinda like Deep Forrest but i would LOOOVE to drive the same track as Keiichi Tsushiya, Max Orido and Taniguchi. What do you guys thik about???


    Does anyone know if redrock valley speedway will be in gt6? I would like some of that ole skool gt love.

    I’m pretty sure an updated redrock would be a blast.

    1. ScotteDawg

      From bits I’ve garnered from around the traps, I’d say that if Red Rock Valley is not in the release, it may be a DLC track!

    1. TokoTurismo

      Oh boy I’ll sure love too tpark. But I don’t know if my local game store gamestop has stated yet, haha. I’ll hopefully will soon though. :) :tup:

    2. TokoTurismo

      My local gamestop hasn’t got GT6 up yet in Canada. However my little bro told me that gamestop may update after E3 and they’ll may have GT6 up by than. Can’t wait to pre-order! :D

  9. RodSk8Dude

    I really wish GT6 has vinyl customization. I mean, I don’t care about that, but at least that would shut up the Forza fanboys who complain about how in GT you can’t put drawings of anime characters on the cars.
    Also, if it HAS that, it could be cool if there were some simple vinyl designs (stripes and a racing number, flames, hood with a different color [not carbon-fiber] and some aftermarket brand stickers, etc..) that the AI could use as well, because it’s weird on these games when you play offline and yours is the only car with that kind of thing.

  10. Rionmoon

    For once with GT, Kaz and PD I’m going to BELIEVE that they are going to bring GT6 to market as planned this year for the 2013 Christmas shopping season.

  11. pasigiri

    Irony of it all is that I’m drinking a Blue Moon. Just kidding … I pretty much only drink Weihenstephaner.

  12. A_Higher_Place

    Jordan, will you be posting your videos of the SLS GT3? I’m excited to see the GT3’s in action and hope you do share them soon!

    1. A_Higher_Place

      Many thanks, I’ll see it the following tuesday as I’m at camp for work..

      Still thumbs up!

  13. leeson

    They’ll just say that “Holiday 2013” includes anything up to Thanksgiving Day, 2014 (the start of the 2014 holiday season). Genius!

    1. infamousphil

      +1 Blood. Them dang delays make me loose focus. That’s why I don’t have a stealth F1. My biggest gripe right now, grrr ;(

  14. infamousphil

    Just a thought. If Sony didn’t press PD into launching GT, we’d probably only get one GT per console. After experiencing 15 years of “imperfect” gameplay, I can appreciate 6 releases rather than 3.

  15. Magic Ayrton

    Not so sure if that 70+ million install base won’t be more like 7 this time around unless they get their act together.

  16. StaticVariable

    I am so excited for GT6. Just received my Wheelstand Pro and Fanatec GT3 V2 wheel with Clubsport pedals. Love this setup and was somewhat surprised of the transition from controller to wheel being so difficult thus far. Any settings recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

    1. Pit Crew

      Try Questions & Answers in the Main Forum, if you haven’t yet. Im sure someone there can help.

    2. DistortedImage

      Hey static I’ve had a gt3rs fanatic wheel w/ clubsport pedels had it for about a year now takes a while to get used too but when u do you’ll love it. My settings for racing are SEN 590, FF 70, SPr 1 everything else set to 0. Drifting i have SEN 330 and FF on 40 (so’s not to overwork the motor) the rest 0. Hope this helps mate…

    3. mr_pepps

      The move from controller to wheel and pedals is ace!! It’ll take a while but slowly you’ll find your form :-D

    4. sailworksman

      Hey static, it will take you at least a solid month to get used to the wheel. You then should be hitting the times you were getting with the controler. Setting? Plug and play I guess. Force Feedback on 10. Have fun during the transition!

  17. A_Higher_Place

    Hmm, I can only keep waiting I suppose. Those GT3 cars have me anxiously waiting a confirm date.

    Thank you for continuing to update us with info, no matter how big or small. It’s nice to have a “go to” website!

  18. RaceReady

    Idk guys. The past has held evidence of the second titles on a system to be released on top. GT2 and GT4 were right on. Also if you think about the second ones to be released on a system are always better than the first…..true?

    1. Pit Crew

      I’ll buy that, plus after watching the full GT6 event video (Adaptive Tessalation in gt6 forum) and seeing a number of things in the screen shots (the1behind Kaz and his translator) im feeling positive it will release on time.

      Check out the clip with the New selection of wheel choices, and there’s a clip with more then ten different color Nissan leafs there so the car list might be close to being finished though that example doesn’t confirm anything.

      Also saw the Track Creator location thats based in Spain I think, and the new UI menu looks clean and Simplified. An example of the New handling physics (suspension movement )and how it differs from GT5s (using same car) was also on display. Sorry no example of car sounds. Funny thing, even kaz was disappointed the video didn’t have audio…

      Jordan maybe you can post a Blog with that video? I know its 25 minutes long but its quite informative.

    2. smskeeter23

      Man I wish Kaz would learn English so we can hear this stuff right from him (without translation) ;)

  19. TomBrady

    Notice the title, SONY thinks that the game should be out this year. not PD, Sony.

    Here we go again…

  20. racingchamp30

    It does make sense to release GT6 on the PS3 since they have released 2 gran turismo games for each playstation system that was out. I think as well it will be released this year because PD being familiar with the playstation 3 system now.

    1. TeamCZRRacing

      …It’s a bit late for that, isn’t it? Or are you referring to the fact that Sony is confident that GT6 will be out for the holiday season this year?

    1. TeamCZRRacing

      Um, they can’t port it over to PS4 because of the vastly different ways the consoles work.

    2. DYLAN777-is-not

      You and me are in the same boat: we both have no idea how making a game works but I would easily guess you cant transfer a whole game to another system quickly or easily. Youre saying something like the new world trade center building should be built in a different city and should be moved to somewhere else like chicago. Thats just crazy talk man.

    3. Quakebass

      Different environment… PD will likely have to re-build the GT engine again (though, it’ll be much easier to do so in the PS4 environment) for the PS4. They can’t just magically switch the code around.

      If it is delayed, it will still be a Ps3 game. If GT6 turns into a PS4 game, it will only be slightly improved – better textures and lighting, and more particles and cars in the track. Likely a little improvement to physics and other components, but not as much as a game from scratch built specifically for the hardware.

  21. vr6cas

    Hmmmm….. wonder where my previous comment about a certain somebody went? He must have went and cried to the moderators , LOL. Your such a tool dude and i dont have to say names he who im talking about. Fact is fact is all im saying lol.

    1. TokoTurismo

      Who are you talking about? I think somebody has a imaginary friend in this site. XD Bahahahaha!!!

      Also, watch your spelling, you should practice writing more. >:)

    2. Quigz125

      @TokoTurismo: Correction: “has *an* imaginary friend *on* this site” careful with the grammar when you correct someone’s spelling bro. ^.~

    3. vr6cas

      LOL quigs, tell em, I find it funny tho how people on “this” site trys to play teacher. Always trying to make someone look stupid if they dont spell right or forget to comma, theres plenty of elementary schools with kids that would love your attention.

    4. Quigz125

      lol sorry i have OCD when it comes to grammar. no offense to the foreigners (meaning non Americans) but i can’t read their comments sometimes due to such bad grammar. but anyways not trying to start a war here. GO GT6!!! i’ll wait however long it takes just as long as it comes out for PS3 in the end!! take all the time u need PD!!! more time means better results. :D

    5. ScotteDawg

      Umm, Quigz, you mention “non Americans”!? I find it’s the non Australians who have difficulty with spelling and grammar!! I have a similar problem to you called CDO – it’s like OCD, but it’s in alphabetical order…!

  22. LeMansAid

    Well, in the days of yore, there was no news, no “expert” opinions on forums. It happened when it happened. Then the internet was born, but somewhere along the line the talk amounting to anticipation and hopes gave way to a childish sense of entitlement. We are heading in a very ugly direction citizens.

    1. LeMansAid

      Our “worlds” were largely limited to the people we interacted with in person (family and friends). So, are you outing your family, your friends, or yourself as having had a childish sense of entitlement?

    2. Quakebass

      So you find it acceptable to have someone that a product is about ready, and then delay it TWICE, amounting to about a YEAR after it was SUPPOSED to be launched…? The “anticipation” comes from statements that were SUPPOSED to be steadfast. The Internet just allows it to get more out of hand.

    3. TeamCZRRacing

      Quake, I think by “sense of entitlement” he was referring to not only people who think they have the right to demand that the game be released NOW!!!!1, but also to people who think that they’re entitled to demand the world of PD. The fact is they have the right to delay the game if it means a better product, and when they delay it, we have the right to wait. People think that PD are gods who can and must put together a game that has 46,000 cars and 7,000 track and get it released a month after they start work on it. People forget that a) PD are just a group of people who have limits and b) they’re trying to make the best game they can for a fanbase which is becoming increasingly snobbish and self-entitled.

    4. Quakebass

      My point is that Kaz made statements that GT5 was ready for release, and it actually wasn’t. And GT5 was an incomplete product at launch. The point I was maki is that for GT5, we were given false information on the progress of the game, Andre capabilities of the team. If Kaz had been honest in saying the game was far from completion, rather than delay it saying “it needs a few more tweaks”, then there would’ve been less of an uproar.

      These statements seem more reliable, given what we know about gt5’s development and the team behind GT6.

    5. TeamCZRRacing

      Quake, maybe the finishing touches took more time than Kaz anticipated. I’m sure that if they’d pushed it out when Kaz told us it was “ready for release” then even more of us would have been whining. Kaz is a perfectionist, as is everyone else at PD. If it had been up to them, GT5 probably would have taken another year or two. They were forced into publishing an unfinished game by Sony, who wanted it out for holiday 2010. Nobody can fault them for that.

      Besides, people seem to forget that GT isn’t about the graphics or the sound. It’s about the driving physics, the feel of taking a beautiful, fun-to-drive (not necessarily fast) car out for a drive in a place where there are no speed limits or rules, and just letting it rip, maybe even racing against other cars. Looking at it that way is what’s kept me enraptured with GT5 for almost 3 years now, and my love for the game shows no signs of letting up for a long time to come, a least until the release of GT6.

    6. LeMansAid

      The words “were given false information” honestly suggest a sense of entitlement to me. You are owed nothing, and Kaz is not out to ruin your life. Though it is clear to me that he is quite likely extremely obsessive, which I can say from personal experience makes accepting a finish point very difficult. The process can also involve the need for deadlines that will never realistically be met, so that possibly the next deadline could be. It’s all about what for obsessives is gradually accepting a perceived failure…. and it’s a whole lot of hard work!!

    7. MuoNiuLa

      What I find more tiring then the “sense of entitlement” is the excuses people make for PD. Kaz said in 2009 that “we can release GT5 anytime we want”. How do you expect people to respond when he said that? So it’s not surprising Sony “forced” them to release it. What’s funny is that ever since GT5, he hasn’t made such bold statements again.

      And TeamCRZRRacing, those things may not be important to you, but they are to other people. That’s no reason to not improve them just because that’s not what you personally think is important. I don’t see how you can mention graphics. GT3 came out with such photorealistic cars at the time and premiums have a lot detail, maybe too much. So graphics do seem like a priority to PD.

    8. Quakebass

      ^ THAT is the statement I was talking about. When someone says that their product is ready for launch, wouldn’t you expect them to, y’know, tell the TRUTH? I know Sony pushed GT5’s launch, but Kaz is at fault for saying GT5 was ready LONG before it was.

    1. TokoTurismo

      Polished GT5? Where, where I don’t see it? Clean your eyes they’re making GT6, not GT5 they’re done polishing that. >:) However, have fun waiting. XD

    2. Jashmid

      Spare me, please. I’ve been playing Gran Turismo since PS1 days and the last thing I need is a bunch of fanboys lecturing me on how a game that’s nobody played or seen yet is going to be so awesome and revolutionary. My money. My hobby. My decision.

    3. HuskyGT

      You said it yourself.” A game that nobody has played or seen yet.” So that also invalidates your theory that the game is just a polished GT5, unless you’ve played it and seen it.

      And coming from another guy who’s been playing GT since the late 90’s, I bet my money that you’ll run to the store the second GT6 gets released; half-baked, polished GT5, GT5.5 or whatever you guys are calling GT6. Mark my words. You won’t be able to resist getting your hands on it.

    4. ScotteDawg

      +1 to HuskyGT!

      Jashmid, if you don’t get it, it’s your loss! I mean, wasn’t GT2 just a “polished” GT and GT4 just a “polished” GT3? But you still went out and bought them, didn’t you? So, if you say that you won’t buy GT6 because it’s just a “polished” GT5, you’re a hypocrite!

      As you found out though, neither GT2 or GT4 were “polished” versions of the previous games in the GT series, so what makes you think that GT6 will be a “polished” GT5? PD have been working on this for quite some time and I, along with many other people who have visited this page, am EXTREMELY confident that this will be something new and exciting!

      Go back to the other articles that Jordan has published on GTPlanet and actually READ them! And don’t forget to watch the videos too…

  23. SaintSaiya

    Lets see, so the next gt7 on ps4 due because they have to start from scratch will use half gt5’s premiums as standards as the other half Ultrapremium cars from scratch for ps4 with interactive interiors and exterior ala forza auto vista but with much more detail,detailed engine bay with working moving mechanical parts modeled including the undercarriage,real MPGs according to the car,working interiors like rolling windows messing with the console or touch screen,sunroof etc, and being able to buy cars according to trim models and build your own car with options and everything like in real life brochures,Cant wait for a ps4 GT >:)

    1. SaintSaiya

      I meant gt7 on ps4 will use gt6’s ps3 premium cars as standards and from scratch for ps4 ultra detailed cars called ultrapremium with those features I described

    2. SCER

      Use punctuation.

      I don’t expect that there will be anymore significant graphical hikes from current gen. premium, apart from for tracks maybe.

  24. Tenacious D

    I’m actually on board with this. Quakebass gave a good explanation. While the core “Samurai” software engineers have been working like… welll, ninjas or something to rework the GT5 engine into what it should have been, Kaz and the rest of the team could have been brainstorming on how to make GT6 a proper racing game like GT4 was: large, vast in capacity and things to do, with tons of cars to collect and modify. But this time, with a proper online structure which even supports the creation of clubs and virtual racing leagues.

    I went out on a limb and made some crazy predictions before the Silverstone Anniversary Event, and some of the bolder ones came true. I’m anticipating that E3 will see most of the rest come true as well, such as Race Mod for a good majority of the cars and a full blown Livery Editor. Since PD will be producing a new DLC track monthly – give or take – to me, this means we’ll be getting all of the classic Gran Turismo tracks with a substantial HD face lift, something I’ve been lobbying for for years. I’m seriously looking forward to getting reacquainted with those old courses I haven’t seen for ages, such as the many Tahiti Road courses from the first three games, Grindelwald, Red Rock Valley, Pike’s Peak, Midfield, El Capitain and others who’s names escape me.

    GT6 can be released by early December, and the only thing that means to my estimation are a few more Standard cars and tracks and a few less Premiums, but I’m fine with that. They can fix that with DLC as they work on GT7 for PS4.

    1. Pit Crew

      Just watched the Adaptive Tessalation video, and now im more excited then ever to get my drive on in the Demo. I wonder if the Touch Screen UI option will be available on the Demo though.

    2. biftizmo

      Yep I’m with you on that..I think they got much content backed up now while we waited for the rework…1 of the academy dudes said there’s gonna be so many tracks in GT in the future a wile back..I remember!
      .Kaz’s talked about how GT is made better to accept content and updates well into the future.. Seattle with T/W is the track I’m looking forward to for sure…
      Am not bothered if it looks to much different than before as long as it can evolve

    3. infamousphil

      OMT comes to mind. A standard that I have used to measure PD and Kaz’s seriousness at being a ‘simulator’ from day one is the custom wheel selection. In the past, my nephews would mismatch wheels and cars and would gleefully say ‘that looks cool, huh Unc’. ‘No my son, it’s just plain stupid. CAN AH BROTHA GET SOME SIX BOLT WHEELS IN THIS PIECE? ;) Well, at least they got a spell checker for GT5.

  25. biftizmo

    My questions are if this is a new slicker better rework of gt5 ready for the future….will the DLC on sale now be reworked? and or will it be available for GT5 and 6? if so will we be able to still race online against GT5’ers when we have GT6? also if GT6 is going forward on to PS4 will we be able to play against PS3 users?..
    I say yes ..GT5 was futuristic ..but got out of control…”Turned in to a monster” but may now be sorted in last three years..
    over a year ago they said the GPS logger ( then data logger) was going to be reviled to the racing industry spring 2013 and go on sale later this year…so I think there dead on target …
    But there’s newt like tempting fate ..getting the young pups excited….

  26. lTwiSparkle

    I’ve survived all the delays so far with the other games, I wouldn’t mind much if this was delayed! :P Especially if it means we may get a better product by the end of it all. :)

    So who’s for a drink and some toast while we wait for the inevitable announcement of a delay? :D

  27. Quakebass

    Let’s look at this logically.


    Attempting at 1000+ car models that border the next gen, even NOW.
    New engine COMPLETELY form scratch.
    New hardware to work with.
    Unfamiliar cell environment.


    Game from scratch, and too much ambition and content to fill.


    Upgrading existing models, and adding 2-4 hundred.
    Re-worked engine, help provided by tire and suspension brands, not just PD.
    Hardware and cell environment now much more familiar and “easy” to use.
    GT5’s platform makes a table for GT6 to be built from, not from scratch again.
    ^ Adding to that, much of GT6 is optimizing code that wouldn’t be possible via update (due to a very different engine, require uninstalling and replacing data. Updates are only supposed to add or edit existing data, not replace it entirely).

    It makes perfect sense that GT6 can come out in three years on time. Especially now that GT6 has a platform ready, PD’s team is bigger, and better equipped for the PS3.

    That said… What will the PS4, with it’s very simple architecture and non-limiting hardware be capable of producing? PD will do magic on the next generation, whenever that will be.

    1. Pit Crew

      Quakebass, You ain’t never lied :tup: and please get that new PS3 soon. I don’t want you missing out.

    2. Quakebass

      I’m not getting a new system, just replacing the motherboard and plugging in an SD card. I can fix it myself, just eventually my current board will require more time being fixed than being used. It’s a win-win just to get a new one.

      When you know how to fix your hardware, it’s a waste of money to replace the other components. ;)

    3. KYD302

      Agree with your post but i’m still going to say there will be one delay so i’m not expecting GT6 until February. If we Get them Prior to February Awesome, But i won’t put all my pennys into one basket yet, If there still saying this at the end of Sept. Beginning of October then i might push all in, But this is PD were talking about an they’ve been known to go “Lets add this to the game before we release it”. So i give them a 3 month buffer that way i won’t be so pissed when/if they push it back.

    4. KYD302

      Pit Crew, I’m always in the mix for the next great racing game, I’ll probably pre-order a Special Edition if we get one again this time around. I own the entire GT series as in 1,2,3,4,Prologue, an 5 as well as all the Forza games sadly i think i’m going to pass on the next Forza game because i don’t think i want to waste money on another Xbox i’ve spent 1600 on xbox 360 consoles alone and i’m still on my first ps3 so i’m rather annoyed by the lack of quality at microsoft.

    5. ScotteDawg

      GT6 (on PS3) – Late November to early December, 2013 (yes, this year)!

      GT7 (on PS4) – Mid to late 2015! (only two years away folks!)

      This is based on the bigger development team, the possible expansion of said development team and the possibility that they’ve already started on it!

  28. Deko Wolf-GTPT

    If we, the customers, are that important, why wait until the holidays? Why not give us the product now? You know, when we actually want it.

    Obviously money speaks loader, so let’s rill in the suckers!

  29. HarVee

    With Kazunori’s “just one more day” attitude regarding release dates, I won’t be surprised it if got delayed until January 2014.

  30. Samus

    I know it’s PD and it’s what they do but it is a little odd for Sony to come out and say this before there has even been a tiny rumour of a delay this time.

  31. Swagger897

    The main thing that I want is realistic replay camera positions… I don’t like how a camera can be going the same speed as I do 3 picometers from my car…

    No, it should be played from spots that are on the tracks IRL (I do like the LeMans Helicopter camera because that does exist). The created tracks from PD can create whatever cameras they like, as I hate them to begin with. It would be interesting to have the cleaning roof cameras that are all in NASCAR and F1. Unless I can see a GoPro camera on the front left wheel well, then I don’t want a replay position from there…

    Anybody else thinking like me?

    1. sind3ntosca

      No, actually i want action cam… like replay in GRID or DiRT2… i really love the replay, it give you great sense of speed… great experience. Real position cam is boring for me… or at least we could have option in replay on how we want the camera behave :)

    2. ScotteDawg

      What I don’t like about the GT5 replays is the fact that, on occasion, the car disappears from view! That s**ts me to tears!!

      Some of the things I always hated on the replays from GT to GT4 was the “floating” camera view (you know, the camera that followed behind the car about 10 feet in the air), the “attached to the side of the car” camera and the “bumper” camera! They gave me the irrits badly! My uncle, who introduced me to GT back in ’97, had the same feelings, saying “Why can’t we choose that option for ourselves?”, then GT5 came out and those 3 problems were fixed!

      After years of watching motorsport on the telly, I’ve grown quite fond of the helicopter view. This is used on MOST of the Australian tracks but is especially prominent at Bathurst – I want that in GT6! Also at Bathurst is a camera that is on a tight wire about 15 feet above the pit wall that follows a car through the pit area or is turned around to follow a car down pit straight – now THAT is an awesome view!

      Of course, you don’t want the same views every lap, you want it to change to stop replays from being boring.

      Not that I use it ALL the time, but I’m glad they let us use our own music in GT5! All they have to do now is have a replay editor so we can make our own “music videos” of crashes, flips, drifts, fast or tricky overtaking or whatever!!

  32. HKSBro92

    Just leave it as that “Holiday 2013” Don’t give any dates, until the game is 100% finished lol

  33. RobDoggy05

    It will be really irritating if it isn’t out by when they say it will come out.
    But like they said, GT has a history of delays. GT5 had the excuse of having to add 1000 cars, GT6 doesn’t have the same excuse this time.
    So there is no excuse for it to be delayed this time round.

  34. TheEnd35000vr

    Heh, well, at least they can tell we didn’t enjoy the delays for GT5.

    Good on them for actually attempting to reassure us. Lets hope they actually are on time! >_<

  35. Fran1001

    Why does this quote concern me? I was just believing everything will be alright this time, and now that they’ve said it will be, now I am concerned. XD
    Why bring it up in the first place? Because of GT5’s delays?

    1. TokoTurismo

      I think it’s because of GT5 is why they brought it up. :P lol. It somewhat made me concerned as well.

  36. infamousphil

    Cain’t help but chuckle when I read Josh Walker’s comment on GT’s release pattern. As if most of GTPlanet’s membership didn’t expect it. Unless he, Josh, is a member and was addressing the Planet’s group grope haters, crying out loud for the latest and greatest to be for the latest and greatest.

    Now, if PD would, starting with the PS4, release only one GT per console… that would be something to worry about.

    1. ScotteDawg

      @infamousphil – You know something, with the exponential growth of technology, if PD put out only one GT title per console, I wouldn’t be surprised nor disappointed. See, technology grows through technological advancements, so it basically feeds off itself and “snowballs” into something bigger!
      Keeping this phenomenon in mind, it is possible that Sony – eventually – could make a new and better console every year. Of course, they won’t do that because we (gamers) don’t get that bored with a game that easily. (Personally, I’ve stuck with GT5 since it’s release and fire it up daily!) It would be bad business for them and they know it!
      Some of the younger gamers may see this happen in their lifetime though and they will not be surprised by it at all – it will just be a part of the natural progression of things in their world!
      *Now, if PD would, starting with the PS4, release only one GT per console…* the only thing we would have to worry about is the fact that we are getting old!!!

    2. infamousphil

      The thought of how quickly technology and gaming consoles can evolve, came to mind whilst posting that comment, Scottie. And you’re correct about getting bored. If this does come to fruition, l hope l can afford to keep up with the new releases. I don’t want to miss a single one. Thing about ‘getting old’ is I’m already there ;)

  37. Amac500

    I feel like this one will be on time, no problem. They seem to have their stuff worked out and GT Academy will be on the platform this summer, so all good.

  38. Rallywagon

    i know that PD has set a bad precidence with gt4 and gt5 delays, but I don’t see this being the case for gt6. Mostly because of the timing of the PS4 launch. If they actually delayed it till after the PS4 launch, it will kill the game. And if I can see that, then the financial analysts that make big bucks and actually know things about that kinda stuff will be sure not skip over that fact. It has to release at least in the same holiday season, otherwise sales will seriously suffer, and GT fans will shift to something like drivers club.
    to smooth the fears of some that think Sony saying that is a bad sign. I say breath easy, as PD and set a bad precidence and Sony just wanted to reassure doubters (as you can see, there are a lot) that everything is still on schedule. At this point, the game should be done and getting ready to be burned onto some discs.

  39. Niyologist

    Hey. That’s a similar quote I had said about the GT Release pattern. I mentioned that about a few months ago.

  40. hobanator24

    I’m glad it’s going to be released this year on the PS3. You have to remember that not everyone can afford a PS4. This is a good marketing move by Sony & PD. Let’s say GT6 is released on the PS4. The console is going to run approx. $500-$600 at launch. I bet there are die hard GT fans (myself included) that cannot afford a new console, especially when working for minimum wage. Plus, with the PS4 being an entirely new design, PD doesn’t fully understand it so if they were to release GT6 on the PS4 this year, it wouldn’t be as good as it had the potential to be. Everyone understands the PS3 so they know how to get the most out of it.

    This is also why I know for a fact that GT6 sales will be considerably higher than FM5 sales. Not everyone is going to be able to afford an Xbox One. My friend who has a 360 & FM4, won’t be getting FM5 because of that particular reason, & he’s not too happy about it.

    1. Rallywagon

      I think a large number of people are in that boat. I won’t be getting a release version of the ps4, not even for gt6. I also think you are right in that PD pushed the release of gt6 on the ps3 so they could start from the ground up and take their time on gt6 on the PS4. this will allow them the time to really learn the ps4 and make the next GT game solid, instead of a flimsy port, and keep gt6 solid as well. there will always be someone who doesn’t let something, but on this I think most people will be happy to see it on ps3.
      besides, imagine how much longer we would be waiting for gt6 if it launched on ps4. 2015 release anybody? I imagine as it is we won’t see a gt7 until 2016 at best. I fell PD made the right choice.

    2. Nuuj

      Totally agree with both of you, I’m not really looking forward to forking over that much cash (did it on PS3 Launch and regretted it), plus I have more responsibilities so doing so would be more bone headed too.. Will definitely wait on a “Slim” version or what have you, since the 1st Gen Systems seem to always fail–and Society just accepts that..

      Furthermore the Xbox One has certain “features” that are rubbing some the wrong way, hoping the next PS doesn’t disappoint or I won’t be getting one at all..

      Back on Subject the next GT being on the PS3 almost guarantees that it will get high sales, if it was released on PS4 it would have taken longer and would have sold less..

  41. Nuuj

    I don’t care about delays, just get the Game to where it needs to be–I’m hoping Sony keeps their noses out of it if there is a delay, GT5 suffered from this impatience last time (2.0 was closer to what Polyphony wanted GT5 to be at Day 1)..

    Delay or not, apparently people will complain anyway, so why not put all you can into it beforehand so that there isn’t 1000 Patches after release?

    1. TokoTurismo

      Agreed. I have to say. Even if the updates were good, I wouldn’t disagree that having lots of patches really did show the game was THAT unfinished. GT6 better be finished this time.

    2. infamousphil

      Right on Nuuj. PD, being an in-house company, is certainly subject to Sony heads sniveling. Now that’s where the dollars vs sense nonsense comes into play.

  42. omgitsbees

    I still remember that 2nd delay, just before GT5 was suppose to come out in early November. That was painful. Never again. Going to just wait until GT6 is already out, and see what the reviews say. Anyone who pre-orders this game is a huge sucker.

  43. Magic Ayrton

    I remember seeing a leaked copy of GT5 on youtube and the guy showing us the same old car wash and limited wheels, poor sound etc etc.. nobody could believe it was still exactly the same as GT4 but with HD graphics.. any bet we all go through the same thing again. If we do, it’s game over.

    1. omgitsbees

      Remember too how we all tried to justify it with saying that you unlocked new features as you play? Then we came to the horrible realization that no, what we saw is what we were actually getting for GT5 at launch. It was a total nightmare.

    2. SavageEvil

      Over for who? You?!? Sorry to hear that, but where GT5 shines is in driving and GT6 will no doubt shine there as well. From the videos it looks like GT6 they were somehow able to get more visuals out of it and watching the motion of the cars says that they have added better suspension dynamics so I can’t wait to put cars through their paces and finally use all aero parts on cars, should also be some deeper tuning as found by Sorg on the GT5 disc in there with a more adept PP rating system. GT5 was lacking but it was still a highly playable game and enjoyable, I fully expect GT6 to be even more playable than it’s predecessor unless PD could some how mess that up. Kaz did say improvements in menu speed and less menus so I am not worried, I just want to play this game I have an entire garage of car that needs to be in GT6 so I can fully tune them and have races online against my buds.

    3. kazach

      I remember that. Oh iam just here because iam bored This time gt wont get any attention from me, cause gta5 will arrive soon! Poly are as low as squareenix in my book today, sadly :(

  44. phillkillv2

    I sure hope so. The fact that PD/Sony is mentioning this is kind of scaring me. Why should you guys have to reinstate the release of GT6? I play my PS3 rarely. I’ll be definitely dusting it off after the 6 months of sitting around when The Last of Us, and GT6 come out.

    Game looks great. Just make sure that it lives up to the hype. I don’t want a repeat of GT5.

    1. omgitsbees

      How dare you not bow down before Kaz, and worship everything he puts out. If you don’t want this game, then… UGH I CANT EVEN FINISH MY SENTENCE I AM SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW AT READING THAT SOMEONE OUT THERE MIGHT NOT WANT GT6!!!!


    2. mansurest7

      I am the biggest fan of gt…
      I am sorry dude…n gt6 long only for ps3.
      Come on guys….its time to PS 4.

  45. TomBrady

    They’re idiots if they don’t release it before the PS4. It’s bad enough they’re going to release it so close to the PS4 launch already but it’ll be worse if they release it after.

    I wouldn’t be surprised.

  46. HuskyGT

    I was wishing for that Tesla. I never thought it would actually come into the game. Hope they keep the Roadster as well.

    And about the release date. I also won’t believe it until I have it in my hands or spinning inside my PS3, but I do have a feeling that this time there will be no delays.

  47. 2012GT325

    I will believe this when I have the game in my hands! PD has taught me to always expect delays.

  48. Doober

    That is pretty good news I suppose. Lets compare this with like Gta V. Its announcement was well over year before its current release date. So releasing a game months after its official announcement is pretty impressive in my opinion.

  49. infamousphil

    Geez, it should. They had been working on it since 2010.

    The previous delays were understandable. But GT6 is not going to such a big leap like 2 was to 1 and 3 was to 4, so unless PD is trying to recreate the dang thing, there is reason.

  50. TakeshiSkunk

    Yeah just like last time, since it’s the second game on the platform they won’t have any trouble getting it out on time! Just like…GT4…oh

  51. SubaruWRC555

    They better not toy with us this time. Do the damn work, get it done and correct this time, and get it the hell out to us!!!

    1. TokoTurismo

      Excatly. If every other game can come out at the right schedule, than PD needs to do the same. No more messing around and wasting your fans time waiting…

    1. Efiv12

      Get a release date, then wait 6 more months. We are ready for the dance to begin, it is what we are used to.

  52. bretlei

    As they said the GT series two per console, so that could be a mini hint at GT 7/8 on PS4? :) its inevitable anyways :D

  53. ScotteDawg

    As long as it is a simultaneous release worldwide, I’m happy! None of this released in England one day, Europe the next, America three days later and us here in Australia a week after that!!!

    1. Magic Ayrton

      England is the hub of motorsport so GT6 should be released here first, the rest of the world afterwards :P

    2. JeremiahTB

      Going by that logic, all games should be released in the US first because we have the highest total number of gamers. That obviously doesn’t happen and I’m fine with it.

    3. TeamCZRRacing

      I personally hope the game releases everywhere simultaneously. That way no one would have to wait!

    4. HuskyGT

      I don’t care where it gets released first as long as it gets released this year. Once it’s out, it’s out.

  54. MattZR1

    Something about this statement from Sony worries me lol. So quick to assure us considering past GT games have been delayed A LOT. Hopefully this will turn out to be true.

  55. Sauber_C9

    Do we really need confirmation of this? There were reasons GT5 was delayed for so long but there is no reason for GT6 to take ages to come out. Since when was PD notorious for delaying releases anyway?

    1. HuskyGT

      Yeah, are you joking? When did you get GT5? You definitely don’t know the torture we had to go through.

    2. SavageEvil

      You are correct, people tend to have dodgy memories…only GT5 was ever officially delayed none of the other GT games were. Notorious, more like exaggerate much. It was gameshops and media outlets that claimed to know when the game was going to be released and not Sony or PD. In this very article states that GT5 had two official delays, that means the rest was in your heads. Why would GT6 really be delayed considering it’s got all the data from GT5 to use and it was actually show up and running for test demos just last month, videos already displaying new cars added.

      I fail to see any reason barring Act of God actually delaying this game releasing and no a PS4 would be a misfire PD would need more time to flesh out how far they can take GT on that so no point in just slapping GT6 on there. Look how far the pushed PS3 with GT5 to even include day/night transition and rain, realistic smoke effects a tad overdone but there. PD should get GT6 out the door and when that’s out mull over what could be brought up to the level of the vehicular visuals on the courses, giving the courses atmosphere, fog and wisps of smoke a dreary sky and audience donning their umbrellas as the field of cars comes barreling down the front straight at Silverstone, sprays of water wafting into the air and keeps getting churned as other cars push through the turbulent air.

      I think PD should first really analyze the atmosphere at race day, this is the one thing missing big time in car games these days, atmosphere. Things need to feel alive, wind blowing on trees, flags, kicking up dead leaves on the ground as cars roar by. Stands should be boisterous as the racers come tearing by and it should grow intense when there is a battle for positions, clapping whistling, cheering, air horns blaring…we need atmosphere in this game. This would be a better use of PD time adding more realism to GT than transferring GT6 to PS4 with only texture increases and increase grid count. They are making strides in physics and tire dynamics, how about a little bit of overall atmosphere to actually increase the immersion?!? Shift had great atmosphere, weak in terms of gameplay but the courses felt teeming with life, trees swayed in the breeze, shadows danced along with those trees…there were actual people on the grid before the race started. Come on PD where is all of that, we’ve come a long way and GT needs to mimic real life not just in cars but in what happens as you race, just before you race and after you race.

  56. Kite

    And it’s also following a pattern as well. Every even numbered GT have been the best in the series.

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