The latest round of Seasonal Events are now available in Gran Turismo 5, featuring premier high performance cars. Cars are limited to a maximum of 620PP and Sports/Soft tires or less. The challenges are as follows:
- 620PP Supercar Festival: Grand Valley Speedway / 5 Laps
Period of Availability: 2012/10/25 04:00
1st: Cr.309,000 2nd: Cr.169,950 3rd: Cr.123,600 - 620PP Supercar Festival: Special Stage Route 5 / 5 Laps
Period of Availability: 2012/10/25 04:00
1st: Cr.266,000 2nd: Cr.146,300 3rd: Cr.106,400 - 620PP Supercar Festival: Indy Road Course / 5 Laps
Period of Availability: 2012/10/25 04:00
1st: Cr.290,600 2nd: Cr.159,830 3rd: Cr.116,240 - 620PP Supercar Festival: Fuji Speedway F / 5 Laps
Period of Availability: 2012/10/25 04:00
1st: Cr.320,900 2nd: Cr.176,495 3rd: Cr.128,360 - 620PP Supercar Festival: Eifel (Circuit) 111A/ 5 Laps
Period of Availability: 2012/10/25 04:00
1st: Cr.348,800 2nd: Cr.191,840 3rd: Cr.139,520
Note the “Performance Difference Bonus” applies, so more credits will be awarded for using a slower car below the maximum allowed PP value.
The game’s Online Car Dealership has also been updated with new inventory. As always, stop by our GT5 Seasonal Events forum for more analysis and discussion!
GT5 Photomode image by ShalolinMasta.
See more articles on GT5 Online Car Dealership and GT5 Seasonal Events.
I give you props for just reading the damn thing. I literally just went TL;DR the moment I saw his spiel.
I won grand valley with 520 pp R8 !! Its the easiest and fun way to make some money
Last time I played GT5 was just after Motegi came out… Still I played GT5 probably longer than any other game I’ve ever played so I certainly can’t complain about that. But like most people i’ve moved on to other things now so not on here often.
For those of you new to GT5, ALL of the Seasonal Races over the last few months are re-adds of ones that were there in 2011 but were removed around November 2011 I think. So, we’ve had no new Seasonal Races for months basically! (although I accept that was partly down to GT Academy)
I think the Supercar event may be the last event to be reinstalled – Can someone confirm? If so, you may actually get something new in 2 weeks… I really do hope so, as those of you still playing deserve a reward for loyalty.
^Agreed, well stated. (^…^)
I finished this yesturday in my Corvetter ZR-1 and won a FORD GT LM RACE CAR because it!!!
That car drives like a dream, hope you enjoy it. Was it the premium or standard? Either way, it is my second favorite car in the game (Lambo, GT40, ZR1), and that goes for all of the Ford GT40’s. This is coming from a die hard Chevy fan, but that car is simply amazing. Loved it since I saw it in photos from 2002 auto shows.
Notably absent from any starting grid is the Ford GT. Yet the ’69 Vette, Viper, and V8 Vantage make the cut? PD, please put a little more thought into it.
GT5 is so freaking dead with it’s chase the rabbit horibly boring ai. What a shame, and sham too.
well i cheated in a way and used the jag xj220 race car but damn the f1 on fuji is crazy on the straights
I know it just might be wishful thinking but maybe they’re making this seasonal as a money maker. That way they can add a few DLC’s that we’ll have to buy the cars from them to put in our garages. Just a thought.
These Seasonals have nothing to do with making profit for PD to develop DLC. Its just an extension of the GTLife ASpec Events.
Although, I too think that these seasonal events are only created to give players an easy way to make a lot of cash. Hell, why else would some events pay out 300k or more when the original A-spec events only pay out maybe 20k at best?
Considering that I’ve completed most of the original A-Spec events, I usually just grind the Online A-Spec 3 Nurb GP/D 500pp seasonal race for quick cash now as that pays out 301,000 game credits (602,000 with 2x login bonus) and usually only takes 4 and a half minutes.I’ve must of made at least 60 million credits and was also able to level up from 33A to 40A, just from grinding that seasonal race alone.
I got 1078224 cr. With my 570pp cobra at fuji. highest price i ever got on GT5!! FCKN AWESOME!!
“You reached credit limit” oh come on Kaz….
1.8 Mil something
Year i tried something diffrent and get 1.5mil with the S2000 LM RC (530pp) at indy
Man I’m gonna fall way behind especially with RE6 already out, ACIII coming out next week, and black ops next month.
I’ve been running seasonals like I set up my Arcade races lately. I use fully stock vehicles, cockpit view no hud, default tires, clean laps, no aids including abs. Needed to make these more interesting for my own enjoyment. No easy wins that way. No race cars for street class races.
If the field has a crazy fast rabbit, I’ll go for some tuning and run grippier tires-some I haven’t been able to beat which is fine.
This is the idea behind this seasonal, a point that others may miss. A chance to run your bonafide supercars against one another, not to use racecars or one-off racecars. Not winning isn’t important, the fun is in coaxing the most out of an unruly exotic, some of which have long been collecting dust. This seasonal reminds me of IMO the best A-Spec race, the MR race at Deep Forest.
LOL – The 2J blitzes the field.
Easiest Seasonal ever… If you are looking for easy money and easy points, just put the Chaparral full detuned at Grand Valley or Indy…
A simple way to improve all of this. Rather than having us race against AI. Pick 5 cars a week, run time trials, tuning prohibited. That way the best driver truly comes in first. None of this broken drifting cheating (although it makes for easy money) Really prove who the best drivers in the world are. Just my two cents, take it as it is. No more of a complaint as it is a positive idea, that would really make people want to play this game a bit more. I race in SNAIL, and if you are into clean/competitive racing I suggest checking it out. It has made gt5 worth playing for me. Spec racing truly proves who the better drivers are.
I’m surprised more people don’t request this … I know I would play gt5 a lot more if it had leader boards like prologue had
Have to say as someone that never uses Sports Soft tyres i managed to get first place On grand Valley at the fourth attempt. Strangely enough I really enjoyed the seasonal event. I will be trying again later over the weekend. As for chasing the rabbit seasonal events well at least the game is still being updated with seasonal events otherwise you will be bitching it won’t be as per usual.
another_jackhole wants to know how to make Season Events better? Try starting with the A.I.
When you can beat the leading car by the second lap, then there’s a problem. The problem is that the A.I. is pre-determined and it’s terrible. The A.I. should adapt to YOU and your particular skill level.
Add more rival events. Where’s the Mustang VS Camaro races?
Why not a Vette VS Viper race?
Jaguar VS Lotus?
RUF VS Mercedes Benz?
Spice it up some. I think Kaz should give the reins to somebody new. He’s done his fair share.
Evo vs STi, Supra vs RX-7, Thunderbird vs Corvette, Challenger vs ‘Cuda, Charger vs GTO ;)
BMW vs. Mercedes Benz
Subaru vs RUF, “Boxer Spirit” style. :)
What about Supra vs. RX-7 vs. Skyline GT-R? A lot of Supra & RX-7 owners hate R32, R33 & R34 Skyline GT-Rs in real life lol. So it will be a good match up.
A great deal of rivals can be tuned from GT’s car list. While organizing my garage, by pp rating, I’ve discovered a vast number of classes that are equal in power and weight with the downforce adjusted to equal pp’s. Very helpful. ’88-92 prototypes, ’97-98 GT1s (my favorite), ’00 GTS vs PD’s LMs… the list on and on. NXS vs RX-7 and STi vs WRX rivalries span my garage from RM/TC to Winged Warriors (fully tuned street machines) throughout their model years again with equal power and weight ratings. The thing is I’ve not been very successful in finding many interested in the concept at HighPerformanceStreet
I bought an Aventador didn’t even changed the oil, left it completely stock and i cleared the event fairly easy with 578pp (stock pp)
I try to look on the bright side, at least with seasonal races I don’t get disconnected or “black screened”
Everybody complains about the rabbits. Sometimes yes they are redundant, but it’s part of the game. Like it or don’t like it. Chase them or don’t chase them. I like to chase them. It improves my skill. Seeing how fast I can catch each one by what corner regardless of what lap on what track is fun to me. It also helps me tune cars (not that I’m that good at it) and understand their physics.
Make a thread about what’ll make the Seasonal Events better. No one wants to hear you whining, especially if you’re not going to try and do something about it.
It makes no difference if you post it here or in the forum.
And for goodness sake, the people “whining” also payed for the game. Really getting tired of people defending GT5 trying to shut down others for saying things they don’t agree with.
Honestly I really agree with you @MuoNiuLa. Seriously. Now it’s really getting annoying to see others posting about people complaining about this game. I HATE the stupid “chase the rabbit” seasonal events with ridiculous A.I. with nothing but the same blasted events being reused AGAIN from the A-Spec career…
@ MuoNiuLa
I’d be far more inclined to respect the moaning people’s views if they weren’t just repeating what had already been said millions of times previously, and then growing frustrated when their request hadn’t been added by the next week, or asking for things that clearly aren’t going to happen.
Video games are an art form, and for hundreds of people to be complaining and saying Kazunori should step down, and that this this and this must be added, and threatening not to play the game if their ransom demands are met, is beyond stupid. It’s Polyphony Digital’s game to make, and if people don’t like it and aren’t getting what they want after many requests, they should be prepared to look for a different more suitable game, make a more suitable game, or shut up.
@ MuoNiula
Nobody forces you to play them. Just put you’re finger on the power button and you’re problem is solved ;)
@SCER: At the same time, PD is still a business putting out a product they expect people to spend their hard-earned money on. When putting out a product you actually want people to spend money on, you better be ready for any criticism out there. If people spend that money and they feel it wasn’t worth it, they’re going to get vocal. This game is not free after all and PD should know that without people buying their games in the first place, they wouldn’t be so successful today. They need to consider all criticism for their games if they want to stay that way.
You’re right. Some people make stupid requests and demand things that are impossible to do. However, PD is not trying their best here which is why I think people are frustrated. They have done a better job with events in previous games and even added better seasonals before. They aren’t even using all of their resources. For example, there hasn’t been a single race on High Speed Ring Rain and Monza Rain.
@Racingworld: You’re a little late on posting that because I don’t play GT5 anymore. But I’m not complaining about the event and I wasn’t going to. What’s getting on my nerves is some of the PD defending around here.
@ Toko
The saying is ‘carrot on a stick’, not ‘chase the rabbit’. It originated with RPGs since they’re consistently focused on what is essentially mindless grinding which can or can not be reaped for some benefit (besides the obvious end reward being worked towards). It doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme, but it’s an idiosyncratic irritation to me and I wanted to clear it up. Also, if you hate it, why on Earth are you doing it? Make some friends and do online play, because that’s far more entertaining to do so for equal/more amounts of work with equal/higher payouts than played-out seasonals.
As for the seasonals, they’re designed this way because the original seasonal design was garbage. Restricted car events? Please. Forcing me to pick up a stupid i-MEiv or a Kubelwagen just to make what amounted to around a 15% profit on the whole deal was beyond stupid.
The people here ‘whining’ are doing exactly that: whining. When you can’t offer constructive, realistic criticism or an alternative option, you are whining and doing nothing else. Most of complaints are outrageous in the sense that they’re either completely unobtainable or they could be done by the user with little/no effort. Want to race on Monza in the rain? Set up a game in the lobby to do so with proper restrictions. The fact that people blame Polyphony for sub-par seasonals but don’t actively put in the time to use the already-in-place workarounds is astounding.
As a company, PD should be able to take criticism, and obviously they can because they haven’t buckled to stupid community complaints over the course of a decade. The problem is nobody ever offers solutions. The AI in Career mode is bad?Copy-paste the re-worked Arcade mode AI over to Career mode with the difficulty slider included. Poor customization aesthetics? They already have the decals in-game for the ‘Race Mod’ cars, so make those accessible to the players (including the racing number), treat each part of the car as its own object and give each main dealer a color wheel with all the colors assigned to that brand. If you gave me enough time, I could easily come up with a solution for every ‘THIS IS WHY THE GAME SUCKS’ post that’s come up.
The bottom line is that everybody loves to complain, and then follow it up by doing nothing because it’s a lot easier than being productive. So no, some of the PD defending is equally as ridiculous as the bashing, but it’s far worse to endorse the bashing since the overwhelming majority of it isn’t constructive, original or even literate most of the time.
@ aerosyne
Your comment made me laugh. Seriously, reread your comment very slowing and you’ll realize that at this point it is actually you who is whining.
“Shhh, be vewy quiet… I’m hunting wabbits.”
“1. Blow past 10 parking A.I.
2. Yawn
3. Run lonely time-trial laps to catch up to rabbit. (while yawning)
4. Catch rabbit, pit-manuever him out of frustration
5. Rinse. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat… zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz”
Yup. Not much has changed.
What I did so it didn’t get boring was to let a gamer video on Youtube sound roll while playing. My concentration was on the track, but my ears we’re listening to the video, so that I could have a few laughs while driving. That worked for me, might work for you as well. Or let a band show video playing as well.
@NascarManiaco99 I do the same thing. Music helps a lot.
Hmmm, decisions, decisions. Might pull out my Challenge series spec 458 as it has been a while since I’ve last driven it.
Only ever having played this game with the DS3 controller, my 430 Scuderia waxes Grand Valley but you have to throw it around like a dirty hooker. But then again I’ve only played this game for a couple of months. I’m finding all the seasonals to be quite enjoyable.
I have touched the seasonal events since before summer break.
Now I can finally do it with my 500pp (perfomace difference bonus) 2j race car this weekend XD
I used a more-or-less stock Italia, plus a boosted R8 with LSDs when more grunt was needed – which pretty much drifted its way to the win. McLaren at Indy was a bit of a pain. Useful cash bump!
I dig GT, plain and simple. Supercar Festival is back!!! Note to PD… More pp choices (350, 400, 450, and so on) and regulatory rules (tuned street or racecar) are needed in online races. Thanks to the players who get the difference between a tuned street car and a race car. The knucklehead who sneeks in a race car (with street tires) to a street race always ruins someone’s raced by misjudging the performance difference between the 2 types. Personnaly, I would appreciate a more open street environment… Keep up the good work PD and I’ll see the rest of you at HighPerformanceStreet, where less is more.
That was so refreshing. Thanks lol.
1. Blow past 10 parking A.I.
2. Yawn
3. Run lonely time-trial laps to catch up to rabbit. (while yawning)
4. Catch rabbit, pit-manuever him out of frustration
5. Rinse. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat… zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Thats how it is. I’m just doing it for the money lol
Thats the Gran Turismo Drama XDXDXD
haha ferhound, nice.
But yea, exactly HKSBro92. It’s not going to change. Expecting this to change isn’t exactly the smartest thing.
I haven’t touched Seasonals, well, when I scroll right in my Seasonals menu, I have a fast moving slideshow of empty stars.
Online racing with some friends, is where this game is at for me.
@ Lambob I’m with you on the empty stars.
Arcade Mode is the only place I can find enjoyment- check the “Arcade Love Hitlist and Gamechanger” thread in the GT5 forum for some great suggestions on how to squeeze out some fun from this rotten apple. Online is just not an option for someone like me who want’s to experience the full physics model and actually see the cars behave properly. The netcode turns everyone into a jittery, skippy, quantum waterbug. F all that.
C’mon ProjectCars, lets have that release date! It’s quite obvious that Kaz and PD have done the old hand-dusting motion on this job! Done and done.
@ HKS Me Too. Started over 3X so ive done my bid at tuning and chasing cars and experience points. Now im cashing in, keeping my online racers fresh.
@ AJ Agreed. I applaud most for holding on but its 2yrs old, gotta loosen up on the expectations.
@ Lambob Agreed.
Ha @ research especially lately bro the Online is crazy tempermental. Has Project cars updated that carlist?
Hell, even I’m aware that there’s not much to do in GT5 anymore, unless you make your own fun. I can’t really do that so I hotlap often. It gets boring, and I still love though.
Love how instead of just stopping with the seasonals all together, people like you just waste you time bitching the exact same way over and over. Since you don’t want to cut your losses,
AGREED researchALLwars! +100
Astra Touring car was enough to complete this.
they still didnt learn that championship races are much better.
A good reason to use my stock Enzo. The PDB will be in full effect here.
Eifel tracks as with all the other generated tracks add to your skill as a gamer race driver by sharpening your reactions for braking ,cornering and acceleration .
That’s one way to put it…
In my opinion you need hours and hours on a track to learn it before you can race it.
I hate driving those tracks more than I have to ;)
besides that, generated tracks look and feek boring.
Hmm well, I for one love the excitement of having to “improvise” on a new layout and, therefore, feel pretty much the same as Jaycue58
@zuperkiwi – I think the generated tracks add to the challenge. I don’t know about hours but it usually takes me 5-10 minutes or 2-3 laps to completely learn the track. They’re not much to look at, but they keep you awake.
Compared to the excellent online events run by GT Planet members in the Race Series/Clubs & Leages forums, PD have the imagination of a wet dish cloth!
The day they leave the generated Eifel tracks out of the seasonals will make me so happy…
Am I the only one who hates racing on these tracks?
Right, Eifel is not my favourite track and have to say I spent least time on it..
I’m with you 100%. Whats the point in learning a track that you’re never ever going to see again or want to drive? These 1-off tracks are pointless. PD should be using the permanent in-game tracks we have to get noob’s used to them so they can start racing online. I can see the idea is to try and keep the game fresh for more experienced racers but for me they’re just a waste of time and effort and aren’t that well laid out either.
agree 100%…and perhaps I believe those looking for a serious simulation experience might not enjoy racing on fake tracks….
I enjoy the 1-off tracks they create. One of my favorite parts of the seasonal events actually. Good lord, it’s been two years and the selection of tracks in the game has always been quite poor in comparison to other games – how can anyone not be utterly sick of those things yet?
They should make more real tracks instead of 1-off tracks every time…
Please just put all the remaining GT4 tracks in GT5.
I don’t even care if they don’t look stunning, just polish them a little :)
Hmm well, I for one love the excitement of having to “improvise” on a new layout
Nissan R390GT road car or Mazda Furai eats it lol :)
A one-off variation of an LMP and another LMP that never made it to production can be used for this event….. SMFH.
YEAH! It’s just that shameful!
This looks good .
Hallelujah, the car ticket for winning is the ford gt lm race car. Last standard I need. Been looking for seems like forever. Glad I get to earn it
Shhh,people might read that you are happy about the event
Which one is it? I know there’s 3 or 4 Ford GT race cars…
This is going to be too easy. A 2J at 500pp could probably win. If not at least about 520-550.
Trololol trololol trololololol.
I don’t use the 2J often. It’s only because I noticed an easy way to abuse to PDA.
I don’t use the 2J often. It’s only because I noticed an easy way to abuse to PDA.
What easy way to abuse PDA?
Are race cars allowed in a supercar event? I hope they’re not.
Noting some of the comments, they are…. Oh well, thank God that this is not a TT event and nothing but 2J’s at top of the time versus street supercars.
My RX-8 is killing it :D
Yes, but I wish they would stick to Sport Hards, those tires really make you watch your throttle input on those 500+PP cars. I spend most of my time in arcade mode running my F1 and just about every powerful super car on Sport Hards versus 15 AI on professional and my car is pretty much stock with just aerokit on and I think a suspension added. Races are all about focus as the field is chock full of Veyrons, F1’s and Nardo’s, wish they would lose those useless Speed 12’s. Most courses are 5 lap races and I can win many of them but some are quite tough to beat, but it is very good training for driving on tires that don’t give you magical grip.
Seen it before. C’mon PD, be more creative.
Creativity and PD = ZERO….
Better having supercars events than another japan from the 80’s.
YES, just what we’ve been waiting for! Can’t wait to launch my arsenal of supercars on this, even my 600pp Aston Martin will get a chance at this!
But then again I am getting a bit tired of this tire compound. Seriously, there is nothing wrong with racing every now and again with a softer compound. When was the last time we were aloud to use racing softs?
I think because sport tires encourage technique.
Finally, I’ve been waiting my whole life to do this type of event :)
racing soft
racing soft
I used the 2j cause I personally didn’t like the tracks. Just wanted to get the trophy car. Yawn… I guess if you like the tracks they chose could be fun to use slower cars and really challenge yourself.