We’re here, heading in to the final chicane leading onto the main straight — I’m referring to E3 of course. It all begins next week Monday if you weren’t aware and there’s so much I’m looking forward to, so much I’m looking to get a better hold of, and even a bit more clarity should it be provided.
It’s Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday! You’ve gone several weeks, months even, ducking and weaving the inevitable – you’ve just been Rebecca Black’d.
Snake Eater! Oh I can see I may have already confused some of you, sorry about that. This week’s title is a direct reference to the song “Snake Eater” from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. That worked out flawlessly, wouldn’t you say? I’ve been a fan of the series since an old acquaintance of mine introduced me to it a long time ago, yet Snake Eater remains as the only major console release I’ve yet to play for reasons I don’t quite understand to this very day. Alas, all of this will be rectified soon enough as I’ve been on quite the MGS binge as of late and yes that definitely includes Revengeance.