Three New 8.2 Megapixel GT5 Night Screenshots

Three high-res screen shots have just been released, which appear to complement the most recent new trailer for the game. I’m particularly impressed by the interior lighting of the car, with all of the SLS AMG’s buttons and knobs lit accordingly. Something else to look for: the “Tentative” street names on the road signs… Thanks to “deep_sky” for picking these up first!

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Comments (89)

  1. hyungjoon


    If you mean the yellow square that is a rev shift indicator like in F1/rally cars.
    It goes from white squares to yellow to red.

  2. TheRisingSan

    These are nice pictures and all but did anyone realize that there’s a mistake in the interior picture?? On the center console, to the left of the cd player, there’s a set of numbers 1-9. Unless I’m mistaken, the picture shows a number 1 when it should be a number 7.

  3. FlareKR

    Cue the song!
    Over the ramps and through the tunnels, to Tentative’s House we Go!
    We’ll pass through Japan in our SLS, and to Yamiuchi we’ll wave “Hello”!

  4. Bryan

    “MJRTOM Says:

    March 12th, 2010 at 4:06 pm
    After reading these comments, I’m starting to think a lot of people out there have no idea what the word “tentative” means.”

    That is because most of the posters here are kids or uneducated adults with no life.

    It is comical that so many people don’t understand the meaning of tentative.

  5. kasse27

    Awesome cant wait to play this game with DFGT off topic is GT5P support 900 degrees please awesener :D

  6. ScytherGT3

    This has to be one of the night stage routes from previous GT’s. I clearly remember the gentle right-hand corner which descends slightly into the tunnel. It’s either Clubman or Special Stage. It’s gotta be.

  7. 8@No$

    This is seriously beautiful… What an amazing level of detail… The PS3 hardware is awesome afterall :-)

    P.S. Just to make a statement on the unofficial debate, I just played FM3, it was a nice game with good physics, but comparing the physics to GT5’s engine, as demonstrated in the academy demo, is ridiculous… GT5P had more accurate physics too.. However, I definately enjoyed playing it…
    P.S.2 I hope more teasers will be coming out and I also want a summer release date.. :-)

  8. peewee737

    I’ve seen the night racing trailer more than once. Although I was already very pleased, I just saw it in HD on my big (racing) TV screen and let me tell you… It looks even better. The detail is just amazing. The Palazzo Vittorio Emanuelle in Rome is just crazy…. Polyphony makes that monument prettier than real life…..

    PD and Kaz, you can stop now!!! Enough detail!!!! It’s already a peace of art. Just release
    it. We all promise not to complain about the few flaws it has. Right guys?!

  9. TOLL~Scibba~HRT

    this track night time again i fort gt5 is going to have changes of weather? im sick of tried seeing this track in night time has being sins psone days


    That is TOO DARK for me! I don’t think that PD would make the track so dark like what PGR2 have done…
    Anyway, I’m interested if PD would keep the name “Tentative” on the sign! That is a bit “Funny”
    P.S. Your English is not that bad. Try to speak more and read more! Then you’ll get much better =w=

  11. dearlybeloved

    Just imagining how an Audi R8 (the road car) will look like with its headlights switched on with the inclusion of dynamic weather. Seeing those headlights when I am out and about looks so beautiful so seein that car in the game will really make me smile.

    Peace out.

  12. DarthDriver

    @ tameem

    I’m sorry….Thank you.

    I corrected English. Is it all right?

    Will it be true that there is a night racing?

    I cannot make imagination if there is night Nurburgring.

    I do not understand whether it is very dark well.

    Well, it is the video which I uploaded. (
    This is night Nurburgring which is in PGR2.
    This is reference.

    Will this videos be different?

    If it is unrelated, I’m sorry.

    I am poor at English. I’m sorry! I am a Japanese.

  13. tameem

    sorry for double post

    @ DarthDriver

    try using Google translator, it will probably even help you out with your English.

  14. tameem

    @ DarthDriver

    i did not understand what you were trying to say, in fact i got a headache from reading your comment. :(

    i know you are Japanese and don’t speak English very well.

  15. DarthDriver

    I am a Japanese.

    Is it true that a night lace appears?

    Imagination is not possible if night Nurburgring appears.
    So I tried night Nurburgring in PGR2.
    It is the video which I uploaded. This is reference.

    Is this wrong?
    I am sorry if different it!
    I am poor at English. I’m sorry!

  16. massivechicken

    The only thing that worries me about GT5 is the extreme slipstream effect as evidenced by both GT5 prologue and the GT Academy finals videos.

    Other than that – it looks absolutely sensational. Breathtaking stuff.

  17. Viktor Navorsky

    They could sincronize the game time with the PS time…so we can race at night or day, accordingly to what time is… it would be SWEETTT…

  18. EwokChoo

    I remember when you could fit 2 cars in one lane on this track. My mom use to laugh at us and say, “the lanes are so wide, I can’t believe you guys can’t stay in them.”

    No mom, cutting lanes is much faster than staying in them.

  19. Mike

    The images must be down, because I can only see one of them, but is anyone else getting sick of the SLS. Common PD, show off some of the other cars.

  20. iucidium

    I honestly think ‘tentative’ should be named after a)famous race drivers or b)GT academy competitors

  21. Mark B.

    That second shot of the cockpit makes a fantastic desktop.

    Stunning shots. Needs less Mercedes though.

  22. ItsHim

    While photomode is a nice gimmick and add-on – we all do enjoy some car p0rn don’t we? – and dearly loved by many, it doesn’t add anything to the gameplay as its resolution can only be achieved for still photos (duh!).

    Well, yes, great photos again, but the very heart of a “driving simulator” is the moving picture, not a still that looks good on the wall or as a computer desktop background.

    And it’s a tiny little bit cheating releasing those shots again and again, because in actual gameplay we won’t see THAT amount of detail. Try that to explain to your average, non GT-fanatic, gamer ;)

  23. iucidium

    BRAVO! It looks, wow. I can’t wait to see the soft glow from the dash interracting with the car/driver

  24. deadboy1975

    nice, real nice.

    Interestingly (well to me) the pedals haven’t been modelled (look at the middle picture – the drivers feet are on the carpet / mat but not on any pedals)

    or maybe the merc is ‘fly by wire’

    PD PLEASE DON’T SPEND ANOTHER 3 YEARS redoing all the cars to include pedals.

  25. Obli

    I think the sign names are just place holders until they invent some place names. It’s not like it’s ‘half-finished’ because the sign doesn’t have street names.

    I think that Kaz and crew are deliberately holding back stuff. Allegedly, they showed off impresive and new (damage) footage months ago privately to press. We also know that Kaz likes to surpise people. Holding stuff back is doing us a favour, whether we realise it or not :)

  26. Skillcoil

    I’m very glad Sony knows that we want a release date and they’ll announce it soon. Even if it is June or September .. the most important thing is GT5 does exist :D

  27. GlobeKIDD

    @Fredo: I think they’re trying to keep as much of the game under wraps as they can. I’m 99.9% sure that day/night cycle will be in. Just wouldn’t make sense if it isn’t.

    @PD: Here’s a few good street sign names (assuming it’s in JP):

  28. Fredo

    Here’s why I am still very skeptical that GT5 will be released this year: They keep flaunting the same Impreza to show damage, and they keep flaunting the same night course we’ve always had to show night driving. Does this worry anyone else?

  29. Jackc_2001

    i’m more interested in if they will put the day/night cycle in the game….
    honestly, i see no point to race 24 hrs with day light

    i was actually quite surprise that there was no day/night cycle in GT4 when I was playing the game… i will be very disapointed if they dont have it again in GT5

  30. Mickle Pickle

    While we have to wait and while they also have to wait, (because SONY said so):

    Kaz and his team at PD are debugging the game, they are having fun driving and doing photo shot sessions, so that we dont have to later…

    As opposed to releasing a game too soon with things to correct, they prefer to release a game much later when all the problems are known and solved, so that we can fully enjoy it without worrying about DLC ;)

  31. Shokz

    “Skidmark Says:
    March 12th, 2010 at 5:31 pm

    “Tentative looking for ideas”

    Maybe hinting at a track editor??

    Maybe its hinting that your ideas are where the track is heading??”

    I think you’re adding 2 and 2 and ending up with 8768 here…

  32. skidmark


    I would suggest its you who are naive, do you really think PD put things out like that on a whim? They spend months polishing the pictures and are very selective on what they release.

    There are normally clues in most of the pictures and trailers that have been released in the past. For PD to release pictures that show a half finished and still in develpment product isnt their style. If it was we would have been playing this game in 2009!!

    It may well be that its to try and disguise the location of the track, but to say its just because it isn’t finished and they have just released the pictures to the public is naive.

    Your welcome to your opinion however.

  33. blackjack

    night racing in SSR5, wow, talk about an underwhelming news experience for the original GT fans. I wonder what sony is scared of losing by posting up something entirely new which answers alot of questions?

  34. Andrew

    Some people here are very naive, although a few others seem to have their head together. Tentative simply means then haven’t put in the street/destination names and that they’re asking for ideas for things to put on those signs. Not that hard to understand, people.

  35. slaphappygunner

    maybe tentative means they are fishing for ideas form us. maybe these pics were released as a way for getting us to let PD know what else we would want to see as far as night racing. or maybe i’m just crazy…

  36. Skidmark

    “Tentative looking for ideas”

    Maybe hinting at a track editor??

    Maybe its hinting that your ideas are where the track is heading??

  37. MJRTOM

    After reading these comments, I’m starting to think a lot of people out there have no idea what the word “tentative” means.

  38. Geoff

    Beautiful pictures. Going to be awesome to have some street racing going on. My only concern is if they had the names somewhat planned they wouldn’t be using the same string everywhere. They could have tentative_01…02…etc. and have a list it corresponded to. Since that is not the case it will take them a bit longer to clean these things up. The average person who doesn’t work on projects that include more than 50 developers might think its not a big deal but to get all those small details into a final build and validate it takes a lot of work. Explains why it won’t be out till later this year but it looks amazing nonetheless.

  39. pasigiri

    Nice pics. Nice lighting too. I hope they don’t cut how many cars you can have on the track for night racing. I know dynamic lighting can be pretty expensive processing wise.

  40. Jack_uk

    Wow look at the symbol on the spedometer to show the lights are on. I know its only a tiny little detail but it goes to show the attention to detail PD use in their graphics!

  41. ---Stone---

    GT5’s release has always been tentative.

    Whats the big hub bub about Tentative airport, street etc. It means they have not decided on what name, ficticious or real on the airport and the streets etc. Maybe they should have left the signs blank for now.

  42. bodman

    I dont think you get it Deko Wolf. Everything on those signs says tentative. Tentative st., Tentative Ave., Tentative Airport, etc. Even a couple say “asking for ideas” under them which made me chuckle. So obviously they have not put any names for the streets yet on those signs. Kind of interesting they wouldn’t just come up with a name really quick like state st. or main st. or something.

  43. Alex Raymond

    Perhaps those “Tentative” names are just generic labels for the road signs, yet to be replaced for actual names.
    Either it’s that or I’d say that “all roads lead to Tentative!”

  44. Deko Wolf

    Tentative” street names?
    That has been there like…ever!

    It was back in GT1, I remember one of the sings saying “New Port City 500M”
    The road sings in RSS5 and RSS11 had always been there with directions, like in a really highway system.

    I don’t mean anything negative here Jorden, but I’d like to understand more about what you mean by this.

  45. Interpol-007

    I’m pretty sure that this is SSR5, but with a different variation!

    But again another sls shot.

  46. Enzob

    Amazing pictures! I´m just thinking now if they will carry this new lightining efects of the headlights (they are so real) to the other cycles of the day, I mean evening events like Motegi in the GT4. This all thing of a complete day cycle in the GT5 is still a mistery…

  47. Phosphor112

    Awesome! These look great. One thing I noticed is that they improved the level of depth of field rendering they use on their screenshots. Looks a lot more clean this time around. Man I can’t wait for this game.

    Tentative Airport doesn’t exist… but as you can see, they (the signs) are in english, so it’s probably not SSR5, regardless of the “5” on the sign.

  48. Obli

    Good lord! How sweet it looks!

    I don’t know why PD continue to tease… I popped with excitement ages ago :)

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