Forza Motorsport 4 Server Status

Yeah. Which is :censored:ing me off due to me having a big shot ready for download and to post in the competition.

I spent ages getting mine to look good ready for T12 to judge. Then, Page Cannot Be Displayed... 🤬 🤬 🤬 :banghead: 🤬
Off topic, but this "phREDESIGN" he must be the one that tries to lure all those hackers with extreamly over priced cars on auction house. Anyways :)
Yeah. And it's annoying me to no end.

Seemingly every other day there's something up. :grumpy:
Is it related to the storefront? mine giving me 'server is not available' everytime I go to my pictures and also, it somehows affect other devices like my laptop when I got this message where the internet donwload into the laptop stops while when I try to access to community. Does this only happen to me?
I am getting a message that the sever is down along with not being able to see any content on the Forza website, including coming up no gamertag for players I know. Perhaps its updating at this time on Tues?
If this thread isn't going to be updated 'properly', wouldn't it be a better idea to ditch it for now? Last update on Nov 12th isn't very helpful ;p
Am I the only one that has this issue where the servers can't seem to make up their minds at all the last week or so...?

The Rivals are constantly on/off/on/off. I only get a short time of racing a day, it's a good bet I end in season mode 1/2 the time.

I figure it's not just me because X live is fine, and the Auction House is getting hammered by constant not available at this time hits. In the hours I've been on I've watched a boat load of cars sell for way less than they should have because it went down and no one could bid. That has to have some people very irked I would imagine, and puts sellers in the position of inflating opening prices to cover possible down time so they don't get bit.

GT5's servers were bad, but T-10's are making them look like poster children for greatest servers ever with all of the on-off-up-down-available-not available Carp.

Being a newer member of the online Forza world, is there a place to send T10 a thank you note or a *cough* complaint *cough*, or is this just SOP for these guys...?

I find it incredibly frustrating to the point I won't use the auction house or storefront for anything serious at all, which kind of eliminates the need for the paint shop. If all I'm left with is drive they've effectively eliminated what makes them different from GT5 and Shift and all the other games out there. I don't see any logic in that at all...

Dang it's cold.
Same as above.
Got back into the forza mood, got the season pass, and now every minutes the server is on/off/on/off.
Router has 360 on DMZ as well as all required ports open to same IP.

now I'm getting a "your gamer profile cannot be verified with the server" errors.
Now the error is gone.
They're not down for me completely, they just literally can't keep me connected for more than 30 seconds at a time.
It's been getting worse and worse for the past 3 days.
To tell you the truth, they have never been perfect for me the entire time I've had a live account.
So, what's the status right now - intermittent loss of connection, or fully down?

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