The Project CARS Video Thread

  • Thread starter Ameer67
Guy was going 160 at times and it looks like 40 mph... I could have sworn I saw other videos that had a sense of speed? What happened?
I like that PCars has a pacific coast highway inspired track. Options like that give some nice variety and scenery in comparison to dedicated race tracks. It would be pretty cool if Stelvio or Beartooth Pass got similar treatments one day; or pull the best driving road from each continent and give them a virtual equivalent.
That doesn't really fit what PCars is about since it's geared towards being a racing sim, but it would be cool if it happened one day.
Dare I say it, he has done a better job of it than Jonz? Granted, he had more material to work with than Jonz, but all I'll say is wait for his next trailer, in which I took part.