·._.·´¯) Suzq044's Gallery (¯`·._.· Updated May 5, 2007

  • Thread starter suzq044


This is where most of the photos will go of cars that don't have enough photos to constitute their own section yet.

have had a gallery for a long time -- i just forgot about it & decided to update
this i like though, you could use a bit of "noise" to help cover up the pixelation in the interior.

you really should slow down with the quanity of pictures per update though.

[edit - this and this are very nice as well 👍 ]
ehh - what can i say - its easier to offload the entire shoot, so i dont confuse myself as to which ones have been uploaded already :) That way my gallery can have plenty of photos..

thanks btw! the fish-eye shots you can only get in the travel-photomode.
well, you can do them in photodrive, but, youve to use 1/2000ths-1/4000ths to keep it from coming out blurred funny. at at that shutter speed you lose most of the apiture(sp) effects.
yeah; i usually dont go that high- most of my pics are taken at minimum shutter speed & minimum f-stop as well :)
As far s the fish-eye thing goes, I mean to get a clean effect without losing depth of field or coming up with the wierd radial blur that GT4 has. Basically you get as close to the car as you physically can while keeping it in frame, and zoom out. Works in reality too :)

PS: I think that Stingray is the ONLY vehicle with 3D wheels during races. I havent seen any others yet.
interesting. most of my pictures are 2.2 and 1/200th with ev generally +.4-6 ... full +1 on some dark tracks and every photo travel location.
most of mine vary between +30% to +50% on all photos; 100% maybe 3 times thru the entire gallery. lol