2023-24 Formula 1 Off-Track Thread

  • Thread starter Jimlaad43
What made old F1 look good on telly was smaller cars and zoomed-in wide camera shots. Smaller, lighter cars skipped around more and wide shots conveyed such a greater sense of speed and thrill.
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It seems like both Resta and Steiner have not been seeing eye to eye with Gene from what I've read. I was cheering for them when they joined, but the owner(s) have shown no sign of wanting to be more independent, they will be tied to the hip of Ferrari indefinitely at this rate.
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No statement from Steiner suggests a big bust up in a big way.
That’s what I was thinking, leaving with immediate effect, nothing said, just gone. Suggests it’s gone south.

Not what Haas needed.
No statement from Steiner suggests a big bust up in a big way.
I read that Steiner brought it to Gene's attention that the combination of the Ferrari engine and Dallara chassis wasn't going to work, to which Gene disagreed. Perhaps the two kept butting heads and instead of listening to the guy on the front lines as it were, Gene took upon himself to oust him?

Just a guess with absolutely nothing to go off, but this certainly won't do Haas any favors.
It’s weird to think that WEC would probably be better around Monaco just because of the size.
Lets see a full 62 car Le Mans grid there. You'd probably need the pits to be situated in Nice though. 🤔

edit - With Steiner gone, what the hell are Netflix going to base the 2024 season DtS on?
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I'm still in a bit of shock at the Haas shakeup... hope they don't end up looking like a bunch of wankers.

Digging Bottas' new look. Embrace the mullet, bro. Needs to rock some vintage Oakley Blades. 🤘
Some domain registrations seem to confirm that Alpha Tauri will be renamed to "Visa CashApp Racing Bulls".

Red Bull now owns the domain VisaCashAppRB.com, which seems to confirm earlier rumours.
So judging by this and what Alfa Romeo became, I guess the big competition in 2024 is going to be who can come up with the worst team rebranding.
C'mon, McLaren... c'mon. Hope it's at least quick.

Waiting for Crofty to make the joke about the contactless Visa cars after escaping a crash or something.