[Archive] Forza Horizon 5 Series 31: European Automotive

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Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR Pro Lands in Forza Horizon 5 February 27

Playground Games has revealed the content and changes coming to Forza Horizon 5 with next week’s Series 31 update, as 12 more cars make their way to Mexico including the Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR Pro...
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Wow!!! GReat car!!!!! Meanwhile GT7 PLayers will get this BEauty 🤣 :lol::D Welldone PD , you broke the Game :cheers:;)


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I'm really glad we're getting two old Mercedes, even if one of them is paid content. I'm not saying we couldn't have something else from the old ones, after all there's already a W124 in the game, but let's not be dissatisfied. :D The Wagon in particular is very interesting because there are only two of them. One from 1987 and one from 1988. I don't know how they got it for the game, but rare specials like this are always nice to bring to the players. It would be nice to see more of these. 🙏

To be honest, I think I haven't played the game in a year (or more), but these two cars have caught my attention a little bit. But overall, the whole season seems fine.
This week’s PR stunts can easily be done in a stock Volvo 850 R. It’s wild how inconsistent the PR stunts are. One week you need the engineering know how of Lockheed’s Skunk Works and 50 tries to squeak under the target time by a thousandth of a second, and the next you just need to borrow your mom’s wagon for a few minutes like you’re headed down to the 7-11 for a Slurpee and a bag of Cheetos.
This week’s PR stunts can easily be done in a stock Volvo 850 R. It’s wild how inconsistent the PR stunts are. One week you need the engineering know how of Lockheed’s Skunk Works and 50 tries to squeak under the target time by a thousandth of a second, and the next you just need to borrow your mom’s wagon for a few minutes like you’re headed down to the 7-11 for a Slurpee and a bag of Cheetos.
I feel the same way; I honestly think there's two factions inside PG's live service team. One just thinks 'these challenges should be achieveable by every player regardless of their setup' and sets targets that are usually within the two-star or low three-star threshold, to ensure that even stock cars can do them. The other's just like "well if they're dedicated enough to engage with the Playlist they should know how to tune their cars, right?" and sets targets that require upgrades and precise tuning to achieve.

Honestly that latter category is when I decide "...so PG wants to gather actually meaningful player engagement metrics" and just keep trying until I find a build that works, so I'm guilty of at least giving that faction data, but still, I much prefer the Anything Goes S2 PR stunts over the more specific stuff they've settled on as of late.
I usually skip PR stunts unless I want 40 points in a week but for a long time it was just "Anything Goes S2" and that just stopped being fun.
I usually skip PR stunts unless I want 40 points in a week but for a long time it was just "Anything Goes S2" and that just stopped being fun.
And I can see where folks are coming from with that; when PR stunts were just 'Anything Goes S2' I often just pulled out the Rimac Conceptwo for anything that wasn't a Drift Zone, and then a Formula Drift car for the leftover Drift Zone stunts. With those I was able to blow any target they'd set clean out of the water on the first attempt, even though those targets were probably meant for players to experiment with the cars in the game to find builds that could meet those targets.

If that's the goal they were trying to achieve by getting more specific with the PR stunt car requirements, then I 100% get the switch, I just want to get them done fast.
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The tightly scoped PR stunt restrictions is basically how the game was at launch, and I think players grumbled enough that the restrictions were removed for a long while, but now they're coming back in again because Rimacking everything gets boring (like FH4's weekly V12 Mosler session was). I don't mind the restrictions to be honest, so long as they're doable with an unmodified car then it's an excuse to drive something I normally don't for a few minutes.

The rough ones are when the only eligible cars are low in a class, and the targets are set as if the car is tuned to high in that class, making it very hard or impossible to do without wasting time throwing on upgrades. Recently an Xpeng one and a speed trap with TVRs in the rally expansion sand dunes were really bad for that, but in the past it was usually still possible to do them stock outside of a few rare cases.
The tightly scoped PR stunt restrictions is basically how the game was at launch, and I think players grumbled enough that the restrictions were removed for a long while, but now they're coming back in again because Rimacking everything gets boring (like FH4's weekly V12 Mosler session was). I don't mind the restrictions to be honest, so long as they're doable with an unmodified car then it's an excuse to drive something I normally don't for a few minutes.

The rough ones are when the only eligible cars are low in a class, and the targets are set as if the car is tuned to high in that class, making it very hard or impossible to do without wasting time throwing on upgrades. Recently an Xpeng one and a speed trap with TVRs in the rally expansion sand dunes were really bad for that, but in the past it was usually still possible to do them stock outside of a few rare cases.
I agree; honestly the Xpeng ones you're talking about weren't that bad for me 'cause I knew I could tweak the "gearing" on it to give it a higher top speed, but the TVR speed trap? That one was blatant "you have to upgrade your car to get this" material. No way in heck they set that on a whim.
Ramen Autodromo EventLab was a lot of fun. 'Til I fell off the inside edge, lol.

I thought my tuned Ford Anglia would be flying around the Cult Legends seasonal championship tracks Ron 'n' Harry style but the AI opposition's Type 2 in the first stage gave me a mild challenge for the first half of the track. Funnily it didn’t show up in the other two races as they kept swapping the roster around.

Fortunately they put a DS23 in the second race which I was able to snap for a couple of points while racing.
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You know, I just have so little interest in this series's new cars that I haven't even really played the game since the new series started. I got the Fulvia the first week, and that's honestly all the effort I put in. I don't think I'm biased against European cars, but I'm probably biased against these European cars.
I'm actually enjoying the ID4 more than I thought, there are some fun builds you can do with it and it looks nice.

But I can't help and feel that the ID Buzz would've been a better and more welcome addition in this update...

I'm sure we'll get the ID Buzz too as it's a perfect FH car, but I think it should've been added instead of the ID4.
I'm actually enjoying the ID4 more than I thought, there are some fun builds you can do with it and it looks nice.

But I can't help and feel that the ID Buzz would've been a better and more welcome addition in this update...

I'm sure we'll get the ID Buzz too as it's a perfect FH car, but I think it should've been added instead of the ID4.
I was laughing the entire Horizon EV event when I saw it had barely 200 horsepower. I like the EV additions so far but it feels so out of place with the rest of the playlist.
Well this week's eventlabs were ... lacking compared to earlier in the season. I found all of them a bit crappy to be honest.

Also, the Mini FE which was supposedly almost never repeated before and therefore hard to get. I completed my 40 points to get one to sell on the AH to support those without it, but it only sold for a tiny price. I was thinking it would be a 20 million credits car due to scarcity, but I guess not.
Well this week's eventlabs were ... lacking compared to earlier in the season. I found all of them a bit crappy to be honest.

Also, the Mini FE which was supposedly almost never repeated before and therefore hard to get. I completed my 40 points to get one to sell on the AH to support those without it, but it only sold for a tiny price. I was thinking it would be a 20 million credits car due to scarcity, but I guess not.
There was a guy that gifted out hundreds of these cars well before this season. The value dropped like a rock.
Well this week's eventlabs were ... lacking compared to earlier in the season. I found all of them a bit crappy to be honest.
The eventlabs were very...meh. But I especially disliked the link city one. That was just awfull, driving around in S1 hyper cars. You have to keep rewinding cause you constantly keep jumping into walls or missing turns. I was glad when that race was over
You know, I just have so little interest in this series's new cars that I haven't even really played the game since the new series started. I got the Fulvia the first week, and that's honestly all the effort I put in. I don't think I'm biased against European cars, but I'm probably biased against these European cars.
Well, I just had a quick look in-game, and I take it back. For this week anyway. I'm going to pick up another Stratos and the Esprit. Still don't care about the rest though.
Same here. Almost 3 years and over 800 cars in this game and a little ol' lotus esprit has been missing lol
The Espirit was something I didn't even realize was missing this whole time. Good to see it back, hopefully we can get the 87 back soon too
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