Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan


United States
United States

Inspired by the Gran Turismo 5 thread, "Worst You've Dealt With Online," I have decided to create a thread that allows users to write about their best and worst experiences in the world of Grand Theft Auto Online (GTAO).

Just like the GT5 WYDWO, please DO NOT name and shame other users or break the GTPlanet AUP. This thread can become very volatile and I do not want to see anyone receive an infraction or get this thread locked permanently. Also, please don't complain about not being able to connect to sessions.
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Dang I was gonna make a thread like this on Monday night. Ah well I'll be sure to post a lot in here. Since we'll probably be hanging out a lot on GTA Online, we'll probably be sharing the same stories. :lol:
Also Dan check your PMs. ;)
The thread has been reopened. Thank you, Pako.

Until the servers have been fixed, please refrain from posting the same problem(s) everyone else is experiencing. This means no posting about how you can't login.
With all the GT5 series I'm involved in, I've not had the time to get online with GTA,

All bugs and stuff overlooked, what is the online experience like? Is it worth bumping up my to do list?
With all the GT5 series I'm involved in, I've not had the time to get online with GTA,

All bugs and stuff overlooked, what is the online experience like? Is it worth bumping up my to do list?

Not for a few days. Stick with GT5 👍.
With all the GT5 series I'm involved in, I've not had the time to get online with GTA,

All bugs and stuff overlooked, what is the online experience like? Is it worth bumping up my to do list?
Worked fine for me on the 360. I spent 3 straight hours online last night. You can read more about my GTA5 Online feedback HERE.

Yes bump it to the top of your list. Its an incredible experience. Imagine TDU2 meets GTA. There are WAY more activities online to do than there is in the campaign by a longshot.

With that said, if any of you are having a bad experience online, you can pay $100.00 to make your self invincible by gunfire. I forgot what this is called sorry. Other members online cant kill you with guns. However they can still run you over. So if you stay in a vehicle they cant do much to you.

Another sigh of relief is if you insure your online vehicle and someone steals and destroys it THEY pay for it! The money comes right from their bank into your bank account. :sly:
Another sigh of relief is if you insure your online vehicle and someone steals and destroys it THEY pay for it! The money comes right from their bank into your bank account. :sly:

:lol: Also is there every vehicle from SP on Online?
:lol: Also is there every vehicle from SP on Online?
I am currently level 6 online. The more I level up, the more cars, activities, and properties become available for the MP. Don't forget to check your phone for more cars, vehicles, and properties. I about crapped myself when I seen all the real estate available online compared to single player. Check Dynasty 8 for sure!! It was seriously a flashback of TDU2 when the property icons showed up on my phone. :drool:
In the short time I managed to get on GTA Online, I encountered:
Good: Had a good time with two random players doing missions, racing, robbing convenience stores. These two randoms are now on my friends list.
Bad: Was minding my own business driving in my Vapid Stanier when a red Oracle filled with people rushed up behind me. I was alone. I got wasted pretty easily.
Also I was in the midst of robbing a convenience store when some random idiot proceeded to shotgun me to death, then shot up my Stanier.
I had the best/worst experience ever in any online game I've ever had. (And that's a lot :P)
There were 3 German guys (Guessing, judging by what I heard over their microphones and using what little German I know) just pissing everyone off, killing them and then laughing after that. I was at one point hiding just beside a bridge, when I saw them on my map. As I was hiding beside the bridge, they managed to drive over me and hit the ground nose-first. I quickly hid behind some rocks, and managed to bring out my weapon. I shot one of them, the second one comes out and he goes down too. The third reverses and tries to run me over. Lucky I was, I had a jump button, so I jumped out of the way and he crashes into a wall. I then proceeded to shoot him in the back of his head. They sounded confused afterwards, and I was just thinking ''Who's laughing now?'' My heart was certainly pounding.
In the 5min of free roam I got last night, some guy decided he would try and chase me down solely for the fact that I had a similar car to him.
If that is the worst I see, then I will be satisfied
Good: Playing with the GTP guys over the past three days. Also wining random races with people using my favourite car. 👍
Bad: Losing my first two characters. :P Also when you're in a TDM with people much higher of a level than you so it's like an auto lose.
Good: Well, I'd good time being trolled by someone. Decide to jack a gas station when this one guy decide to follow me and block the entrance with my car. Waiting for me to come out when I actually can't. That was until the police arrived after I shoot the cashier, he ran away and I'm safe from being murdered. :P

Bad: I get kicked out for no reason. I try to get away from those maniac in the city who keep killing people randomly, so I decide to venture out to the desert and roaming around before getting kick for no reason. 👎
For me, the online experience has been 99% good. I've played either solo or with the GTP crew, I've not lost my character, and I haven't met any idiots yet...until tonight.

I had just gotten into a session which said contained crew members (but it didn't according to the map icons), and not even 10 seconds after I joined a kid on a bike rolls up and kills me, and he starts laughing hysterically over his mic. He sounded 10-ish.
This guy lets me spawn after doing a mission but as soon as I get in my car he kills me. I was so tired of people killing me that I hunted him down and killed him and his buddy.
This guy lets me spawn after doing a mission but as soon as I get in my car he kills me. I was so tired of people killing me that I hunted him down and killed him and his buddy.

Couldn't you put a bounty on him?
Good: Hilarious GTA races with Kitten and co.

Bad: Randoms who run you over at 120mph and those who stop near you and start shooting you for no apparent reason.
Ok, so, I park next to some convenience store to hold it up, when some other guy - let's call him Brian - comes blasting round the corner and stops in the middle of the road in front of me. We kinda look at each other for a bit, I turn to go into the store, and Brian shoots me to death with his pistol before I can react.
Since this was my first PvP death, I had to wait through the dull 'you can go passive' cutscene (unless that happens every time?), and when I respawn I notice that he's stolen my car. I like my car, so I decide I'm going to chase him down. I steal some random car and drive to where he's gone, and I find that he's holding up another convenience store. I don't get there in time to shoot him and/or run him down, but I DO get to trap him into an enclosed parking lot. Unfortunately, not only do I ALSO get a wanted level since I'm driving a stolen car, but he manages to escape before I can get a shot on him. Since I'm an idiot, I shoot back at the police and get a 3-star wanted level. Realizing how dumb I am, I jump back into my car and continue to chase Brian, since I may as well go out with a cause.
Miraculously I am able to steal a police car get away from the majority of the cops with a sliver of health remaining, and I manage to catch up to Brian (since he keeps crashing MY CAR too much to get away). He brakes for a turn, I catch his (my?) rear bumper, he spins out into a car at a stop sign and I manage to trap him so that he has no time to escape. I get out of my (temporary) car, slowly walk towards my (actual) car, and blow his head off with a sawn-off shotgun.
Then I hid behind a tanker until my wanted level had gone, repaired my car and I was never bothered by Brian again.
Well I had a ton of fun today :grumpy:, decided to log on to find everything was gone. Thought to myself "fine", I only had about 2 hours worth of online progress anyway, hadn't bought a lot at that point in time.

Just to note that during this whole story, some guy was blowing down the microphone as loudly as he could the entire time, so just try to keep that in mind.

So I had to start over, got the first few mandatory missions out of the way and decided to rob a bunch of stores. For a while one other player was determined to try and perform a drive by shooting and chased me around most of the map before realising he just wasn't going to catch me in the Infernous I had stolen.

Back to business of robbing some stores, I then came across the cops being hellbent like never before, they were spawning everywhere in front of me and every damn civilian car on the road happened to want to take an emergency turn just as I was blasting past them at 150mph.

I decided to test the online cop AI by robbing the store at Sandy shores since it is very remote. I set up my waypoint on the GPS and head off on my 3.5 mile journey where strangely, I then never came across one single vehicle or pedestrian even when I slowed to curb crawling speed; odd. Once I began holding up the store and receiving an instant 3 stars, 4 cop cars and a helicopter managed to arrive at the store before I had even finished emptying the till, what a darn quick response time that was, just where were they all hiding?

I barely made it out alive out of the store and into my Infernous, and decided to head for Trevor's airfield since it's very close by and a good way of escaping. In amazing fasion, cop cars were spawning just yards in front of my vehicle on the airstrip and already moving at full speed, as did another helicopter which suddenly appeared directly above my car. I made it on to the freeway and continued to experience this instant spawning almost directly in front of my car for an age before the AI finally began to act more normal and I was able to lose the cops, by which time I had made it round to the Mt Chilliad cable car/ski lift.

As a form of de-stressing, I thought I would throw the Infernous off the top of the mountain, thus began the lengthy climb. Some time later, after finally squeezing the wide back end through the small gaps in the rocks at the very top, I lined up my car ready to blast off the ramp, parachute also at the ready. Just as I hit the accelerator, I was kicked from the room.

After connecting with the online portion of the game again, my progress had once again been completely deleted.

Thanks Rockstar.
Time for a bit of a rant about people ****ing around while in a mission. I ended up in a lobby with neema_t and another GTPL guy, doing the mission to steal a cargobob for TP Industries.
Now, I suck at the combat part of online, and was getting owned by the military, and neema was doing the heavy lifting, but I was trying (and failing). The problem however, was the other guy, who was crashing cars into the plane we needed to get to the military base, flying the plane into the ground and generally being useless.
If you want to stuff about, great, we have a great game to do it in, but please use freeroam!
If you didnt already have the :dunce:, I would have given you one.
The worst I've experienced, so far, has been someone belching over their microphone, and some drive-by-shooters. Other than that, it's actually been fine.
Good: The moments when the stalkers regret attempting to kill me on the run. Well, it's mainly because at my timing on dropping cooked grenades (practiced from GTA 4). :sly:

Bad: With that action, the game calls me a bad sport for blowing up their personal vehicle. I got the warning, after a few more booms. You better have insurance on that Oracle, pal. :yuck:
The good is the fun i'm having with friends generally making money and relaxing.

The bad is the constant flow of people killing me for no reason, stealing my car and using my musical horn while running me over. I'm sure they're enjoying it, good luck to them, but i wish they'd do it to each other instead of me!
Good :met the nicest guy online, he was a higher level then me and he kept throwing away races for me to make money and Rep, also had a blast repo-ing a car.

Bad:Random Person shooting me from behind while entering a clothes store, Passive mode it is then, you annoying idiot.

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