Domestic B License

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Either by using manual or by holding R2, you are avoiding first gear completely, right? The change from first to seconds bogs you down horribly. Also, try your best to hold tight lines and steer as little as possible, because steering costs acceleration in an FF. Finally, even though you don't notice it much, keep directly behind the pace car because you will get a bit of a boost off its slipstream. If you're truly stuck, move on to other tests and come back to this later when you're more practiced. That's about all the advice I have. Good luck!

Thanks Austin343

I am using manual during the test, and i never go into First gear, except for the start offcourse. About the pace car, i never realised that i could get a boost from it, tho the line ive been doing pretty much follows that of the pace car anyway. Everything in black and white says i should pass with flying colour's, but apparently im not. :dunce:

Please say this is the hardest of the golds to get on the tests? :scared:

Thanks again.

I see you're doing everything fundamentally right, so just move on. You'll get into a rut. Unfortunately, I found several much harder: G35 at El Capitan, 120d at Tsukuba, Skyline at Trial Mountain :grumpy:, the infamous cone slaloms, Skyline at Fuji 90's, Saleen at SSR5, many of the tests at Citta di Aria, and many of the offroad tests (but once you get used to the drifts they become much easier).
Hey i finally passed that damn mini one test. I clocked in a time of 1.20.138. Cutting it close i know but hey its all done now. After hours and hours, i finally did it last night, and it just goes to show that you can do it if you persevere :) Now onto some of the other ones......FINALLY.

If you run into a wall (as in get stuck on one of these), go on to the next one and come back to it later. I had the hardest time with the G35 at El Capitan and the Skyline at Trial Mountain (that must've taken me over an hour!), but eventually stopped, and beat them the next day.
Recently, I've been refining my license test times, and some have made it near the top of the leaderboards at GTRP. Since I know that there are still a few people trying to pass or gold licenses, even with GT5 being released in a few months, I thought I'd share the runs of mine for each license that have made it into the top 15 at GTRP. I apologize for the low quality.

(This one ranks third at GTRP)
I recently started the PAL version of GT4, done all the license's and driving missions in about 8 hours or so, only got stuck on 1 license test and it's weird because I did it 1st time on the NTSC version.

Domestic License B-7, I had about 10 previous attempts at this one and had reset the PS2 in fury many times, always came up short by .001 or something stupid. Put PS2 back on & decided to give it 1 last attempt before it went out the window. On the attempt in this video I recorded I was behind my ghost I had saved all the way until i did something a bit different.

Now obviously that was all pure skill, driving genius, or was it?

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I can't stop laughing, that's so awesome. I've done that before too, and I haven't golded the test since :lol:
Yer, I saw it once ages ago on a youtube video, was always kinda jealous caus I tried myself so many times and failed.:D One of those one in a million kinda things I guess.:) What I especially liked was the time, 26.699

That's a good laugh. :lol: I think the main reason you couldn't gold it until then was because back when you used the NTSC version, you hadn't yet learned about staying in a higher gear to prevent wheelspin and ultimately go faster. That actually hurts in this test because, if you do it reasonably well, launching in first gear is a lot faster than starting in second. Also, slight short-shifting is better, too. But more to the point, that's a great moment of innovation, and it's amazing that you stopped both within the box and near the front. I believe I've heard that the fastest registered times on GTRP use a similar but less dramatic method to set the fastest time possible in this license, so you must be on to something! About the time, though, you don't quite have the record for eking out a gold: in this thread, post 40 actually matches the gold time.
I recently started the PAL version of GT4, done all the license's and driving missions in about 8 hours or so, only got stuck on 1 license test and it's weird because I did it 1st time on the NTSC version.

Domestic License B-7, I had about 10 previous attempts at this one and had reset the PS2 in fury many times, always came up short by .001 or something stupid. Put PS2 back on & decided to give it 1 last attempt before it went out the window. On the attempt in this video I recorded I was behind my ghost I had saved all the way until i did something a bit different.

Now obviously that was all pure skill, driving genius, or was it?


LOL Precision driving
About the time, though, you don't quite have the record for eking out a gold: in this thread, post 40 actually matches the gold time.

Nah I know, but what pleased me was the amount of times I failed by .001 and then to do it exactly .001 under the time is what pleased me most.👍
I have a bunch of new personal bests in the B licenses. I suppose that the handbrake trick on the acceleration and braking tests isn't necessary for gold times, but I suspect that not many people know how useful it can be for chopping huge amounts off of your times.

(This one is second at GTRP.)

(This one is fourth at GTRP.)

(That's an improvement of 0.001. :lol:)

(This one is third at GTRP. It may or may not be clean, though; it's questionable after T2, where a puff of dirt appears, which usually indicates a wheel off of the track. But Photomode shows the tire still clinging to the yellow line.)

(This one is fourth at GTRP.)

As with the IA tests, I've saved the best for last:

A world record time in B-14

There's probably a difference between the handling of the PAL and NTSC cars, though. holl01 says that his run was perfect, and I'll take his word for it; 0.028 is the margin by which I beat him, which is a huge amount to explain in a very short test.
Hmmm! Not sure if this is the best place for this post?
No posts for 2 years! Is there anybody there???

Platinum / Elite - PAL / NTSC - I'm trying for the fastest licence times
See my GT2 thread - "Platinum and Elite Licence Times"

Suggestions for GT4:
Licen Gold Platinum Elite
B1 10.150 09.850 09.700
B2 11.000 10.800 10.700
B3 30.900 30.400 30.200
B4 29.800 29.500 29.350
B5 1:27.200 1:26.800 1:26.000
B6 22.600 22.450 22.200
B7 26.700 26.500 26.000
B8 15.400 15.100 15.000
B9 12.550 12.430 12.330
B10 2:14.400 2:12.800 2:10.500
B11 17.650 17.300 17.000
B12 17.500 17.300 17.100
B13 22.650 22.500 22.300
B14 18.100 18.000 17.900
B15 2:19.000 2:17.500 2:15.000
B16 23.700 23.600 23.350

I have PAL and use the DS controller.

I'm finding it hard to get the Elite Times
Some I'm just missing by a few thou' with these times for example:
B3 30.206
B6 22.217
B8 15.005
B11 17.009
B12 17.104

Spent a lot of time without success.
I've heard PAL can be slower than NTSC. Can anyone say roughly how much slower?
e.g. on a one bend test would the difference be around one tenth second?
More? Less?

Or maybe I just haven't got the measure of GT4 with it's dead 'feel' ?
Or maybe I'm just too ancient now to be any good at this game!?